2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Character Selection Activity Launches Socialism | Nationwide | Activity

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 06:29 AM

This event focuses on the outstanding, commendable, socially recognized, and widely influential model figures and advanced collectives that emerged in this city during the period from August 2022 to July 2023. After active selection by various grassroots units, a total of 47 advanced models have become candidates.

We sincerely invite citizens to actively participate in online voting and select your "Touching Shanghai Person of the Year"! The online voting period is from August 23rd to August 27th.

Participation method:

The participation method for this selection activity is online voting. Please select 10 people from the above 47 candidates who will move Shanghai the year in your mind.

1. You can learn about the candidate's information and obtain the voting links through the "Learning Powerful" Shanghai learning platform, "Shenyin Liang Liang", "Civilized Shanghai", "Hongtu", "Oriental Diary" and other WeChat official account.

2. You can also use your phone to scan the QR code and vote for the "Touching Shanghai" candidate.

Here is a candidate introduction:

1. Ma Wenqing, male, Han ethnicity, born in August 1972, is the General Manager of Xuhui Branch of Shanghai Fanshun Catering Co., Ltd. In 2019, he learned that some elderly people living alone in Changqiao Street had difficulty eating, and led restaurant staff to deliver meals to their homes for free. In the past 1300 days, he has helped 16 elderly households in total, fulfilling every promise regardless of weather. During the epidemic period, he has never stopped and sincerely guarded the happiness on the tip of his tongue for the elderly. He actively participates in community volunteer services and actively promotes his company to join the "Qinghe Respect for the Elderly Alliance". He uses his own actions to help the poor and the weak, and drives more people around him to participate in social welfare. His honest and friendly deeds are praised by the surrounding residents. Previously selected as "Warm Moments in People's Cities".

2. Wang Xiaoyan, female, Han ethnicity, born in December 1974, is a cleaner at Shanghai Zhuochuan Human Resources Co., Ltd. At the age of 30, her mother suffered a sudden stroke, which left her paralyzed in bed due to severe sequelae. Misfortune never came alone, and her grandmother also fell due to her advanced age. On one side is her mother who is paralyzed due to illness, and on the other side is her grandmother who has difficulty with her legs and feet. For more than ten years, she has been devoted to filial piety in front of the bed. Three years ago, filial piety awakened a miracle, and under her careful care, her mother was finally able to get out of bed and walk. Nowadays, although both my grandmother and mother have limited mobility, under the care of Wang Xiaoyan, they dress simple yet very clean and tidy. She supports the whole family with her weak shoulders and strong perseverance, interpreting the true essence of filial piety through practical actions. Has been nominated by Shanghai for being a good person with spiritual civilization and a moral model who has moved Songjiang.

3. Wang Sen, male, Han ethnicity, born in September 1974, is a member of the Communist Party of China. He is an engineer at the Information Center of Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute and the Vice Chairman of Shanghai Disabled Persons Association. He overcame the inconvenience of his own disability and wore a nearly 20 pound prosthetic. In addition to diligently completing his job, he also actively engaged in public welfare activities in his spare time. For over 20 years, he has provided over 1200 hours of volunteer services to assist disabled people and raised nearly a million yuan in material support for disabled friends. Under his advocacy, a volunteer team of planners from the Shanghai Planning Institute was established, and the "Wang Sen Volunteer Service Studio" was established. More and more planners joined his disability assistance projects, continuously delivering thoughtful services to the disabled community. He has been awarded the fifth batch of national position learning Lei Feng model soldiers and the "Four 100" excellent volunteers for national volunteer service learning Lei Feng.

4. Wang Tian, male, Han ethnicity, born in January 1984, is the founder of Bear Claw Coffee. He started organizing public welfare activities 14 years ago and founded "Bear Claw Coffee" in Shanghai in 2020. Since its establishment, the company has been rooted in the disability assistance industry, with a disability employment rate of over 80%. By building a coffee industry chain and opening multiple stores, it has provided employment opportunities for more than 100 disabled people, allowing "silent" baristas to receive more care from people. He creates exclusive operating spaces and practical bases for disabled employees, cultivating their solid professional abilities and obtaining stable career security. He drives brother companies to pay attention to the disabled population, providing vocational training and employment and entrepreneurship assistance for more disabled people. He has been recognized as a national news figure in helping the disabled, a good person in Shanghai's spiritual civilization, and a leading figure in the Shanghai coffee industry.

