Only two people have returned alive | The oral history of the veteran soldiers of the Volunteer Army. 39 of us set out to carry out our mission, to the Shangganling battlefield | Parents | Returned alive | The Volunteer Army

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:59 AM

Narrator: Sheng Renyong, male, 93 years old, a machine gunner from the 2nd Battalion and 6th Company of the 220th Regiment of the 74th Division of the 24th Army of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army. He went to North Korea to participate in the war in August 1951

In 1950, I was still a 20-year-old student. In response to the national call, I volunteered to join the military with the support of my parents. Do you remember when the conscription auditor asked me, "Are you not afraid of death when you join the army?" I said, "If you are not afraid of death when you join the army, then you will not join the army!" And so on, I successfully enlisted. This is the most glorious moment of my life.

Our group of new recruits first trained in the county brigade, and then went to Fujian for training. In August 1951, the 74th Division of the 25th Army in which I was stationed was transferred to the 24th Army in September 1952. After completing various adaptability training for reorganization and entering North Korea, they gathered from Jinjiang, Fujian to Shangrao, Jiangxi, and then entered the Ji'an area in Northeast China, preparing to participate in the Korean War.

In the army, my identity is a machine gunner because I am tall, physically strong, and have good eyesight, which allows me to aim accurately during training. The platoon leader said, "Who wouldn't be a machine gunner?" In fact, machine gunners are very dangerous. At that time, people said that in war, "one must fight machine gunners, two must fight bunkers, and three must fight officers." Machine gunners are always the first targets to be attacked in battle and are the most vulnerable to casualties. But I'm not afraid at all, but even if I die, I can be considered a contributor to the country.

Only two people have returned alive | The oral history of the veteran soldiers of the Volunteer Army. 39 of us set out to carry out our mission, to the Shangganling battlefield | Parents | Returned alive | The Volunteer Army

After entering North Korea, we were ordered to advance towards the Yuanshan Port area on the east coast of North Korea, taking over the defense of the 27th Army. I walked with over 60 pounds of winter clothing, ammunition, food, and other items on my back, and my feet were all blistered with blood. After more than 20 days of arduous marching, we finally arrived at the frontline area of Yuanshan Port and took on the task of coastal defense and eliminating the landing enemy.

This is my first time walking onto a real battlefield, and it is indeed very cruel and terrifying. On the road from Ji'an to Yuanshan Port, enemy planes attacked day and night, and the flames of war were everywhere. I truly felt what "gunfire and bullets" meant. Our previous regiment caused over 290 casualties due to misjudging the route of US planes. We are also ready to sacrifice at any time, never expecting to come back alive.

Sheng Renyong in his youth

On October 14, 1952, the Battle of Shangganling began. In order to cooperate with neighboring troops in Shangganling, we conducted defensive operations against the South Korean army at Yuanshan Port. I am using a turntable machine gun, which can hold 50 bullets and has a relatively strong firepower. In a battle, my right shoulder was pierced by a hand grenade, bleeding profusely. At that time, it was said that "minor injuries cannot be brought down to the front line". After undergoing simple bandages by the health worker, I continued to participate in the battle and, together with my comrades, eliminated many enemies and successfully destroyed two enemy bunkers. One time, a bullet flew past the back of my head, and when I touched it, it was all blood, but fortunately it was just a scratch.

Only two people have returned alive | The oral history of the veteran soldiers of the Volunteer Army. 39 of us set out to carry out our mission, to the Shangganling battlefield | Parents | Returned alive | The Volunteer Army

In December 1952, after the end of the Battle of Shangganling, we took over the defensive and defensive tasks from the 15th Army and arrived at the Shangganling battlefield in January 1953. Whether it's the Battle of Yuanshan or the Battle of Shangganling, due to logistics supply not keeping up, our living environment is very difficult. We can only eat fried noodles and cold rice every day, live in tunnels and thatched cottages, and don't have beds. We just lay down after making a bed. What impressed me deeply was that once, 18 of us got an apple. At first, everyone was reluctant to eat. You asked me, I asked you, but later everyone just took a bite and ended up dividing an apple.

On the battlefield, my comrades around me collapsed one by one. In a combat mission at the Shangganling defensive position, our platoon was ordered to attack the US frontline defense points and capture prisoners. When we set off, there were 39 people, but when we returned, there were only 2 people left. One of them was me, and all the other comrades were gone. In July 1953, the Battle of Jincheng began. One evening, I followed the troops to launch a surprise attack towards the direction of Zhuzi Dong Nanshan and Xinmu Dong, to prevent the US and South Korean troops from providing eastward support towards Jinhua and ensure the safety of the right wing of the 20th Corps. In the battle, the US and South Korean planes and tanks launched fierce attacks on our positions, and the entire battalion of officers and soldiers continuously fought against the enemy, resulting in huge casualties. Originally, there were over 600 soldiers in the entire battalion, but in the end, only about 200 remained. More than 400 comrades, including the battalion commander and instructors, sacrificed their lives. My right crotch was also hit by a bullet, and the injury was very serious. I had to retreat from the front line and was sent to the battlefield medical center. Fortunately, the rescue was timely, otherwise I would have sacrificed myself long ago.

Due to my performance in the Jincheng counterattack, I was awarded a third class merit for my personal performance once by the Volunteer Army Headquarters and the Political Department, and my company was awarded a third class merit for my collective performance once. Later on, I found out that this was the last battle of the Korean War.

After the ceasefire agreement was signed, I returned to the hospital in the Northeast region to recuperate, and later went to study at the Wuxi Military Academy. In June 1956, I returned to Tinglin Town in Jinshan District and continued to fight for the construction of my hometown as a demobilized soldier. Although I have taken off my military uniform, my belief in defending my country, serving the people, and serving society will never change.

Only two people have returned alive | The oral history of the veteran soldiers of the Volunteer Army. 39 of us set out to carry out our mission, to the Shangganling battlefield | Parents | Returned alive | The Volunteer Army
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