Chen Jining led a delegation to go deep into Kashgar, Xinjiang to study and inspect, visit schools and hospitals through industrial parks, listen to culture, nourish the heart, and visit farmers and families for medical care, talent, and culture

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 19:48 PM

Erken Tunyazi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and Li Yifei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Political Commissar of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, participated in relevant activities.

Chen Jining led a delegation to go deep into Kashgar, Xinjiang to study and inspect, visit schools and hospitals through industrial parks, listen to culture, nourish the heart, and visit farmers and families for medical care, talent, and culture

Since 2010, Shanghai has adhered to the principle of "putting people's livelihood first, industry first, planning first, and talent first" throughout the entire process of its counterpart assistance to Xinjiang. With a total of more than 1500 aid projects, Shanghai has focused on five key areas of tasks, including intellectual support, industrial support to promote employment, ensuring and improving people's livelihoods, communication and integration, and cultural and educational support, while helping the four counties in Kashgar win the battle against poverty. It has actively contributed to the long-term stability and high-quality development of Xinjiang.

Consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and promoting rural revitalization are important measures for the development of Xinjiang, as well as the entry point for Shanghai's targeted assistance to Xinjiang. On the afternoon of the 27th, the Shanghai delegation got off the plane and drove non-stop to Changshou Folk Culture Village in Zepu County. This village is a model for Shanghai's cultural and tourism assistance and the development of rural tourism. Relying on the beautiful scenery and local folk customs of Jinhuyang Scenic Area, a continuous stream of tourists come here to appreciate and experience the scenery. Chen Jining and Ma Xingrui listened to the introduction of Shanghai's cultural and tourism assistance to Xinjiang, promoting the development of rural tourism, promoting nearby employment, and promoting the construction of rural demonstration sites. Along the way, they inspected local specialty handicrafts and tea houses and farmhouses. 93 year old villager Muhamaiti Maimaiti is the "living sign" of his own tea house. Leaders from Shanghai and Xinjiang warmly greet the elderly and inquire about their daily life and operating income. The old man said passionately, "Thank you to the good policies of the Party, thank you to the relatives in Shanghai. Our family's life is getting better and better now, and life is sweeter than rock sugar." Chen Jining wishes the old man health, longevity, family happiness, and a prosperous life. The leaders of the two places also walked into the farmhouse run by the Abrimiti Aihaiti family, sat side by side with them, talked about daily life, and calculated the family's income and wealth. Abrimiti told the leaders that in the past, the village relied on growing walnuts to make a living. In recent years, Shanghai has helped them develop the tourism industry, and the couple has opened a farmhouse, and the business is quite good. "Chen Jining asked very specifically, urging Xinjiang aid cadres to work together with the local government to do a good job in increasing the income of farmers and herdsmen while consolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation and promoting rural revitalization. While adhering to the unchanged mechanism, continuous policies, and unchanged efforts, Chen Jining also emphasized stimulating the endogenous driving force of farmers and herdsmen's development, helping people of all ethnic groups to steadily increase their income, improve their lives, and have more sense of gain, happiness, and security."

Chen Jining led a delegation to go deep into Kashgar, Xinjiang to study and inspect, visit schools and hospitals through industrial parks, listen to culture, nourish the heart, and visit farmers and families for medical care, talent, and culture

Assisting the development of corresponding regions and solidly promoting common prosperity, industrial promotion is a long-term and key measure. The delegation arrived at the characteristic modern prosperous industrial park in Zepu County, where the ten thousand acre fruit forest built on the Gobi Desert is lush and lush. Chen Jining and his delegation walked into the fresh fruit planting base to understand the development of characteristic industries in the Gobi region and the progress of consumption assistance in Xinjiang. The person in charge stated that the industrial park not only promotes the upgrading of local apple varieties and planting modes, but also quantifies and confirms the ownership of fixed assets and biological assets to 42 economically weak villages, in order to feed back the collective economy of villages and drive local employment. Chen Jining said that we should better combine the local natural resource endowment advantages with Shanghai's talent, technology, and market advantages. While protecting the ecological environment and promoting green and low-carbon development, we should also provide industry assistance according to local conditions, promote more new technologies, models, and business models, and make characteristic industries truly become prosperous industries in the process of expanding and strengthening.

Xinjiang Ruihao Textile Co., Ltd. was invested and constructed by a Shanghai enterprise in Shache County. The first phase of the project has been completed and partially put into operation. After the overall completion and operation of the project, it will become one of the largest digital textile enterprises in the surrounding area. The delegation inspected the 300000 ingot production workshop that has already been in operation, to understand the situation of raw material supply, technological innovation, market development, employment of local people, and development of industrial clusters. Chen Jining encourages enterprises to leverage their local advantages in raw materials and human resources, better leverage the leading and driving role of leading enterprises, continuously achieve new results in extending industrial chains, building supply chains, and enhancing value chains, and better assist in the formation of local industrial ecology, building industrial clusters, and expanding employment opportunities.

