Crossing mountains and seas to gather, I am guarding you. 1000 kilometers apart, you are guarding our motherland. Zhuang Weiran | Zhang Yu | Our motherland

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 06:31 AM

"I married a soldier, and I became half a soldier. Since I am a soldier, I should contribute to the people," Zhuang Weiran said with a smile under the spotlight. She is a nurse in the anesthesia department and recently won the title of "Most Beautiful Military Sister in Lianyungang" in 2023. Her husband Zhang Yu is a staff member of a certain frigate detachment of the Eastern Theater Command Navy.

On the day of the commendation, Zhuang Weiran and other military sister-in-law strode towards the stage. Under the stage, Zhang Yu and his daughter flushed their palms in the viewing area, their faces full of happiness.

Their story should start from 12 years ago. At that time, Zhuang Weiran, a sophomore student at Qingdao University School of Medicine, met Zhang Yu, a military academy student who was also a sophomore. Zhuang Weiran enjoyed reading literary collections, reciting poetry, and writing articles. At that time, she was a well-known "talented woman" in the school. In the summer of 2011, by chance, Zhuang Weiran and Zhang Yu became pen pals. In that era when the Internet has developed, they all like to record their lives and express their feelings with a pen.

Crossing mountains and seas to gather, I am guarding you. 1000 kilometers apart, you are guarding our motherland. Zhuang Weiran | Zhang Yu | Our motherland

Letters are like invisible threads, pulling them closer and closer. Perhaps due to being born in the revolutionary old area of Yimeng, Zhuang Weiran, who grew up listening to red stories, had a special fondness for soldiers, and Zhang Yu also liked this medical student who shared a common topic with him. The two young hearts became closer and closer.

In January 2012, after more than half a year of written discussions, the two met for the first time and made plans to go to Qingdao to see the sea. "We walked straight along the seaside in Qingdao city, watching the tides rise and fall, and the clouds roll and disperse. We walked a full 10 kilometers. At that time, we were young and didn't feel tired, but later on, everything was as beautiful as a campus movie." Zhuang Weiran said, although it was deep winter at that time, the sunshine was warm. Zhang Yu's tall physique, refreshing haircuts, and clean shirt satisfy all her fantasies about love.

At the beach, they held each other's hand for the first time without a formal confession, and no one said to anyone that they liked you, so they were together. In April 2012, on the eve of Navy Day, Zhuang Weiran came to Zhang Yu's school for the first time. In April, the campus was full of spring, and he accompanied her for a walk while telling her stories about the navy. Zhuang Weiran first learned about the birthplace of the People's Navy - the White Horse Temple in Taizhou, Jiangsu. He learned about the five major branches of the navy: submarines, surface vessels, aviation, marine, and coastal defense forces, and fell in love with this wave white.

Crossing mountains and seas to gather, I am guarding you. 1000 kilometers apart, you are guarding our motherland. Zhuang Weiran | Zhang Yu | Our motherland

The military academy has strict management, so every holiday or weekend, Zhuang Weiran would take a car for more than three hours to see Zhang Yu. She didn't feel tired at all. "The most beautiful time was when I met the right person, and every time I ran towards him, I was very happy."

When Zhuang Weiran graduated in July 2014, he stayed in Qingdao to work, while Zhang Yu was assigned to the distant Zhoushan. The distance between them is no longer 3 hours, but a full 1000 kilometers.

Zhuang Weiran pretended to be strong, saying that being far away was not a problem. "Actually, I was at a loss at that time and very confused about the future." Zhuang Weiran said that during that period, both of them were very low, and various problems came one after another, including work pressure, emotional conflicts, and family opinions... During that low period, letters were still the best medicine, crossing the coastline of our motherland to come to each other's hands and rebuild their confidence.

Crossing mountains and seas to gather, I am guarding you. 1000 kilometers apart, you are guarding our motherland. Zhuang Weiran | Zhang Yu | Our motherland

"Those days were very difficult. He had a heavy overseas mission and often couldn't be reached. I could only work hard and ease my longing for him by writing a diary." In seven years, the number of times the two of them could meet was rare. But no matter how far apart they are, Zhuang Weiran still firmly supports Zhang Yu to root in the front line of coastal defense without any complaints.

