Co construction and cooperation among various democratic parties in Shanghai for development, integration into major national strategic tasks, and integration into regional economic and social development cooperation | Innovation | Economic and Social

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 14:51 PM

Based on the characteristics of each party, the democratic parties and municipal committees in Shanghai actively integrate into major national strategic tasks, regional economic and social development, cooperate and seek development, focus on key areas, fulfill their duties, and make precise efforts. They have worked hard for a long time and achieved many innovative practical results.

The Municipal Committee of the Democratic Revolution, based on its own reality, has deepened exchanges with the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Committee, the Municipal Judicial Bureau and other units, and explored the establishment of a long-term mechanism for counterpart contact and cooperation. Building the brand activity of "Love for Humanity and Rule of Law Forum", in the name of love for all, gathering the efforts of all parties to promote the construction of rule of law in Shanghai. Focusing on the key area of "agriculture, rural areas, and farmers", the Democratic Revolution Municipal Committee submitted a proposal to the First Session of the 14th Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, titled "Suggestions on Increasing the Excavation and Inheritance of Agricultural Cultural Heritage to Assist Rural Revitalization". The research was solid and the suggestions were practical, ultimately leading to the selection of the "Jinshan Pantao Composite Cultivation System" as the seventh batch of important agricultural cultural heritage in China, and striving to compose a new chapter of rural revitalization in Shanghai.

The Democratic League Municipal Committee continues to strengthen regional cooperation and seize strategic opportunities. In April of this year, the Democratic League Municipal Party Committee, in conjunction with the Development Research Center of the Municipal Government and other units, conducted continuous on-site research on the population and industrial development of Fengjing Town in Jinshan District, deepening the research on the topic of "Consolidating the Fengjing Model and Supporting Rural Revitalization", providing solid and effective materials for the central high-level consultation and policy recommendation letters of the Democratic League. As the whole society pays attention to employment work, the Democratic League Municipal Committee has also taken the lead in organizing the "Democratic League Entrepreneurs Entering Baoshan and the 2023 Baoshan Large and Medium sized City Joint Recruitment of College Graduates Spring Special Event". Taking this as an opportunity, the Democratic League Municipal Committee and Baoshan District will further strengthen communication and cooperation, promote regional development and the "dual improvement" of party building.

The Municipal Party Committee of the People's Republic of China takes "focusing on technological innovation and the new Lingang area" as its starting point, and makes precise efforts and effective implementation in serving the overall situation. The Municipal Party Committee of the People's Republic of China has designated "Strengthening the Leading Role of Enterprise Science and Technology Innovation and Accelerating the Implementation of Innovation Driven Development Strategy" as the number one project in 2023, and has organized nearly 200 members of the People's Republic of China to conduct investigations and research on 8 sub projects. Focusing on the Lingang New Area, the Municipal Party Committee of the People's Republic of China has established deep cooperation with the Lingang New Area Management Committee and Lingang Group in research topics, on-the-job training, and hosting forums. At the same time, the Municipal Party Committee of the People's Republic of China has established corresponding contact and cooperation relationships with the Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission and the Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau, continuously expanding the channels for fulfilling their duties.

As a participating party in the field of education, culture, publishing, and media, the Democratic Progressive City Committee actively provided suggestions on reducing educational burden and increasing efficiency, enhancing social identity in vocational education, developing publishing and media industry, and building the "Shanghai Culture" brand during the Two Sessions and Special Consultation Meetings. It organized and held forums on enlightened media and Shanghai Democratic Progressive Education, established the Yangtze River Delta Education Development Research Institute, and created the "Shanghai Democratic Progressive Live Classroom". In order to further promote the implementation and effectiveness of the "two integrations", the Democratic Progressive Party Committee has reached preliminary consensus with the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and the Shanghai Municipal Press and Publication Bureau on top-level design, cooperation areas, and talent cultivation, relying on the resource advantages of both sides to deepen and expand the connotation of cooperation.

The Municipal Committee of the Agricultural and Labor Party strengthens the coordination between the central and local governments, actively cooperates with the Central Committee of the Agricultural and Labor Party to conduct research and supervision in Shanghai, and helps to protect the ecological environment of the Yangtze River. In addition to actively preparing for the central government's supervision and research in Shanghai, as well as coordinating and implementing research points, in 2022, we also took the initiative to carry out "self selection actions" and specifically established a key topic "Investigation and Countermeasures for Emergency Response Capacity of Sudden Water Pollution Incidents in the Yangtze River Basin - Taking Shanghai as an Example". Taking strengthening the management of water environment risks as the starting point, the Municipal Committee of the Agricultural and Labor Party has promoted the special democratic supervision work of "focusing on improving the modernization level of urban governance and building safe and resilient cities" in 2023 through in-depth discussions, visits, and research.