5. Lan Yunke, male, born in September 1973, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the chairman of Shanghai Caizhong Catering Management Co., Ltd. He actively carried out charitable and public welfare activities, persisted in supporting the cause and education, established the "Lanyunke Special Scholarship", persisted in paired assistance, paired disabled veterans in revolutionary old areas, donated more than 37.6 million yuan in total, supported the military and gave preferential treatment to families, and arranged employment opportunities for more than 4200 people. During the epidemic in Wuhan, we donated over 5 million yuan and epidemic prevention materials, and led 7 retired military volunteers to settle in Jinyintan Hospital and Huoshenshan Hospital for 87 days. When the COVID-19 situation in Shanghai was severe in 2022, he organized a volunteer team mainly composed of retired soldiers, totaling more than 3600 people to participate in volunteer activities. He has won the National "Most Beautiful Volunteer", the National exemplary individual Learning from Lei Feng, and the National Veterans Entrepreneurship Model.

6. Zhu Huijuan, female, Han ethnicity, born in July 1958, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the former Secretary of the Party General Branch in Yunzhong Residential Area, Nanjing East Road Street, Huangpu District. Since joining the Yunzhong Neighborhood Committee in 1999, she has persisted in pairing and jointly building residential areas with the "Nanjing Road Good Eight Companies", fully supporting the construction of the military, carefully helping officers and soldiers solve practical difficulties, actively participating in serving the people, promoting the implementation of the "Good Eight Companies" group sculpture construction project and model deeds publicity work, inheriting and promoting the fine tradition of dual support, and dedicating herself wholeheartedly to promoting positive energy in society. She was hired as the honorary instructor of the "Nanjing Road Good Eighth Company", determined to support the army with unwavering enthusiasm, and was affectionately referred to as the "military mother" of the "Good Eighth Company". He was nominated as the "most beautiful military supporter" in China, an outstanding volunteer in Shanghai, and a model worker in Shanghai.

7. Yan Bing, male, Han ethnicity, born in August 1969, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the Deputy Chief Engineer of Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. He has been deeply involved in the research and independent innovation of marine equipment technology for 30 years, leading the "Yan Bing Floating Crane Innovation Studio" to overcome difficulties, independently developing multiple largest floating cranes in Asia and the world, and assisting in the construction of many "century projects" such as the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge. In 2022, a series of new models, including the largest 2000 ton offshore platform crane produced domestically, were developed. Participate in the drafting of relevant industry standards, cultivate a new generation of talents for China's marine engineering equipment industry, and continue to stay at the forefront of innovation in the world's marine equipment industry. Has won the National May Day Labor Medal, the Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, and Shanghai Outstanding Engineer.

8. Li Yifan, male, Han ethnicity, born in March 1986, is a member of the Communist Party of China and co-founder and CEO of Shanghai Hesai Technology Co., Ltd. He actively responded to a series of major national decisions and deployments, such as "improving the national innovation system, accelerating the construction of a technological power, and achieving high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement." He led Hesai Technology to solve the "bottleneck" problems of high cost and difficult mass production of LiDAR through original and leading technological breakthroughs, breaking through industry barriers. Its LiDAR has been validated by the market, with customers in over 40 countries and 90 cities worldwide, continuously expanding the influence of "China's Intelligent Manufacturing" on a global scale. Has won awards such as Global Youth Leader at the World Economic Forum, Entrepreneurial Talent of the National Overseas High level Talent Program, and Shanghai Youth May Fourth Medal Model.

9. Li Shaoqian, male, Han nationality, born in October 1988, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the deputy director of the navigation institute of the Institute of Micro Satellite Innovation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. As the youngest chief designer of Beidou, he participated in the overall design, development, and launch of 12 navigation satellites. The fully autonomous and controllable dedicated navigation satellite platform he participated in the development is at the international leading level, setting a new record for world navigation satellite networking. He presided over the development and construction of the space segment of the BeiDou ground verification system, breaking through technologies such as distributed synchronous parallel ultra real-time simulation based on discrete event scheduling, and innovatively verifying more than 100 independently controllable key core technologies such as the BeiDou inter satellite link and signal system, laying a technical foundation for BeiDou navigation services to go global. Has won the first prize of the Shanghai Technology Invention Award and the Shanghai Youth May Fourth Medal Model.