Zhang Yu's WeChat profile picture is the back of a young man rushing towards the sea, with a personal signature that reads "Only with great responsibility can one achieve great success." He, who adheres to the front line of coastal defense, silently practices his oath with his actions.

In the Spring Festival of 2016, Zhuang Weiran came to Zhoushan for the first time. After many twists and turns, she arrived at the small island where he was located. He introduced her with great interest, but her heart was full of mixed feelings. The more he smiled brightly, the more she felt heartbroken and tears rolled in her eyes, saying, "It's not easy to be a soldier guarding the island.".

Crossing mountains and seas to gather, I am guarding you. 1000 kilometers apart, you are guarding our motherland. Zhuang Weiran | Zhang Yu | Our motherland

After returning to Qingdao, Zhuang Weiran secretly made up her mind that not only Zhejiang, but even the ends of the world, she would follow him!

In the early summer of 2017, with the adjustment and reform of the military, Zhang Yu transferred to a small town in northern Jiangsu. Zhuang Weiran was very happy, and the distance between them was shortened to 230 kilometers.

On April 23, 2018, Navy Day, their love run finally came to fruition. At the marriage registration center of the local civil affairs bureau, the two got married and got married. On their marriage certificates, they were wearing sea soul shirts with navy flags printed on them, laughing as they did when they first met. Obtaining certificates in the first half of the year and holding weddings in the second half, from traditional weddings in our hometown to participating in collective weddings at work, family, friends, and comrades witnessed their happiness together.

Crossing mountains and seas to gather, I am guarding you. 1000 kilometers apart, you are guarding our motherland. Zhuang Weiran | Zhang Yu | Our motherland

Immersed in the joy of her wedding, Zhuang Weiran made a decision: it's time to leave the city where she has lived for nearly 10 years, say goodbye to her favorite job and dear friends. "Being together is home, and for this family, I must take this step firmly." So, she quit her stable high paying job and chose to follow Zhang Yu.

In 2019, Zhuang Weiran was successfully admitted to the First People's Hospital of Lianyungang City through hard work. She used to work in the intensive care unit for a long time, but when faced with the new field of the operating room, she had no way to start at all. But she started learning basic knowledge and skills, and managed to systematically master professional skills in a very short period of time, rapidly growing into a backbone of the department's business.

Their 7-year life in another place has officially come to an end, and they finally have their own small home. "Although he still doesn't come back often and sometimes he can't be reached when he goes out to sea, I don't feel lonely because after experiencing thousands of sails, we finally meet in the same city, which is the most important thing." Zhuang Weiran said. Perhaps the most touching thing about military love is to stay together and rely on each other. You guard your country in the front, and I guard you in the back.

Crossing mountains and seas to gather, I am guarding you. 1000 kilometers apart, you are guarding our motherland. Zhuang Weiran | Zhang Yu | Our motherland

Soon, she became pregnant. Pregnancy is long and difficult, and when Zhang Yu goes abroad or on a business trip, she goes to the prenatal examination alone. As a military sister-in-law, she said she has long been accustomed to doing things alone, but she doesn't feel much hardship. However, in the late stages of pregnancy, due to the fetus being larger and the belly getting bigger, it is inconvenient to move around and can only take a long leave to rest at home.

After finishing her maternity leave and returning to the hospital, the workload in the operating room was astonishing, often working overtime. Zhuang Weiran was busy with work during the day and had to take care of her unborn daughter when she returned home at night. She was as busy as a spinning top every day. But what pleased them was that their daughter was very sensible. When she learned to walk, she didn't need the help of adults. When she fell, she would get up on her own and leave some delicious food for her mother. Every time she came home from work, she would quickly run over to kiss her mother and say in a gentle voice, "Mom, you've been working hard." At this point, all the fatigue of the day was swept away.

"Without your silent support and no regrets, China cannot have a military that has sweat for social stability, nor can China have a military that has devoted its lives wholeheartedly to the safety of the people. Only with a country can we have a home, and only with the military can we have our common security and happiness." Not long ago, Zhuang Weiran received a letter from the hospital union titled "A Letter to Military Employees," which was filled with excitement. Her husband is farming the sea and herding the waves. She wants to continue to seek medical treatment and save others. They all need to guard their posts well. She knows that this is love and a promise.

Crossing mountains and seas to gather, I am guarding you. 1000 kilometers apart, you are guarding our motherland. Zhuang Weiran | Zhang Yu | Our motherland
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