Let’s talk about these six first, the “new” flavor of the Year of the Dragon

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 20:59 PM

The taste of the year is a kind of memory, it is the new clothes of childhood and the smell of home, which always make people nostalgic.

The taste of the New Year is an experience. Every Spring Festival, we work together to enrich the experience of the New Year and expand the connotation of the taste of the New Year. Generation after generation, everyone is embracing the Spring Festival in their own way.

What kind of "new" flavor does this Spring Festival bring?

As a traditional festival, the Spring Festival meets head-on with "trendy products" that represent fashion consumption. The "national trend" paints a New Year's flavor full of cultural confidence.

From the ever-changing blind boxes for the Year of the Dragon to the cute panda dancing dragon ornaments, to the cool golden dragon mecha transformation toys, this Spring Festival, "zodiac trendy toys" based on dragon elements and zodiac culture have become a trend for young people. My favorite trendy new year item.

△ "Bingdundun"'s special edition of "Longdundun" for the Year of the Dragon

In addition to "what to play", "what to wear" is also an expression of young people's personality. Since January, the search volume for the word "New Year's greetings clothes" on an e-commerce platform has increased 5.6 times year-on-year. Among them, the search volume related to "girls' horse-faced skirt" has increased nearly 40 times year-on-year. The festive "national style New Year's greeting clothes" have become a new choice for many young parents to buy new clothes for their children.

The "horse-faced skirt" can be said to be the most fashionable item during the Spring Festival in the Year of the Dragon. Various horse-faced skirts have become the "New Year's shirt" for many young people. On the basis of traditional styles and techniques, many designers continue to try to add new elements and designs to explore the integration of traditional clothing and modern life.

On the stage of the Main Station's Year of the Dragon Spring Festival Gala, the creative program "Nian Jin" stunned the entire network. From the stage to life, traditional costume culture is attracting more fans.

The countryside during the Spring Festival has a profound flavor of the year in our memories, which can always arouse the nostalgia in our hearts.

In rural areas, old traditions such as welcoming the Spring Festival and receiving blessings, worshiping gods and ancestors are still solemn, and New Year customs such as "village evening", "village super" and "village BA", New Year goods gatherings, and intangible cultural heritage skill displays are becoming more and more popular.

Traditional folk customs and fresh vitality are combined, and rural cultural tourism has further become popular during this Spring Festival, making this year full of "local flavor".

Relevant platform data shows that bookings for rural B&Bs grew strongly during the Spring Festival, up nearly 200% year-on-year during the Spring Festival last year.

△Chengyang Bazhai, Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County, Liuzhou, Guangxi

In Rongjiang County, Guizhou Province, "Village Super" and "Village Evening" were staged together, attracting tens of thousands of spectators, and the New Year's market outside the stadium was also bustling; in Yixian County, Anhui Province, Ke, with a permanent population of only more than 500 people, was Village, because of the "Village Evening", more than 1,500 people "watched", and online and offline sales of agricultural products reached more than 300,000; in Chengyang Bazhai, Liuzhou, Guangxi, the unique Dong New Year flavor has attracted fans everywhere tourists.

△Rongjiang County, Guizhou Province “Village Super Village Evening” New Year’s Fair

Intangible cultural heritage New Year products from villages across the country are also very popular in the Spring Festival market. Wang Mantian fish lanterns are originally a folk custom in Wang Mantian Village, She County, Anhui Province. During the Spring Festival, the large fish lanterns in the village are 8 meters long. Nowadays, various small-sized fish lanterns are on the market as cultural and creative products, with annual sales exceeding 200,000 yuan.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism launched 68 high-quality rural tourism routes across the country, "The Four Seasons of Good Scenery in the Rural Areas - Travel Shopping to Rural Gatherings for the New Year". The Spring Festival is becoming an excellent opportunity to effectively promote the integration of rural agriculture, culture and tourism, and drive substantial growth in related income from rural tourism, accommodation and catering, agricultural product sales, and intangible cultural and creative sales.

This year’s Spring Festival holiday lasts for eight days, and “traveling to visit relatives” has become the most popular way to celebrate the festival, with “taste of hometown” and “taste of another country” all available. According to big data statistics from travel platforms, domestic travel orders increased by 102% year-on-year on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.

There are snowflakes in the north and flowers in the south. The north and the south "exchange" to celebrate the New Year. Ctrip data shows that during the Spring Festival, Harbin travel booking orders increased by more than 14 times year-on-year. In Sanya, Kunming and other cities in the north that are popular with tourists for winter vacations, booking orders have increased by more than 2 times and 6 times respectively year-on-year.

It’s not that big cities can’t afford it, but small towns are more cost-effective. Go to Luoyang to have a water banquet, go to Shangrao to make rice cakes, go to Baise to "deliver rice dumplings", go to Liuzhou to eat snail noodles... The "small airport" city that is not crowded, not expensive, delicious and fun has become a "dark horse".

△In previous years, "Wangmantian Fish Lantern" Fish Lantern Festival, small-sized fish lanterns

If you don’t want to be too far away from home, then take a short trip within the “two-hour high-speed rail circle”. Data from Qunar.com shows that as of the first day of the Lunar New Year, searches for "two-hour high-speed rail circle" short-distance tours during the Spring Festival holiday have increased sevenfold year-on-year.

