Farewell to Comrade Wang Wei from All walks of life: His spirit inspires generations of journalists to forge ahead, Comrade | Wang Wei | News

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:16 PM

Comrade Wang Wei, a member of the CPC, an outstanding journalist of the Party, a veteran of the Anti Japanese War, and the former secretary of the Party Committee and chief editor of Liberation Daily, died at 9:27 on June 1, 2023 at the age of 103.

"Crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, shouldering responsibilities, setbacks, and dangers, and over a hundred years old, the spring and autumn period is characterized by moral integrity and exemplary behavior." The giant couplet condenses Comrade Wang Wei's life of struggle. At 10:00 am on June 3rd, the farewell ceremony for Comrade Wang Wei's body was held in the Galaxy Hall of Shanghai Longhua Funeral Home. City leaders, including many old leaders who had worked with Comrade Wang Wei in the past, several generations of journalists in the Shanghai news industry, relatives and former friends of Comrade Wang Wei, all rushed to bid farewell to Mr. Wang. There were also some leaders, old colleagues, and old subordinates who were unable to attend the scene, expressing their condolences to Mr. Wang in various ways. Everyone deeply remembered his extraordinary achievements and deeply understood his spiritual style.

Firmly believing, hard working, and striving for the newspaper industry

"Comrade Wang Wei participated in the revolution at an early age and has been engaged in the Party's news and propaganda work for a long time. He was loyal to the revolution and the Party throughout his life, and has always loved the news industry." Di Jianrong, who used to be the director of the Beijing Office of the Liberation Daily, said that Comrade Wang Wei adheres to the principle of party spirit and politicians run newspapers. As the person in charge of the Municipal Party Committee's official newspaper, he pays attention to focusing on the central work and doing a good job in reporting. He recalled that Comrade Wang Wei attached great importance to conveying the spirit of the city in a timely manner and transforming it into news reports. He also made multiple reports to mobilize everyone to do a good job in all aspects. "He always comes to the newspaper office very early and leaves very late, doing it himself and tirelessly."

"The first impression Mr. Wang gave me was that he was kind and amiable." Dong Qiang, former deputy editor in chief of Liberation Daily, firmly remembered a scene: in 1982, Comrade Wang Wei, as a leader, dressed in worker's clothing, was cleaning at the entrance of the newspaper office. Dong Qiang said that in daily work, Comrade Wang Wei often reminds young journalists to always remember the masses, "which has had a profound impact on the growth of our young journalists.".

In 1978, Comrade Wang Wei returned to the Liberation Daily and placed great emphasis on the mass work of the Party newspaper. He personally took charge of the Mass Work Department, insisting on reading reader letters every day, writing handling suggestions, discovering typical cases, and conducting discussions and reports. Yu Yuanming, then Director of the Mass Work Department of the Liberation Daily, said that Comrade Wang Wei paid special attention to strengthening the connection between the Party and the people, emphasizing the need to consider the people and safeguard their interests. "Everyone inherits the cause initiated by Comrade Wang Wei, and on the basis of their previous work, they later specially made excerpts from letters and printed them into internal journals for leaders' reference."

In Comrade Wang Wei's later years, his daughter-in-law and famous writer Wang Xiaoying often accompanied him. In her eyes, the elderly father-in-law was "particularly calm and composed". This kind of determination lasted throughout his magnificent life. "My father-in-law often said, 'A calm heart is better than a sea.' Whether it's the first half of his life in battle or the second half of his life devoted to running newspapers and magazines, he can remain firm in his ideals and beliefs and maintain political determination in the face of great storms and waves."

With great love and dedication to protecting seedlings and nurturing people

Comrade Wang Wei's care and support for younger generations, especially his emphasis on cultivating young journalists, have always been remembered by many colleagues who have received his guidance and assistance. Wang Lingying, former director of the Interactive Channel of Liberation Daily, will never forget the situation when she first joined the newspaper 40 years ago. Mr. Wang is very friendly, and we young journalists are called 'Little Ghosts'. Please carefully inquire about our work situation. She said that Comrade Wang Wei attaches great importance to mass work. It is often said that doing mass work may seem trivial and unknown, but being able to solve difficulties for the people and reflect the fine traditions of the Party is a meaningful work. "I have been doing mass work for nearly 40 years and have always enjoyed it tirelessly, which is influenced by his words."

