A Glorious City, a Respectful Conference Policy | Shanghai | Conference

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:44 AM

"In January, it's Chinese New Year, and when pigs and sheep come out of the door, where are pigs and sheep going? To our brave Eighth Route Army..." Yesterday at around 2:30 pm, accompanied by the melody of "Supporting the Army Yangge", the celebration of the 96th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army of China kicked off at the Shanghai Exhibition Center. Many elderly veterans and beneficiaries under the stage hummed this familiar song with their palms beating the rhythm.

This reverence conference represents Shanghai's sincere support and care for the People's Army. In recent years, Shanghai has responded to the new situation and situation by adhering to innovation and expansion, project leadership, and social cohesion, continuously improving the effectiveness of supporting the military and giving preferential treatment to families, making it a trend to respect the profession of soldiers and pay tribute to heroes and martyrs in this glorious city.

Pay attention to helping the troops solve practical problems in combat readiness training

The first chapter of the Worship Conference, with the theme of "Salute," reviews the development and growth of the People's Army from the Nanchang Uprising to the present day. A strong people's army cannot do without the strong support of the people. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the naming of "Good Eight Companies on Nanjing Road". "The unity of the military and the people is like one person, let's see who can resist in the world." 60 years ago, Mao Zedong wrote the "Ode to the Eight Companies" with his pen, revealing the powerful magic weapon of the people's army.

"In recent years, we have paid special attention to the goal of winning battles, helping the troops solve practical problems in preparation training, supporting the improvement of cultural and sports facilities of the stationed troops in Shanghai, and supporting troops to participate in specific activities organized by local organizations. According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Support for the Army and Preferential Families Foundation, a special operations brigade of the Eastern Theater Command went to Shengsi Island for summer sea training a few years ago, and the training uniforms worn by the officers and soldiers were outdated, resulting in frequent jellyfish stings during training.". After understanding the situation, Hongkou District immediately contacted and customized more than 3000 sets of full body training clothes to be sent to the army.

A Glorious City, a Respectful Conference Policy | Shanghai | Conference

Apart from hardware assistance, software has also not fallen behind. As more and more soldiers born in the 2000s join the military, some grassroots commanders find it difficult to adapt to the traditional way of thinking and working. Under the guidance of the foundation, professional psychological teachers from universities in Shanghai entered the military to give lectures. Many soldiers successfully obtained the National Psychological Counseling Level 2 Certificate after completing their studies, and expressed that through this round of systematic learning, they have provided a good theoretical foundation for their ideological work, and their communication and heart to heart talks with the soldiers have become smoother.

"We strive to provide what the troops need." Adhering to this belief, Shanghai has always adhered to a high position and high standards in carrying out the work of supporting the military and providing preferential treatment to families. In the past five years, with the support of various sectors of society, the Municipal Military Support and Family Planning Foundation has raised more than 600 million yuan and organized and implemented more than 1100 military support and family planning projects, benefiting nearly one million people annually. In the face of over 50000 key beneficiaries in the city, the foundation continues to carry out project activities such as visiting and comforting meritorious figures, participating in the "Shanghai Huibao" group insurance, and conducting health examinations for elderly beneficiaries. Not long ago, the Municipal Double Support Office, the Municipal Military Support Foundation, and the Guangming Group jointly presented commemorative cards to more than 3700 surviving veteran volunteers in Shanghai, enhancing the sense of achievement and social respect for the military profession of the beneficiaries.

Social support for the military and preferential treatment for family members continues to expand their "circle of friends"

Guangming Dairy, Dingdong Maicai, Meituan Company, Ningbo Bank Shanghai Branch At the reverence conference, representatives of several socialized military support and donation enterprises were invited to take the stage. Prior to the meeting, 30 enterprises that have made outstanding contributions in socialized support for military and family members in recent years were also awarded the plaque of "Support Unit for Military and Family Members".

Supporting the military and providing preferential treatment is not only the government's job, but only through socialization can social consensus be better formed, which is also the direction that Shanghai has been striving for in recent years. To this end, the Municipal Support for Military and Family Welfare Foundation has taken the lead in making changes, from simply raising funds and investing in projects in the past, to innovative fundraising through "project-based+networked" methods. As a result, the "Comfort Kitchen and Bathroom Elderly Adaptation" and "Bright Nutrition Plan" have emerged. In 2020, the foundation established a think tank platform to conduct strategic application research and decision-making consultation for socialized military support and preferential treatment.

A Glorious City, a Respectful Conference Policy | Shanghai | Conference

At the same time, the foundation continuously carries out propaganda and mobilization activities to support the military and provide preferential treatment to families in society, forms multiple alliances for respecting public welfare services, establishes "Respectful Houses", organizes and supports public welfare service activities, and promotes the construction of the "Respectful" public welfare service system. "We hope to expand our influence through continuous promotion, so that more people, especially young people, can come together to respect soldiers and heroes." On July 27th of this year, which marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Korean War, young party members from the First Party Branch of the Second Cabin Department of China Eastern Airlines and the Party Branch of the Training and Management Department came to the home of 90 year old volunteer soldier He Yingyan, and presented flowers and C919 large aircraft models to express their respect to veteran volunteers.