10. Yang Xulei, male, Han ethnicity, born in March 1982, is a member of the Communist Party of China. He is the workshop director of the Bailonggang Sewage Treatment Plant of Shanghai Chengtou Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd. and a representative of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He has completed the operation and commissioning of multiple major municipal projects such as sludge digestion, drying, and incineration, and led the team to effectively solve problems such as "foreign equipment not adapting to local conditions". He has formed 13 national patents and 13 municipal innovation awards. The workshop he led has become the most complete demonstration base for sludge treatment technology, equipment, and facilities nationwide. He led the creation of a model worker innovation studio, using the "trinity" teaching method to cultivate a large number of scarce technical backbone. He has won the National model worker, the May Day Labor Medal of Shanghai, and the Young Post Expert of Shanghai.

11. Xiao Qi, female, Han ethnicity, born in March 1968, is a member of the Communist Party of China and a former administrator of Shanghai Bus Fifth Public Transport Co., Ltd. She actively participates in community volunteer services for a long time. On the early morning of April 11, 2023, a fire broke out in the corridor where Xiao Qi was located, and the fire rapidly spread and the situation was critical. After Xiao Qi's family discovered the fire, as the building leader, she braved thick smoke and scorching heat, knocking on each door one by one and waking up the neighbors. Xiao Qi suffered multiple burns and falls on his body, but he managed to keep the entire building safe. After the fire, many neighbors came to visit Xiao Qi and express their gratitude to her. Xiao Qi said, "I'm glad that our neighbors are safe. In the future, when we encounter such situations again, we will still step forward. This is the responsibility that Communist Party members should fulfill." He was once selected for the "Warm Moments in People's Cities.".

12. He Zuhua, male, Han nationality, born in November 1962, is a member of the NLD and a researcher of the Center for Excellence and Innovation in Molecular Plant Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. At the beginning of this century, he returned to China to devote himself to the research of cutting-edge theories and core technologies in crop disease resistance breeding, and has led more than 10 national science and technology projects. For 40 years, he has been tirelessly exploring various disease nurseries in the north and south of China, engaging in research on plant pathology and crop disease resistance breeding. He has made internationally leading breakthroughs in the broad-spectrum disease resistance mechanism and breeding theory of plants. He provided the disease resistance genes that had been developed for many years to breeders for free, solving major national needs and creating significant economic and social benefits for increasing agricultural production and farmers' income. Has been awarded the titles of National Excellent Science and Technology Worker, Top Ten Advances in the Field of Life Sciences in China, and Touching Figures of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

13. Zhang Junping, female, Han ethnicity, born in December 1977, is a member of the Communist Party of China. She is a full-time deputy secretary and deputy director of the Kangcheng Community Party Committee in Xinzhuang Town, Minhang District, and a representative of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. She is the "big butler" of Shanghai Kangcheng, the largest open community with 40000 people in Shanghai. Over the past 10 years, she has used the spirit of "embroidery needles" to refine and refine community governance. Play the role of a "bridge and link", listen to the voices of the people, relieve their worries, gather their wisdom, guide the general public to participate in community governance, and become a "partner" and "family member" of a beautiful community. During the epidemic, we rushed to the front line and organized more than 2600 volunteers to work together to safeguard the safety of the community. Continuously exploring effective paths for managing super large communities, and contributing to the construction of a social governance community where everyone is responsible, responsible, and enjoyable. He has been awarded the title of National Excellent Communist Party Member and Shanghai March 8th Red Flag Bearer.

