Minhang is shining the golden business card of a civilized urban area, creating a city that benefits the people

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 02:32 AM

"The effect is gradually coming out, and we look forward to seeing the renovation completed soon." Speaking of the ongoing Baoxiu Road municipal renovation project, Aunt Yang, who lives in the north area of Fenghua Jingyuan, praised it repeatedly. This project is a "beauty" practice of comprehensive improvement and refined management in Minhang District. Prior to this, 788 sections of roads in Minhang District had already passed the acceptance inspection for the construction of "Beautiful Blocks", which not only improved the appearance of the blocks but also made the city more orderly, safer, cleaner, and more civilized.

In recent years, Minhang District has regarded the creation of a national civilized urban area as a leading project to promote the comprehensive development of the "Five in One" and the construction of a people's city in the entire district. It actively practices the concept of "virtuous Minhang and cultural advancement in thousands of households", coordinates the cultivation, practice, and creation of civilization, and step by step transforms the "vision map" of the development of civilized urban areas into beautiful "reality paintings" around citizens. In 2020, Minhang District was awarded the title of "National Civilized City" by the Central Commission of Civilization.

Beautify the city's "face" and make the picturesque scenery visible and audible

When it comes to the market, many people associate it with noisy and chaotic scenes. In 2021, Minhang District launched a three-year renovation and construction plan for standardized vegetable markets in conjunction with the creation of a national civilized urban area. The Hezhong Vegetable Market is a microcosm of the achievements of the renovation and upgrading.

After careful planning and comprehensive renovation, Hezhong Restaurant has made a new appearance under the name "Lishi Heji". Through the organic integration of light and shadow, natural agricultural style soft furnishings, and a complete range of goods, it brings a joyful, convenient, and comfortable shopping scene to community residents. While completing hardware optimization and upgrading, Lishi Heji is also enhancing its content, creating a youth market practice base, launching activities such as "market researchers" and "daily store managers", and creating a "15 minute living circle" for community neighbors.

In recent years, Minhang District has focused on addressing "shortcomings" and adding "highlights", and has successively launched a series of special actions such as "quality improvement" and "nine major challenges" in national civilized urban areas, in an orderly manner to solve the urgent and difficult problems of the people. Efforts have been made to improve the quality of urban functions and make people's livelihood projects in the hearts of the people.

For example, Minhang District continuously expands its park functions, integrates and upgrades ecology and functions, and shapes a composite landscape garden with rich Minhang cultural connotations. Not long ago, the Minhang City Furniture Theme Park was officially unveiled at the Gumei Park. This is the first park in China with the theme of "urban furniture". The urban furniture arranged in parks, roads, green spaces, and other spaces endows the park with beauty and poetry. While bringing aesthetic enjoyment to citizens, it also showcases the cultural charm of Minhang.

"This is just the first step in building a distinctive community for urban furniture. We hope that this place will not only be a park, but also a distinctive public space that allows the public to understand the development history of Chinese urban furniture. In the future, we will also create a 'Chinese Urban Furniture' pan park where beautiful streets, scenery, and aesthetics intersect." The relevant person in charge of Minhang District said.

In the second "Beautiful Rivers and Lakes" series of typical tree selection activities in Shanghai, Minhang District has 13 rivers on the list: the embankment, slope protection, water area, and land greening landscape of the Gongnong River are pleasant; The ecological environment of Tangsijing is good, with many egrets residing, which increases the opportunity for people to get close to nature; Yuanjiagang has a riverside walkway and waterfront platform, surrounded by lush greenery and beautiful environment, making it a great place for people to relax and take walks... As of the end of 2022, the total length of rivers and lakes in Minhang District has exceeded 149 kilometers, of which 67 kilometers are defined as high-quality waterfront open spaces. With the increasing effectiveness of river and lake management, the banks are greener and the water is clearer, and the riverbank landscape has become a beautiful scenic line in Minhang.

Realizing the "inner layer" of happiness and making a beautiful life tangible and tangible

In the work of creating civilization, Minhang District has always focused on meeting the needs of the people for a better life, continuously striving to create a high-quality life, providing high-quality services to the people, turning people's expectations for a better life into reality, and continuously improving the happiness index of the civilized urban area.

I am old and the age of people. Minhang District regards the construction of elderly care service facilities as a practical project to create a civilized urban area for the people. It actively promotes elderly meal assistance services and strives to make them more warm and emotional.

The recently opened Xindu Road community cafeteria has attracted many elderly people to come and dine. Sister Zhang, who lives nearby, said: "The food here is really smart. It is not only nutritious, but also very affordable. In addition, we have set up a zero sugar window for diabetes patients, who are too lazy to burn at home to eat here." It is understood that this year Minhang District plans to build 10 community canteens and 10 food helpers, and 187 food helpers will be built by the end of the year, which will further expand the service "territory".

In recent years, Minhang District has successively built and operated "one park, three museums" - Minhang Cultural Park, Minhang Museum, Shanghai style Art Museum, and Baolong Art Museum, which have become cultural "internet celebrities" that citizens are eager to clock in, occasionally providing spiritual meals for citizens. The Minhang Museum has created a successful case of "even a small museum can hold a big exhibition". Last year, the "Return of Prosperity - Overseas Returned Cultural Relics Special Exhibition" attracted 120000 visitors, and the exhibition won the Annual Shanghai Museum Exhibition Excellence Promotion Award.

