Make every effort to maintain and ensure the security of urban energy supply! Chen Jining investigated Shenergy Group and took proactive actions in the construction of new energy systems

Release time:May 16, 2024 18:36 PM

Chen Jining, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, pointed out when investigating Shenergy Co., Ltd. this afternoon that ensuring the security of energy supply and accelerating the green energy transformation are related to the construction of Shanghai's "five centers" and to ensuring and improving people's livelihood. It is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection of Shanghai, always adhere to the "four priorities", better fulfill missions and tasks, closely integrate enterprise development with the overall development of the city and the city's industrial transformation, and further consolidate and Enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, take proactive actions in the construction of new energy systems, make every effort to maintain and ensure the security of urban energy supply, and make greater contributions to the construction of resilient and safe cities and high-quality development.

As the main investment and construction entity of Shanghai's major energy infrastructure, Shenergy Group assumes the major responsibility of ensuring Shanghai's urban energy security and promoting the optimization and adjustment of the city's energy structure. Currently, the Group is accelerating its green and low-carbon transformation, building a green power landscape, building a more stable and reliable natural gas production, supply, storage and marketing system and a green industry-finance collaborative ecosystem, and accelerating the creation of a world-class enterprise. Chen Jining came to the group to inspect the industrial layout and development results of electricity, gas, hydrogen energy, cables, and environmental protection. He focused on understanding the progress of clean and efficient power projects, the creation of the hydrogen energy industry chain, and the research and development of technologies such as high-temperature superconductivity and high-end cables. The leaders of the companies discussed the development and utilization of clean energy, key core technology research and development and market prospects, scenario applications, and industrial cooperation.

Subsequently, Chen Jining presided over a symposium to hear the overall situation of Shenergy Group and its next steps to deepen reform and innovation. He also had in-depth discussions with the participating comrades on issues of common concern, analyzed and judged industry trends, and clarified the direction of reform and development. Chen Jining pointed out that deepening the reform and upgrading of state-owned enterprises and improving the core functions and core competitiveness of state-owned enterprises are related to Shanghai's reform, development and modernization. Shenergy Group is a municipal state-owned enterprise that grew up with the reform and opening up. It has made positive contributions to ensuring urban energy supply and serving the stable and healthy development of the economy and society. When embarking on a new journey, we must live up to the great trust, shoulder heavy responsibilities bravely, take active actions, and strive to make new and greater contributions.

Chen Jining pointed out that energy supply is the lifeline of urban operation, and safety and reliability are the overriding requirements. Electric power supply must correctly handle the relationship between coal power and new energy, the relationship between power generation and energy storage, and the relationship between ensuring the city and the layout outside the city. We must adhere to the principle of establishing first and then breaking, with stability at the forefront, and the focus and focus of technology research and development. and resources will be concentrated on the development and utilization of new energy sources, and the construction of a power supply system and a green transformation system that meet the needs of the city's future development will be accelerated. Gas supply should better coordinate usage safety, reserve safety, and management safety, strengthen the concentration of producers and full-chain guarantees, strengthen bottom-line thinking and extreme thinking, continuously improve early warning and inspection capabilities and technical perception capabilities, improve intrinsic safety levels, and always ensure safety Efficient. We must take the lead, make contributions, and take the lead in the construction of new energy systems. We should regard the production and supply of green fuel as a long-term and strategic matter, focus on economy, stability and sustainability, and deepen the research on technical routes. Accelerate the exploration of green energy certification and make good use of blockchain technology to lay the foundation for building a green and low-carbon supply chain system. It is necessary to focus on the main energy business, maintain strategic agility, seize opportunities, choose the right track, and achieve high-quality development. It is necessary to correctly handle the relationship between energy and finance in stable operations, focus on strengthening risk management, improve operational capabilities, and better serve the main responsibilities and main businesses.

Chen Jining emphasized that we must uphold and strengthen the party's leadership, unswervingly strengthen party building, and implement the political responsibilities of managing and governing the party at all levels. Continue to carry out inspections and rectifications, improve long-term mechanisms, strengthen system construction, and ensure effective implementation. Earnestly carry out party discipline study and education, intensify warning education, and guide cadres to learn and observe discipline. It is necessary to lead the modernization of corporate governance with party building, do a good job in cultivating young cadres, and boost the entrepreneurial spirit of officers.

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