14. Lu Donghui, male, Han ethnicity, born in November 1981, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch in Chunguang Village, Xianghua Town, Chongming District. As a village cadre, he silently rooted himself at the grassroots level in rural areas, taking serving the people as his own responsibility. On the afternoon of January 17, 2023, he drove past Liuhe River in Xianghua Town and learned that a vehicle had accidentally driven into the river, and the driver was still trapped in the car. Braving the zero degree cold, he didn't hesitate to jump into the piercing river water, went back and forth twice, broke the window for rescue, and did his best to pull the driver out of the car. After rescuing the person, he was exhausted, and the surrounding people worked together to drag the two people ashore. His heroic deeds have received unanimous praise from the surrounding people. Has been selected as "Warm Moments in People's Cities" and has been awarded as an excellent volunteer in Shanghai.

15. Lu Xuefeng, male, Han ethnicity, born in January 1979, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the General Manager of Qiandu Cultural Development Co., Ltd. He has a congenital physical disability and faces the dilemma of losing his mother and being laid off from his father in his youth, but he always strives for self-improvement and tenacity. In order to help his younger brother continue his studies, he dropped out of middle school and started working, relying on self-study to obtain a doctoral degree. He loves weightlifting and uses his abilities to bring glory to his country. He has won 15 world and national gold medals in weightlifting for disabled people. To help people with disabilities find employment, he founded the tea brand "Duxiaoai" and has provided care and assistance to nearly 500 people. Establish "Tu Xiao Ai Tea Drink Employment and Entrepreneurship Fund", create "Hope Primary School in Milk Tea", and drive more people with disabilities to find high-quality employment and entrepreneurship. He has won the champion of the World Disabled Weightlifting Championships, the exemplary individual of the national disabled sports, and the model of self-improvement in Shanghai.

16. Lu Kexiao, male, Han ethnicity, born in July 1988, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the deputy station director of the Xinhai Fire Rescue Station of the Chongming District Fire Rescue Detachment. He has been rooted on the island for 17 years and has participated in more than 3000 firefighting and rescue operations, rescuing more than 260 trapped people. Over the years, we have paired up to help 8 students get into college, taking care of 2 families in need and 8 elderly people living alone for a long time, with a total assistance amount of over 200000 yuan. Under his leadership, 12 fire brigade stations in Chongming District have established the "Flame Blue Lei Feng Volunteer Service Team", pairing to assist 18 elderly people living alone and supporting 26 disadvantaged students. During the 2022 Battle of Shanghai, he applied for support to the Shanghai International Exhibition Cabin Hospital and the Fuxingguan Cabin Hospital, and fought for more than 90 consecutive days. He has been recognized as a national role model for learning from Lei Feng, a good person in China, and a national model figure for respecting, loving, and assisting the elderly.

17. Chen Mingqing, female, Han ethnicity, born in December 1975, is a member of the Communist Party of China. She is the Director of the Student Affairs Office and the Minister of the Department of the First Affiliated Middle School of East China Normal University. She loves the education industry, deeply understands the spirit of General Secretary's series of important speeches, transforms new ideas into teaching language, and conveys and internalizes the political literacy of teachers into the ideal beliefs and conscious behaviors of students. She loves her students, selflessly dedicates herself, and concretizes her love for students and education as a teacher's responsibility and responsibility. She strives to tap into the potential of her students, giving every student the opportunity to excel in life. She actively plays a demonstrative and radiating role by offering city level shared courses, paired teaching in rural schools, and selflessly sharing teaching experiences through teaching exchanges in other provinces and cities. He was awarded the National Model Teacher, National exemplary individual, National "Most Beautiful Teacher", etc.

18. Shao Rupeng, male, Han ethnicity, born in February 2002, is an employee of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Vocational and Technical College. He persisted in 13 hours of training every day for 4 consecutive years, creating mortise and tenon structures with joints less than 0.2 millimeters, and won the gold medal in the fine woodworking project at the 2022 World Skills Competition Special Competition. This is the first gold medal won by China at the 2022 World Championships, and also the first fine woodworking project championship won by China on the stage of the World Championships. He demonstrated to the world the perfect integration of traditional Chinese craftsmanship and modern technology through his unremitting efforts of "grinding a sword for four years". After winning the championship, he quietly worked as a frontline coach, imparting skills and experience, passing down traditional Chinese skills from generation to generation, and continuously promoting them. Has won the Chinese Youth May Fourth Medal, National Skills Expert, and so on.

