Practice the Great Protection of the Yangtze River! Chen Jining and Gong Zheng's "Four Nos and Two Straits" Divide in Rain to Check Ecological Environment and Green and Low Carbon Transformation Economic Belt | Yangtze River | Divide

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:18 PM

In order to further implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on promoting the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, in accordance with the requirements of the municipal party committee's theme education and Daxing investigation and research, this afternoon, Chen Jining, secretary of the municipal party committee, and Gong Zheng, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, investigated the fourth phase of the Zhuyuan sewage treatment plant, and went straight to the scene in the rain in the way of "four no two straight" four. Chen Jining pointed out that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the Jinping Ecological Civilization Thought, improve political positions, deepen ideological understanding, strengthen conscious action, continue to work hard and work for a long time, pay close attention to the rectification of ecological environmental problems and ecological protection and restoration, and unswervingly follow the ecological priority. The road of green development will make greater contributions to promoting the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

Li Jinbin, the leader of the Fifth Central Guidance Group, and Ren Zhengxiao, the deputy leader, participated in relevant research.

The fourth phase project of Zhuyuan Sewage Treatment Plant located in Gaodong Town, Pudong New Area is an important measure to implement the Yangtze River protection, central ecological environment protection inspection, and rectification requirements for prominent issues in the Yangtze River warning signs. Once fully completed, it will significantly improve the sewage treatment capacity of the central urban area. Chen Jining, Gong Zheng, Li Jinbin, Ren Zhengxiao, and others inspected the engineering planning, construction progress, and treatment capacity on site, understood the distribution of sewage treatment facilities in the city, listened to the progress of rectifying prominent environmental problems in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and had in-depth exchanges with relevant responsible comrades on improving the city's sewage treatment capacity and solving the problem of sewage overflow and direct discharge. Chen Jining said that we need to strengthen our goal orientation and problem orientation, comprehensively benchmark and demonstrate the strategic deployment of the Party Central Committee to promote the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, focus on addressing problems, increase work intensity, and take higher positions, stronger responsibilities, and more practical measures to effectively rectify prominent ecological and environmental issues, ensuring the completion of rectification tasks and consolidating and improving the effectiveness of rectification. We should focus on the overall situation of the city, plan as a whole, promote systematically, accelerate the improvement of facility layout, fully tap into potential, enhance operational efficiency, and effectively enhance the city's sewage collaborative treatment capacity. We will firmly grasp the opportunities of digital and green transformation, rely on the "one network unified management" platform, deepen integrated operation and scheduling management, and more scientifically and accurately solve problems such as sewage overflow, providing strong support for building a beautiful home with harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

Practice the Great Protection of the Yangtze River! Chen Jining and Gong Zheng's "Four Nos and Two Straits" Divide in Rain to Check Ecological Environment and Green and Low Carbon Transformation Economic Belt | Yangtze River | Divide

Recently, a citizen called the "12345" Citizen Service Hotline to complain about a certain enterprise located on Gongxiang Road for disorderly discharge of sewage and pollution of the river channel, hoping that relevant departments can rectify it. Chen Jining and his team rushed to the factory area in the rain, followed the muddy internal road to the sand making area pointed out by the citizens for on-site inspection, and went to the river to check the discharge of pipelines. Then, they walked into the factory monitoring room and carefully inquired about the relevant situation with the person in charge of the enterprise who heard the news. The city leaders have requested the relevant department heads who conducted secret investigations to carry out investigations and inspections as soon as possible, and to seriously investigate and supervise the rectification of those involved in illegal emissions. Chen Jining said that in order to enhance awareness of potential risks, strengthen bottom line thinking, and have a clear understanding of the weak links in ecological environment protection in the Shanghai section of the Yangtze River, we must persistently and persistently work with the spirit of perseverance. We must strictly implement the inspection system, strengthen the main responsibility of enterprises, smooth channels for public feedback, play the role of media supervision, and jointly safeguard the ecological environment of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