The biennial Shanghai Choir Festival started in Minhang and has been successfully held for 8 times since 2007, developing into one of the most influential group culture event brands in Shanghai. Nowadays, nearly 200000 citizens participate in each choir festival, becoming a cultural event for choir enthusiasts in Shanghai. As cultural activities approach the masses, they also allow more and more people to enter the cultural hall.

In Minhang District, citizens are not only beneficiaries of civilization creation, but also initiators and practitioners. Volunteers wearing green vests have brought a new culture of civilization to thousands of households, and the number of registered volunteers in the entire region has increased from over a hundred initially recorded to over 724000 currently. 11 consecutive "Cute Minhang People" evaluations have been held, with four national moral models including Wang Shuqun and Wang Haibin, two national civilized families including Zhang Canhong and Bai Liyan, 16 "Chinese good people" including Liu Xianbao and Bao Meili, and more than 190 city level moral models emerging.

Consolidate the foundation of creation, making development achievements accessible and enjoyable

In the tea break area, say "Xiao Sa Xiao Sa, I want a bottle of Sprite", and the sales robot can immediately take Sprite from the colorful drinks on the shelf and hand it over; In the experience area, traditional Chinese medicine robots can quickly issue a physical examination report by observing, hearing, questioning, and cutting through tongue, pulse, and facial images... Recently, the 6th World Artificial Intelligence Conference was held in Shanghai, and these robot application scenarios were unveiled in the "Big Zero Bay" of Minhang, showcasing strong manufacturing, new technology, and hard power to the world.

In recent years, Minhang District has adhered to the development strategy of "one south, one north" based on the construction needs of the modern main urban area, adhered to the linkage between north and south, and made efforts in both directions, providing support for better achieving high-quality development, high-quality living, and efficient governance of national civilized urban areas, and promoting the creation of civilization to better serve the deepening of reform, opening up, and technological innovation breakthroughs.

In order to build the core functional area of Shanghai's southern science and technology innovation center, Minhang District has broken through the tangible wall, enlarged the "Zero Bay", and expanded to create a "Big Zero Bay" science and technology innovation source functional area with a total area of about 17 square kilometers, extending north to the Shenjiahu Expressway, west to Humin Road, east to Hongmei South Road, and south to Huangpu River. The "Big Zero Bay" has successively won the titles of "the first batch of national innovation and entrepreneurship demonstration bases", "the special reform pilot unit of scientific and technological achievements transformation" of the National Development and Reform Commission, "the national scientific and technological achievements transformation demonstration zone" of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and "the first batch of national intellectual property city construction demonstration zone" of the China National Intellectual Property Administration. Currently, a large number of science and technology innovation enterprises are accelerating their growth and development in the "Big Zero Bay", with a total of 9 listed companies, 563 high-tech enterprises, more than 3000 "hard technology" enterprises, and 29 enterprises valued at over one billion yuan. A new "growth pole" for regional development that integrates innovative industries has been formed.

Turning to the north, Minhang District is driving the modern service industry to a higher level with an open strategy, firmly grasping the major historical opportunity of the construction of Hongqiao Comprehensive Transportation Hub and the hosting of the CIIE, and fully promoting the rapid development of Hongqiao International Open Hub.

Currently, it has been less than 100 days since the opening of the 6th China International Import Expo. Over the past five years, the CIIE has become a window for Shanghai to build a new development pattern, a platform for promoting high-level openness, and a globally shared international public good. Minhang District actively undertakes and amplifies the spillover effects of the CIIE, and the purchasing transaction amount of Minhang Trading Group has repeatedly reached new highs, increasing from 245 million US dollars in the first session to over 1 billion US dollars in the fifth session. The "6 days+365 days" year-round display and trading platform "Hongqiao Pinhui" has attracted more than 800 enterprises to settle in, creating a distribution center for imported goods worth billions of yuan.

In addition, by continuously optimizing the business environment, Minhang District not only creates more employment and entrepreneurial opportunities, but also enables more enterprises to transform from "entering" to "staying", take root in the land of Minhang, and radiate the common development of various related industries. In the future, Minhang District will continue to promote new breakthroughs in spiritual civilization construction, achieve new progress, and reach new heights, making civilization, the golden business card of Minhang, more profound and shining, and making new and greater contributions to Shanghai's construction of a socialist modern international metropolis with world influence.

The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality
The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality

The Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area, which were adopted at the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on July 25, 2023, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on October 1, 2023. Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area Article 1 In order to promote the high-quality development of financial leasing in Pudong New Area, give full play to the function of financial services for the real economy, and promote the construction of the core area of an international financial center, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the basic principles of relevant laws and administrative regulations and in the light of the actual conditions of Pudong New Area. Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the promotion of development, management services and other activities of financial leasing companies whose domicile is in Pudong New Area. Article 3 The People's Government of Pudong New Area shall establish a financial leasing industry to promote development and coordinate supervision and management.

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