19. Luo Lijun, male, Han ethnicity, born in July 1961, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the chief scientist of the Shanghai Agricultural Biology Gene Center. He has been engaged in research on rice genetic resources for a long time, innovatively cultivating water-saving and drought resistant rice, solving the technical problem of balancing high yield, high quality, and water-saving and drought resistance in rice. He has established a protection and utilization system for rice genetic resources in China, invented a new breeding technology of "two-way selection" to integrate drought resistance and yield, and established a green cultivation technology system of "drought direct seeding and drought management". He has achieved a 50% water saving and a 90% reduction in carbon emissions in paddy field production. He actively engaged in the popularization of science and technology, and promoted the water-saving and drought resistant rice and its supporting production technology, which played an important role in rural revitalization and technological poverty alleviation. Has won the National Innovation Award, National Outstanding Professional and Technical Talents, and Shanghai May Day Labor Medal, among others.

20. Jin Shulin, male, Han ethnicity, born in February 1941, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the 22nd generation guardian of the "First Peony in Jiangnan". The ancient peony "Pink House" was gifted by Dong Qichang, a calligrapher and painter of the Ming Dynasty, and is regarded as a treasure by the Jin family for generations. From a young man with green onions to his old age, Jin Shulin has been guarding the ancient tree for more than 40 years and has formed a deep love relationship with this ancient peony. Cold and summer come and go, he takes good care of the ancient peonies and never leaves, inheriting good family traditions and teachings; Visitors keep coming, and he passionately narrates excellent traditional culture. Since 1996, we have accumulated more than ten visitor check-in books, recording over 100000 visitors. Nowadays, the descendants of Jin Shulin have also joined the team of guardians, passing down this nearly 500 year guardianship from generation to generation. Has been awarded the titles of "Five Good Civilized Families" and "Most Beautiful Family on the Sea" in Shanghai.

2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Character Selection Activity Launches Socialism | Nationwide | Activity

21. Zhou Jian, male, Han ethnicity, born in November 1978, is a member of the Communist Party of China. He is also the administrative deputy director and branch secretary of the Endocrine Metabolism Department at the Sixth People's Hospital of Shanghai. He has been committed to the clinical treatment and basic research of diabetes for a long time. For the first time in the world, he carried out the research on the normal reference value of continuous glucose monitoring parameters and established the first Chinese normal reference value. He assisted in poverty alleviation and during his aid to Xinjiang, he established the Endocrine Metabolism Department of Kashgar Second Hospital from scratch, demonstrating the responsibility of doctors through practical actions. He devoted himself to the prevention and treatment of diabetes at the grass-roots level. Through medical treatment, technology and education, he went deep into the urban and rural grass-roots level, actively built a comprehensive prevention and treatment system for diabetes that integrates medical treatment and prevention, and comprehensively improved community diagnosis and treatment capabilities. Has won awards such as Shanghai Youth Job Expert and Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award.

22. Fang Jinmei, female, Han ethnicity, born in December 1948, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the principal of Shanghai Xingjia Disabled Children's Compulsory Counseling School. She was originally an excellent textile worker. In 1988, she suddenly suffered from misfortune and suffered from high paraplegia after multiple surgeries. However, she remained tenacious and persevered, reporting her fate with songs. In 1996, I personally sewed a hundred backpacks for children in poverty-stricken areas, mobilized family and friends, paired up with children in poverty-stricken areas to help 105 children return to school. In 1999, she founded Xingjia Disabled Children's Compulsory Counseling School and devoted all her energy to the cause of love. She sat in a wheelchair to deliver teachers to their homes and made every effort to assist disabled students. Currently, the school has more than 30000 volunteers, and over the past 20 years, she has helped more than 8000 families. She is the "wheelchair principal" for children. Has won the national position learning Lei Feng model and the "China Good Person List" for being a helpful person.