The Municipal Committee of the Zhigong Party leverages the advantages of overseas Chinese characteristics, consolidates the hearts and wisdom of overseas Chinese, and serves the overall situation of Shanghai's "talent gathering by the sea". Strengthen the publicity and bridging work for the introduction of high-level overseas talents, hold a good forum for Chinese international students, guide the Pudong District Committee, Huangpu District Committee, and Xuhui District Committee to high-quality organize overseas work brand platforms such as the "Zhigong Zhangjiang Forum", "Bund Overseas High level Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum", and "Zhihui" forums, and build platforms, promote cooperation, and provide suggestions in expanding the participation of overseas Chinese in international business environment evaluation and key areas of international rule construction. In addition, the Zhigong Party Municipal Committee actively explores deeper and more diverse modes of cooperation and exchange with the Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Municipal Oceanic Bureau, and Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

The Jiusan Society has the characteristics and advantages of intelligence density, talent gathering, and extensive connections in the field of science and technology. Focusing on the main battlefield of the main sector, in order to better leverage the technological characteristics and advantages of the 93 Society in the construction of a globally influential science and technology innovation center in Shanghai, we will combine the multi-party cooperation director with the overall needs of the center. The 93 Society Municipal Committee, the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, and the Municipal Association for Science and Technology will establish a long-term mechanism for counterpart cooperation. We have conducted several special discussions on the innovation of Shanghai's new research and development institution system and mechanism, promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in universities and research institutions, and have long held "Famous Science Popularization Lectures" and "Maritime Science Popularization Lectures", contributing to the coordinated development of science popularization and technology innovation in the new era.

Based on the characteristics of the "Taiwan" character, the Taiwan League Municipal Committee leverages its own advantages, innovates contact objects, creates a linkage mechanism between the alliance and the university, establishes long-term cooperative relationships with universities, and accurately connects the academic advantages, talent advantages, and united front resources of universities. The Taiwan League Municipal Committee has established a cooperative relationship with the Taiwan Research Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University to strengthen cooperation in research and consultation, Taiwan situation research, and information work. The center provides multiple valuable Taiwan situation information to the Taiwan League Municipal Committee every year; We also maintained project cooperation with the Urban Development Research Institute of East China Normal University, relying on expert think tank resources, successfully completed democratic supervision of poverty alleviation in Gansu, and cooperated to carry out democratic supervision of ecological environment protection in the Yangtze River in Chongqing.

The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality
The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality

The Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area, which were adopted at the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on July 25, 2023, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on October 1, 2023. Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area Article 1 In order to promote the high-quality development of financial leasing in Pudong New Area, give full play to the function of financial services for the real economy, and promote the construction of the core area of an international financial center, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the basic principles of relevant laws and administrative regulations and in the light of the actual conditions of Pudong New Area. Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the promotion of development, management services and other activities of financial leasing companies whose domicile is in Pudong New Area. Article 3 The People's Government of Pudong New Area shall establish a financial leasing industry to promote development and coordinate supervision and management.

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Are you familiar with Ling Jiajia, who is actively helping young people find employment? This "internet celebrity" workplace mentor offers | platform | Ling Jiajia

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This is an unusual meeting. According to the inspection, we found that the hospital has problems such as excessive payment, duplicate charges, non-standard charges, and providing unnecessary medical services... Recently, in the conference room on the second floor of a designated medical institution in Shanghai, dozens of representatives from the medical insurance company and the hospital sat face to face at a long table. Listening to the medical insurance staff report the examination results, the hospital leader's expression was serious and tense. Originally, the Supervision and Inspection Office of the Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau was holding a daily inspection feedback meeting here. Over the past five years, it has been through such daily inspections, as well as flight inspections, special inspections, and reporting investigations, that the Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau has recovered more than 550 million yuan from 11575 designated institutions that violated regulations, and more than 20 million yuan from 11696 individuals who violated regulations. In total, nearly 20 million yuan has been recovered from the medical insurance fund

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Since its launch, Suishen Code has developed a large number of convenient services in fields such as medical treatment, transportation, cultural tourism, and social governance. What new applications will "Suishen Code" provide in the future? Yesterday, the first Shanghai "Suishen Code" Application Innovation Competition came to an end, with innovative talents and enterprise teams from various industries focusing on technology assistance for the elderly and disabled, smart campuses, medical health, government services, urban governance, and other fields, submitting more than 200 entries. The organizer of the competition, Shanghai Big Data Center, stated that it is currently accelerating the construction of a comprehensive urban service and governance system with "one person, one code, one enterprise, one code, one object, one code", to upgrade "Suishen Code" to a more convenient and functional "City Code". Innovative applications are expected to be implemented and promoted. In October last year, the city's big data center was listed by the city's science and technology commission and other organizations

Exchange of information and experiences related to the research on the theme education of the Party Group, Mayor Gong Zheng held a meeting of the Municipal Government Party Group to educate | Theme | Party Group
Exchange of information and experiences related to the research on the theme education of the Party Group, Mayor Gong Zheng held a meeting of the Municipal Government Party Group to educate | Theme | Party Group

Gong Zheng pointed out that we need to further deepen and implement research work, enhance the accuracy of research topics, the depth of problem sorting, the strength of problem solving, and the satisfaction of grassroots people with the results of problem solving, in order to achieve greater effectiveness in theme education. At the meeting, city leaders Wu Qing, Zhang Xiaohong, Liu Duo, Huayuan, Shu Qing, and Peng Chenlei combined their respective thematic education research and exchanged their understanding and mastery of social conditions and public opinion during the research