The United States may take new actions against Iran, unprecedented actions to respond to Iran | Deploying troops | Strait of Hormuz merchant ships | The United States

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 13:44 PM

According to US media reports, the US military is considering deploying troops on commercial ships passing through the Strait of Hormuz to prevent Iran from seizing them. But public opinion is concerned that this "unprecedented" deployment will bring the US and Iran closer to direct confrontation.


On the 3rd, the Associated Press quoted multiple US officials as saying that the US military is considering deploying troops on commercial ships passing through the Strait of Hormuz to prevent Iran from detaining them.

According to informed officials, this proposal has received support from senior officials in the Biden administration and may soon be implemented. Some personnel from the US Marine Corps 26th Expeditionary Force have flown to Bahrain for relevant training.

Meanwhile, other members of the unit are about to arrive in the Middle East. They boarded the US Navy's amphibious assault ship Badan and the landing ship Carter Hall, which departed from Virginia on July 10th and arrived at Greek ports earlier this week.

The Pentagon previously stated that the reason for sending these two warships was because Iran has recently posed a "threat" to the flow of commercial ships in the Strait of Hormuz and its surrounding waters.

"We have a group of people in the local area. The policy decision has basically been made," said the informed official.

The Associated Press reported that this group of Marines is expected to become the backbone of the armed security mission in the Strait of Hormuz.

The report also pointed out that the potential deployment will be "unprecedented". Even in the oil tanker war, the United States did not take this step. In 1988, the US Navy engaged in a one-day naval battle with Iran, marking the largest naval battle the US Navy has participated in since World War II.

As the Pentagon attempts to turn its attention to Russia and China, this imagined move also signifies an extraordinary investment by the US military in the Middle East.

American media also referred to this potential deployment as a "major upgrade".

It's getting worse and worse

In the view of the United States, in recent years, Iran has seized multiple ships in the Strait of Hormuz and needs to strengthen its response.

US media reported that Iran's seizure of ships is aimed at "putting pressure on the West" in the context of negotiations between the parties involved in the Iran nuclear agreement regarding the resumption of US Iran compliance.

However, Iran's previous reasons for the seizure of ships included "violations" and "smuggling".

In recent months, the conflict between the United States and Iran over the seizure of ships has intensified. The US Navy's Fifth Fleet stationed in the Middle East announced on May 3rd that an oil tanker flying the Panamanian flag was seized by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard in the Strait of Hormuz. Iranian media reported that the Revolutionary Guard detained a foreign oil tanker for "violating regulations".

In May, the White House announced that it would take action in the region, but did not specify. According to informed officials, a series of proposals have emerged in recent months, including deploying troops to merchant ships. Since May, the US Navy's Fifth Fleet has been discussing the possibility of deploying troops with the shipping industry.

July 5th is seen as a turning point. The US Navy stated at the time that Iran attempted to detain two oil tankers near the Strait of Hormuz and fired at one of them, and the US Navy intervened in this operation. But Iran denies this.

Still holding variables

Regarding the latest reports from American media, Pentagon spokesperson Pat Ryder responded that there are currently no updates that need to be announced. But he also stated that the US military has dispatched more ships, planes, and Marines to the Gulf region to ensure "freedom of navigation in the Strait of Hormuz.".

The US Department of Defense announced last month that it will send an additional destroyer and several F-35 and F-16 fighter jets to the Strait of Hormuz.

John Kirby, spokesperson for the White House National Security Council, emphasized the importance of the Strait of Hormuz for global maritime trade, as well as concerns from the United States about Iran's "harassment" of ships in the Strait of Hormuz.

The Iranian delegation to the United Nations has not yet commented, but the Islamic Republic of Iran News Agency reported on new developments regarding the possible deployment of US troops.

Public opinion believes that although the United States hopes to use deployed forces to deter Iran from continuing to detain ships, this move may further exacerbate tensions. In recent years, despite the tense relationship between the United States and Iran, the two countries have largely avoided direct conflict.

Last month, in response to the US increasing military deployment in the Strait of Hormuz, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Kanani said that continuing similar actions by the US would create new sensitive issues in the region, leading to a worsening of regional stability and security. He emphasized that the United States has never played a peaceful or constructive role in regional security and other issues.

However, it appears that there are still some variables in the deployment of US troops to merchant ships passing through the Strait of Hormuz. According to informed officials, the Pentagon is still considering this proposal and has not yet finalized it.

Firstly, US policymakers need to consider what powers the military will have in carrying out such tasks in the future. This proposal may ultimately require approval from the highest level.

Secondly, the deployment of troops is expected to require the consent of the relevant shipowners. According to informed officials, the process of implementing this proposal is complex and is expected to require approval from the vessel's location and the shipowner's registered address. It is reported that there are currently no ships or shipping companies requesting the US military to dispatch troops.

In addition, the US military also needs to coordinate with regional allies. Just yesterday, US Navy Fifth Fleet Commander Brad Cooper met with Gulf Cooperation Council leaders in the Saudi capital of Riyadh. The post meeting statement did not mention the deployment plan of the US military, but stated that both sides discussed "strengthening cooperation between the Gulf Cooperation Council and the United States, as well as cooperation with international and regional partners."

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