23. Zhao Dongyuan, male, Han ethnicity, born in June 1963, is a member of the Communist Party of China, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a professor at Fudan University, and the head of the United Front Work Department of the Party Committee. He has long been engaged in research in the fields of basic chemical theory and chemical applications, leading a team to invent more than 20 mesoporous materials named after Fudan University, and has won multiple heavyweight academic awards at home and abroad. His research results have also been transformed into mesoporous carbon supercapacitors, palladium mesoporous carbon catalysts, copper manganese mesoporous carbon catalysts, and other products, which have been used in scenes such as the Shanghai World Expo and the Beijing Olympic Village. In addition to scientific research, he insists on teaching undergraduate students the basic course "General Chemistry", cultivating young research talents. Over the past 30 years of teaching, he has taken moral education as the fundamental principle, adhered to teaching according to individual needs and innovation, and has spread his knowledge throughout the world. He has won the National Innovation Award, the the State Natural Science Award, and the Shanghai Science and Technology Meritorious Officer Award.

24. Zhao Ting, female, Han ethnicity, born in May 1988, is the head of the Wusong area of Shanghai Yile Nursing Station. In 2016, she passed the exam and became one of the first batch of long-term care insurance nurses in Shanghai. In the past 7 years of nursing work, she has taken care of over 40 elderly people, most of whom are severely disabled and unable to speak. She is not afraid of dirt or fatigue, and helps the elderly take showers, wipe their bodies, wash their hair, trim their nails, massage... With professional and meticulous care and family like companionship, she warms their hearts. Under her careful care, the health level of elderly people with varying degrees of disability has been improved. She is rigorous and meticulous in her work, treats people kindly and warmly, and is often regarded as her own granddaughter by many elderly people. Has been awarded the Shanghai May Day Labor Medal, nominated for the Shanghai Spiritual Civilization Good Person and Good deed, and a moral model in Baoshan District.

25. Hu Chuanshuo, male, Han ethnicity, born in October 1983, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the head of the final assembly team at Jiangnan Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. With his perseverance and pursuit of excellence in his work, he has grown into an outstanding fitter skilled leader in the domestic shipbuilding industry. He has participated in the construction of multiple types of national key strategic high-tech products and key engineering projects, and completed the construction of high-tech and high value-added ship products such as the "Yuanwang" space measurement series ship, large liquefied gas ship, self unloading ship, chemical ship, etc. Among the 16 ship specific tooling independently developed by him, 3 have obtained national patents, filling the technical gap through various innovative processes and making outstanding contributions. He has won the National May Day Labor Medal, National Technical Expert, model worker of Shanghai, etc.

26. Yu Xionghui, male, Han ethnicity, born in June 1969, is a member of the Communist Party of China and a police officer of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Qingpu Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau. He has been fighting on the front line of criminal investigation for 27 years, with a persistent determination to be stingy. He has participated in the investigation of more than 3000 criminal cases and successfully solved a number of influential cases nationwide. He has traveled to 29 provinces and regions across the country to investigate and pursue crimes, setting an extreme record of 42 days without returning home and 96 hours without closing eyes. The overloaded work caused him to suffer from hypertension and lumbar disc herniation. In 2019, he had a sudden cerebral infarction at work, but fortunately, timely rescue did not prevent him from staying on the front line of cracking down on cases. Since 2015, he has led the cracking of 51 homicide cases, including 11 accumulated cases over the years, making outstanding contributions to safeguarding the safety of citizens. Has won the Shanghai May Day Labor Medal, Qingpu District Moral Model, and so on.

27. Shi Dehua, male, Han ethnicity, born in January 1944, is a member of the Communist Party of China and a resident of the Ouxiang Community in Anting Town, Jiading District. He served in the Navy Aviation Corps of the People's Liberation Army of China and rushed to the front line in the early 1970s to carry out border military tasks. His squadron had 26 officers and soldiers who sacrificed their precious lives. In order to fulfill the earnest instructions given by the sacrificial squad leader during his lifetime, he went through hardships and spent most of his life traveling throughout the country, searching for the relatives of 26 martyrs, sending them precious information about their lives, and offering sincere condolences and high respect. He completed the book "The Beacon Brigade" as the chief editor, documenting the heroic deeds of the soldiers in the army, in order to commemorate the comrades who sacrificed heroically in the war. Has won the National Moral Model Nomination Award, the National "Integrity Star", and the "Most Beautiful Retired Soldier" in Shanghai.