Recently, Shanghai has been experiencing continuous rainy weather. Due to the limited capacity of flood control pumping stations, opening gates during the rainy season can easily lead to fluctuations in the water quality of some rivers. Chen Jining and his delegation arrived at the Puhuitang Bridge at the intersection of Tianchuan Road and Tianlin East Road, and inquired about the water quality of the river from the Shanghai Hydrological Station staff who were taking water samples. They also went to the Tianlin pumping station to inspect the operation and discharge capacity of the equipment, inquire about daily duty situations, and provide suggestions. Chen Jining said that we need to focus on the management and operation needs of mega cities, accelerate the filling of infrastructure construction gaps, deepen the improvement of mixed rainwater and sewage treatment, initial rainwater storage and other work, optimize and improve the collaborative governance mechanism, and effectively consolidate and improve the quality of urban water environment.

Gong Zheng and his delegation visited the 5th Gully Liquefied Natural Gas Station of Shanghai Natural Gas Pipeline Company to conduct on-site inspections of the LNG terminal reception, tank operation, and gasification scheduling inside the station, and to gain a detailed understanding of the construction of the LNG pipeline network and the construction of support capabilities. Gong Zheng pointed out that LNG is an important energy infrastructure that guarantees the city's gas supply and optimizes the energy structure. It is necessary to highlight the strategic orientation of the Yangtze River Economic Belt to jointly promote large-scale protection, aim for the "dual carbon" goal, take a deep and solid path of green development, accelerate the construction of LNG station line expansion projects, effectively ensure the gas safety of mega cities, serve the optimization of the energy structure in the Yangtze River Delta, provide service guarantees for the application of LNG in the field of ship power, and promote the green transformation of the Yangtze River waterway.

Practice the Great Protection of the Yangtze River! Chen Jining and Gong Zheng's "Four Nos and Two Straits" Divide in Rain to Check Ecological Environment and Green and Low Carbon Transformation Economic Belt | Yangtze River | Divide

Subsequently, Gong Zheng and his delegation visited the Shipping Leasing Business Unit of COSCO Shipping to inspect the 700 TEU Yangtze River mainline electric container ship model and gain a detailed understanding of the ship's characteristics and progress. The person in charge of the enterprise said that as the first production of a pure electric ship with a capacity of 10000 tons, this type of ship can reduce carbon emissions and noise. The first two ships are under construction and are expected to be put into operation on the route from Nanjing to Yangshan in Shanghai this year. Gong Zheng encourages enterprises to accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of ships, make good use of technology empowerment, make more pioneering explorations, and achieve carbon reduction and pollution reduction. To serve and integrate into the new development pattern, leverage the leading role of Shanghai and the advantages of the hinterland of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, smooth the domestic circulation and promote domestic and international dual circulation, and work together with provinces and cities along the Yangtze River to achieve high-quality development.

City leaders Zhang Wei and Zhang Xiaohong participated in the survey.

The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality
The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality

The Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area, which were adopted at the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on July 25, 2023, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on October 1, 2023. Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area Article 1 In order to promote the high-quality development of financial leasing in Pudong New Area, give full play to the function of financial services for the real economy, and promote the construction of the core area of an international financial center, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the basic principles of relevant laws and administrative regulations and in the light of the actual conditions of Pudong New Area. Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the promotion of development, management services and other activities of financial leasing companies whose domicile is in Pudong New Area. Article 3 The People's Government of Pudong New Area shall establish a financial leasing industry to promote development and coordinate supervision and management.

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Gong Zheng pointed out that we need to further deepen and implement research work, enhance the accuracy of research topics, the depth of problem sorting, the strength of problem solving, and the satisfaction of grassroots people with the results of problem solving, in order to achieve greater effectiveness in theme education. At the meeting, city leaders Wu Qing, Zhang Xiaohong, Liu Duo, Huayuan, Shu Qing, and Peng Chenlei combined their respective thematic education research and exchanged their understanding and mastery of social conditions and public opinion during the research