Chen Jining led a delegation to go deep into Kashgar, Xinjiang to study and inspect, visit schools and hospitals through industrial parks, listen to culture, nourish the heart, and visit farmers and families for medical care, talent, and culture

Cultivate a student and change a family. The "group style" education assistance in Shanghai has effectively promoted the continuous improvement of education quality in the Kashgar region. At Zepu County Technical School, leaders from Shanghai and Xinjiang listened to the introduction of the school's characteristics, popular majors, enrollment scale, and teaching staff, and walked into practical training workshops such as auto repair and clothing to observe teaching activities. Under the demonstration and guidance of the teaching teacher, the students listened attentively and took notes, conducting practical training. Chen Jining walked among teachers and students to understand the student training plan, curriculum design, and employment prospects, encouraging everyone to master their own skills and become excellent skilled talents as soon as possible. Upon learning that Shanghai has carried out targeted assistance through vocational education alliances and flexible talent support, Chen Jining affirmed it and hopes to accurately connect with local needs, gather more resources and forces, innovate assessment methods, further promote the integration of industry and education, improve the quality and efficiency of practical training, cultivate more high-quality workers and skilled talents in the local area, and lay a solid foundation for improving employment quality and promoting industrial development. The delegation also inspected Kashgar Polytechnic Vocational and Technical College. The first batch of students officially enrolled in September this year. After the college is fully completed, it can accommodate 12000 students, which will greatly improve the conditions for vocational education in Shache County and make up for the shortcomings in vocational education.

Thanks to the pioneering medical talent "group style" support in Shanghai, the Second People's Hospital of Kashgar region has successfully achieved "third class" and is moving towards "strong third class". Chen Jining and Ma Xingrui came to the hospital to learn about the overall construction of the hospital, the improvement of medical level, and the related situation of serving patients. In the Nanjiang New Medical Consortium Internet Telemedicine Center set up in the hospital, several doctors are making video connections with doctors from Shache County Hospital and experts from Shanghai Renji Hospital to conduct remote consultation for patients. At the Medical Imaging Center, the person in charge told the leaders of Shanghai and Xinjiang that relying on advanced technological equipment and medical talent cultivation, high-quality medical resources will be introduced from Shanghai to Kashgar, sinking to counties, serving townships, and radiating to villages. Chen Jining said that we need to continuously deepen and expand the "group style" support model for medical talents, promote medical talents in Xinjiang to better leverage their professional advantages, build a high-level medical team that cannot be taken away, and benefit more local people.

Chen Jining led a delegation to go deep into Kashgar, Xinjiang to study and inspect, visit schools and hospitals through industrial parks, listen to culture, nourish the heart, and visit farmers and families for medical care, talent, and culture

The interaction, exchange, and integration between Shanghai and Xinjiang have continuously demonstrated the cultural effect of nourishing Xinjiang. Shache County is the birthplace of the cultural intangible cultural heritage "Twelve Mukam", a folk music and art that has been passed down through oral and mental transmission for over 500 years. With the help of Shanghai, the Twelve Mukam Cultural Heritage Center located in Shache County is fully promoting rescue, protection, inheritance, and development work. Leaders from both regions watched a segment of the Twelve Muqams performed by the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage at the center, to understand the historical context and protection of this intangible cultural heritage art. Chen Jining said that we need to deepen the mechanism of cultural exchange, deeply explore local cultural themes, combine Shanghai's cultural and creative advantages, and cooperate to launch more excellent literary and artistic works, in order to better cultivate the sense of community of the Chinese nation in the heart of cultural nourishment.

The Kashgar regional radio station, established with the help of Shanghai, began broadcasting in 2021, removing the label of the last prefecture level city without a radio station. The Shanghai delegation conducted an on-site inspection of the live broadcast room and recording studio to understand the production, broadcasting effects, and talent team construction of the program. Chen Jining said that we need to better leverage the role of culture in nourishing Xinjiang, work together to produce more programs that are popular among local people, and use cultural figures and dedication to shape our souls. We will continue to improve our dissemination and influence in telling good stories about China and Xinjiang.

Chen Jining led a delegation to go deep into Kashgar, Xinjiang to study and inspect, visit schools and hospitals through industrial parks, listen to culture, nourish the heart, and visit farmers and families for medical care, talent, and culture

Shanghai leaders Zhu Zhisong, Li Zheng, Liu Duo, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region leaders Chen Weijun, Hadan Kabin, and others participated.

The Shanghai delegation concluded their study and investigation in the Kashgar region of Xinjiang and returned to Shanghai on the evening of the 28th.

Chen Jining led a delegation to go deep into Kashgar, Xinjiang to study and inspect, visit schools and hospitals through industrial parks, listen to culture, nourish the heart, and visit farmers and families for medical care, talent, and culture
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