28. Yuan Panpan, male, Han ethnicity, born in September 1991, is a customized designer for the entire house. On the morning of November 11, 2022, he saw a little girl on the same floor climbing out of the window on the 6th floor, holding onto the window edge with both hands, at any time in danger of falling high. He volunteered and rushed to the scene for rescue as soon as possible, but unfortunately, the distance between the two floors was too far. He leaned out of the window and tried his best but could not touch the girl. As time passed, the girl gradually became physically exhausted and was on the verge of collapse. At the critical moment, he came up with a quick idea and found a plastic stool to step on. He grabbed the handrail and climbed up, carefully lifting the girl down. A large number of netizens enthusiastically praised his achievements and thanked him for taking a step forward. Has been selected for "People's City Warm Moments", has won "Jinshan Good Person", Alibaba Public Welfare Positive Energy Award, and so on.

29. Gu Xiaofen, female, Han ethnicity, born in May 1980, is a member of the Communist Party of China and a first-class police officer at the Pujin Road Police Station of the Minhang Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau. She has been rooted in the community for 15 years, relying on the closed-loop management of police situations and the linkage mechanism of the three institutions, to discover conflicts early and resolve them in small ways. This year, more than 80 cases of conflicts have been investigated and resolved, and there have been no cases of "civilian to criminal" conversion. She has become WeChat friends with over 2000 residents in her jurisdiction by building a circle of community positions, serving over 10000 residents in Pujiang. Over the past seven years, the police situation in the area under its jurisdiction has plummeted by 46%, achieving 100% detection of theft cases, 100% anti fraud measures, and 100% elimination of hidden dangers. She takes orders online 24 hours a day, responds instantly to residents seeking help, and tracks difficult and complicated illnesses for a long time. She wholeheartedly solves urgent and difficult problems for the public. Has won the title of "Most Beautiful Family in the Country" and "Outstanding Female Police Officer".

Guo Ming, female, Han ethnicity, born in February 1981, is the Deputy Director General of Shanghai Sunshine Community Youth Affairs Center. She has been working in the field of youth affairs and social work for 20 years, leading social work institutions and nearly 700 youth affairs and social workers in the city to achieve numerous achievements in areas such as family affairs and social work, as well as the standardization construction of juvenile justice and social services. Formulate the "Norms for the Participation of Youth Affairs Social Workers in Resolving Domestic Disputes" and participate in the drafting and promulgation of the "Norms for Judicial and Social Work Services for Minors". Served over 500 disadvantaged and delinquent youth on the front line, resolving family cases

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Serving the Citizens, Shanghai Big Data Center: Promoting the Upgrade of City | Governance | Code Application through "Suishen Code"
Serving the Citizens, Shanghai Big Data Center: Promoting the Upgrade of City | Governance | Code Application through "Suishen Code"

Since its launch, Suishen Code has developed a large number of convenient services in fields such as medical treatment, transportation, cultural tourism, and social governance. What new applications will "Suishen Code" provide in the future? Yesterday, the first Shanghai "Suishen Code" Application Innovation Competition came to an end, with innovative talents and enterprise teams from various industries focusing on technology assistance for the elderly and disabled, smart campuses, medical health, government services, urban governance, and other fields, submitting more than 200 entries. The organizer of the competition, Shanghai Big Data Center, stated that it is currently accelerating the construction of a comprehensive urban service and governance system with "one person, one code, one enterprise, one code, one object, one code", to upgrade "Suishen Code" to a more convenient and functional "City Code". Innovative applications are expected to be implemented and promoted. In October last year, the city's big data center was listed by the city's science and technology commission and other organizations

Exchange of information and experiences related to the research on the theme education of the Party Group, Mayor Gong Zheng held a meeting of the Municipal Government Party Group to educate | Theme | Party Group
Exchange of information and experiences related to the research on the theme education of the Party Group, Mayor Gong Zheng held a meeting of the Municipal Government Party Group to educate | Theme | Party Group

Gong Zheng pointed out that we need to further deepen and implement research work, enhance the accuracy of research topics, the depth of problem sorting, the strength of problem solving, and the satisfaction of grassroots people with the results of problem solving, in order to achieve greater effectiveness in theme education. At the meeting, city leaders Wu Qing, Zhang Xiaohong, Liu Duo, Huayuan, Shu Qing, and Peng Chenlei combined their respective thematic education research and exchanged their understanding and mastery of social conditions and public opinion during the research