With continuous efforts, the "circle of friends" of socialized support for military and family members continues to expand, and more and more Shanghai enterprises, social organizations, and individuals are participating in the work of supporting military and family members. Guangming Dairy has provided a monthly milk card worth 150 yuan to each martyr's family member in this city for five consecutive years. This year, it has added four types of preferential treatment targets, providing them with a fixed amount of milk per person per month. Dingdong Maicai has donated over 5 million yuan for four consecutive years to the Municipal Military Support and Family Welfare Foundation to honor veterans, care for martyrs' families, and sacrifice the families of military personnel on duty. This year, 16 units including New World Group and Daguang Cinema jointly established the Nanjing Road Chongjing Public Welfare Volunteer Service Alliance, which is developing member units, strengthening team building, and actively carrying out volunteer activities to support the military and give priority to families.

Introduce more policies to support innovation and entrepreneurship among retired military personnel

According to statistics, more than 1000 representatives from 16 districts were invited to attend the reverence ceremony, many of whom are family members of active duty soldiers. For a long time, the "three rear" issues of retired soldiers, their families in the military, and their children's enrollment and childcare have been the focus of supporting the military and their families. Shanghai has launched a series of practical measures.

In the face of difficulties faced by the group of retired soldiers, the Municipal Support for Military and Family Members Foundation has carried out care and assistance work through the "Special Fund for Care and Assistance of Retired Soldiers" and the "Special Fund for Support for Military and Family Members in Street and Town". From January to June this year, Baoshan District Association issued 306000 yuan in medical assistance and assistance to 17 stationed military officers and soldiers and their families. Considering the high workload and limited time for young military officers to take care of their families, the Municipal Military Support and Family Welfare Foundation has funded and collaborated with relevant departments to organize summer camps for military children, caring summer care classes, and integrated entertainment and education classes for young children. Some districts have also held "Smart Military Sister in Law Training Courses" to help military sisters scientifically handle issues and difficulties such as children's education, family relationships, emotional stress, and self-improvement.

A Glorious City, a Respectful Conference Policy | Shanghai | Conference

In addition to relevant preferential policies, in recent years, Shanghai has also expanded its efforts to address the "three rear" issues and launched a series of measures in support of innovation and entrepreneurship policies for retired soldiers. By building platforms and providing policy support, Shanghai has helped more retired soldiers achieve their entrepreneurial dreams.

There is a Beidou Industrial Base in Xihongqiao, Shanghai, which is the first Beidou Industrial Park in China to officially operate and serve. It has gathered over a hundred strong related enterprises in Beidou navigation and positioning applications. One of its founders, Yu Wenxian, was a retired soldier. In 2019, Yu Wenxian and several other retired military entrepreneurs jointly initiated the establishment of the Shanghai High tech Industry Innovation Service Strategic Alliance, with enterprises created and operated by retired military personnel as the main body, committed to building various service platforms, spaces, and conditions for the entrepreneurship and innovation of retired military personnel. As a demonstration base for entrepreneurship and incubation of retired soldiers in Shanghai, the Rongchuang Alliance currently has more than 170 members and more than 10000 members.

The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality
The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality

The Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area, which were adopted at the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on July 25, 2023, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on October 1, 2023. Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area Article 1 In order to promote the high-quality development of financial leasing in Pudong New Area, give full play to the function of financial services for the real economy, and promote the construction of the core area of an international financial center, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the basic principles of relevant laws and administrative regulations and in the light of the actual conditions of Pudong New Area. Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the promotion of development, management services and other activities of financial leasing companies whose domicile is in Pudong New Area. Article 3 The People's Government of Pudong New Area shall establish a financial leasing industry to promote development and coordinate supervision and management.

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Are you familiar with Ling Jiajia, who is actively helping young people find employment? This "internet celebrity" workplace mentor offers | platform | Ling Jiajia

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What does Shanghai rely on to safeguard the safety of medical insurance funds?, Over the past five years, nearly 600 million yuan of "life-saving money" has been recovered. Supervision | Inspection | Shanghai

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Serving the Citizens, Shanghai Big Data Center: Promoting the Upgrade of City | Governance | Code Application through "Suishen Code"
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Since its launch, Suishen Code has developed a large number of convenient services in fields such as medical treatment, transportation, cultural tourism, and social governance. What new applications will "Suishen Code" provide in the future? Yesterday, the first Shanghai "Suishen Code" Application Innovation Competition came to an end, with innovative talents and enterprise teams from various industries focusing on technology assistance for the elderly and disabled, smart campuses, medical health, government services, urban governance, and other fields, submitting more than 200 entries. The organizer of the competition, Shanghai Big Data Center, stated that it is currently accelerating the construction of a comprehensive urban service and governance system with "one person, one code, one enterprise, one code, one object, one code", to upgrade "Suishen Code" to a more convenient and functional "City Code". Innovative applications are expected to be implemented and promoted. In October last year, the city's big data center was listed by the city's science and technology commission and other organizations

Exchange of information and experiences related to the research on the theme education of the Party Group, Mayor Gong Zheng held a meeting of the Municipal Government Party Group to educate | Theme | Party Group
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Gong Zheng pointed out that we need to further deepen and implement research work, enhance the accuracy of research topics, the depth of problem sorting, the strength of problem solving, and the satisfaction of grassroots people with the results of problem solving, in order to achieve greater effectiveness in theme education. At the meeting, city leaders Wu Qing, Zhang Xiaohong, Liu Duo, Huayuan, Shu Qing, and Peng Chenlei combined their respective thematic education research and exchanged their understanding and mastery of social conditions and public opinion during the research