In the memory of Le Ying, a veteran journalist of Liberation Daily, Comrade Wang Wei encouraged reporters to go to the scene to pay attention to details and generously praised younger generations. "When Mr. Wang returned to the Liberation Daily, I was still a 'little journalist'. He was very happy to see that the newspaper had added new strength, and he saw that we were always smiling, just like seeing our own children." One Spring Festival, Le Ying's article, which was collected and written among rural consumers, was praised by Comrade Wang Wei. He praised the article for being lively and having a sense of being on the spot. "He said in the pre editor's meeting that as long as the journalist delves into the frontline of interviews, the article will be flesh and blood, and this has always inspired me."

On the basis of long-term news practice, Comrade Wang Wei has also made important contributions to news theory and news education. Zhang Taofu, Dean of the School of Journalism at Fudan University, said that Fudan Journalism Education has always emphasized the cultivation of students' professional practical abilities. Comrade Wang Wei, when presiding over the work of Liberation Daily, paid special attention to cultivating reserve talents through news practice, promoting interaction and communication between academia and industry with a pragmatic spirit, and Fudan Journalism students have benefited greatly. Comrade Wang Wei once served as a professor in the Department of Journalism at Fudan University, offering a course on "Newspaper Editing" for three hours per week. "His enthusiasm and contribution to the field of journalism and education are still deeply appreciated by teachers and students at Fudan University."

Comrade Wang Wei's meticulous care and guidance towards young people have made me deeply feel his distinctive characteristics of being meticulous and meticulous in dealing with people and things. Wang Renli, former director of the editorial office of Liberation Daily, had just entered the newspaper office when he suddenly experienced stomach bleeding due to work pressure. Comrade Wang Wei, who had not met him several times before, immediately wrote a trust letter to his friend and bought him a bottle of gastric mask. Wang Renli sighed, "The spirit reflected by these little drops inspires generation after generation of newspaper writers to forge ahead."

Comrade Wang Wei's selfless concern for others is still vividly remembered by Wang Xiaoying. "He is very frugal in life and generous to others." After retiring, Comrade Wang Wei not only provided some of his salary to support rural students in need, but also silently solved practical problems for his old comrades and subordinates. "My father-in-law has great love in his heart," said Wang Xiaoying.

Continuing traditional sentiments and raising concerns for people's livelihoods

On the day of the farewell ceremony for the body, Ma Jianming, a former journalist from Shanghai Industrial and Economic Daily, arrived early. As a photographer, he brought his camera lens with him. "I once received help from Wang Weilao. The past of him, who was then the chairman of the Shanghai Writers' Association, defending the rights of a young journalist for me, is still vivid in my memory, and I will never forget it." Ma Jianming sighed. Wang Weilao is not only a respected senior, but also a teacher worth learning from. Therefore, he came to see Wang Weilao off on his final journey and recorded this moment.

Under the leadership of Comrade Wang Wei, the Liberation Daily founded "Newspaper Digest" on New Year's Day in 1980. This was the first abstract newspaper after the founding of New China, with a circulation of over 3 million copies at its peak. Wang Qiong, editor in chief of "Newspaper Digest", said that not long after the end of the Cultural Revolution, there were still many constraints on ideological liberation. However, Comrade Wang Wei had a strong spirit of news reform, and it was his innovative consciousness and courage that made "Newspaper Digest" an "experimental field of news reform" and the pioneer in opening up the atmosphere. "Comrade Wang Wei also pays special attention to readers' opinions, and the excerpted manuscripts must be popular among readers. His spirit of enterprising spirit is worth learning and inheriting."

"No matter how the times develop and communication channels change, the connection between the Party newspaper and the masses will never be lost." Reading about Comrade Wang Wei patiently and meticulously handling reader letters, Li Si, a young journalist from the Interactive Channel of Liberation Daily, was quite emotional. In her view, Wang Weilao's practice of "the people call out, I respond" has extraordinary significance for the work of the masses in the new era. "Wang Weilao not only uses letters as news clues, but also solidly solves problems for the people, which reminds me of my responsibility as a party newspaper reporter." Li Si said that in future work, I should be more patient in listening to the voices of readers, understanding the real situation, and promoting problem-solving.

In the view of Mao Guanjun, a young journalist on the District News Channel of Liberation Daily, although the social environment, communication pattern, and media technology have undergone earth shattering changes, Comrade Wang Wei's news philosophy and work style can transcend time and remain unchanged. "His diligent exploration and relentless questioning of objective facts, as well as his in-depth thinking based on facts, will always be the most important ability and quality of a journalist." Mao Guanjun said that as a frontline news editor, he will work hard to learn and inherit the good tradition and style left by Mr. Wang, record the progress of the times, reflect people's concerns, highlight urban temperature, and fulfill the responsibilities and missions of a party newspaper reporter with "muddy feet" interview and reporting.

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