This year, more and more people are going abroad for New Year’s Eve. According to predictions, during this year’s Spring Festival holiday, the average daily number of customs clearance at ports across the country will reach 1.8 million, an increase of about 3.3 times compared with last year’s Spring Festival and equivalent to the 2019 Spring Festival. As Singapore, Thailand and others have implemented visa-free policies for Chinese tourists, these countries are becoming the most popular outbound travel destinations for Chinese tourists during the Spring Festival holiday.

In addition, cruise tourism has become a new trend in Spring Festival travel. The domestic large-scale cruise ship Aida Magic City has been fully booked as early as early January during the Spring Festival.

When you go home to celebrate the New Year, the flavor of the New Year is that your family is sitting around and the lights are cozy. When you travel to celebrate the New Year, the flavor of the New Year is the company of your loved ones and the pleasant scenery. It has become a way to open up a wonderful life, but what remains unchanged is the heartwarming smell of reunion.

“Over 90% of Chile’s exported cherries are here!”

According to a report by CCTV Finance on February 7, Chilean cherry exports to my country in the current quarter have exceeded 360,000 tons, accounting for 92% of the total export volume from 88% in the previous quarter.

△Luoyang, Henan, the Luoyang City National Heritage Park of the Sui and Tang Dynasties is brightly lit

Everyone’s New Year’s goods are no longer just melons, fruits, sugar and tea. Over the years, more and more imported fruits and seafood are served on the New Year’s Eve dinner table. Imported New Year’s Eve flowers such as amaryllis and tulips decorate the living room, and imported cosmetics, Trendy products are included in the New Year’s shopping list.

"Foreign New Year's goods" are integrated into the Chinese New Year, adding a touch of "foreign" flavor to the New Year's flavor.

Online, major cross-border e-commerce platforms have stepped up their efforts to stock up on imported goods, allowing people to shop around the world without leaving home. The imported goods that have just arrived from the port are sent to the warehouse non-stop. After consumers place an order, the goods are shipped directly from the domestic warehouse, and most of them can be delivered the next day or two days.

△A dragon-shaped sculpture is installed in Gardens by the Bay, Singapore

Offline, various places have held import-themed New Year Festivals. In Yiwu, Zhejiang, the shopping festival brings together 150,000 kinds of "foreign specialties" from more than 100 countries and regions around the world; in Guangxi, many activities such as the ASEAN imported New Year goods promotion and the special promotion of RCEP goodies are held in turn; in Xi'an, Shaanxi, people from Central Asia and imported foods from Europe fill the shelves...

It is worth mentioning that during the Spring Festival this year, the China-Europe Express Imported Goods Bonded Store set up mobile sales points on many high-speed trains, "moving" imported bonded goods onto the high-speed trains, so that passengers returning home could also Experience "global shopping". China-Europe trains deliver "Made in China" products to all parts of the world, and also bring a steady stream of high-quality products from around the world to China.

With the booming development of the Chinese film market in recent years, watching movies has long become a cultural New Year custom for Chinese people, and the taste of the New Year has also included the taste of theater popcorn.

Data shows that the box office on the first day of the Spring Festival this year reached 1.365 billion, and the number of moviegoers exceeded 25.94 million, both exceeding the results on the first day of the Spring Festival last year. As of 18:24 on February 13, the total box office for the 2024 Spring Festival period exceeded 4.5 billion yuan.

This year, a total of 9 films have been officially announced to be released during the Spring Festival. Judging from the film list, all of them are domestic films, with comedies dominating the list and focusing on celebrating the New Year with laughter.

The National Film Administration has also teamed up with 11 financial institutions to launch preferential movie viewing initiatives during the Spring Festival. Various localities have also launched various movie viewing activities to benefit the people and make profits. The average ticket price of movies has dropped, attracting more people to enter the cinema.

Domestic movies are released together, and the latest domestic projection systems also bring new movie-watching experiences.

Recently, the cinema display screen system independently developed by my country has appeared in many cinemas. This display system called China Film CINITYLED has my country's core independent intellectual property rights and can make movie pictures clearer, colors more brilliant, images smoother, details richer, and movements more coherent.

With the development of the times, endless new technologies and new products have been integrated into everyone's daily life, and the taste of the New Year has also added many fresh marks with a sense of the times.

Driving a "new" car home for the New Year has become a beautiful scenery during this year's Spring Festival.

As of the end of 2023, the number of new energy vehicles in the country will reach 20.41 million, accounting for 6% of the total number of vehicles. During this year's Spring Festival, the travel volume and charging volume of new energy vehicles are expected to hit record highs.

Many car owners said that they feel more comfortable driving new energy vehicles home for the New Year this year. By the end of 2023, 95% of service areas across the country will be equipped with charging facilities, and the deployment of charging piles to the countryside is also accelerating. A villager in Handan, Hebei Province said that the charging problem has been solved. "Not only can I drive a new energy vehicle back home, but I can also drive it to pay New Year's greetings and visit relatives."

Freshness is on the wheel and at your fingertips. With the rise of live broadcast e-commerce, more and more consumers are choosing their favorite New Year products in the live broadcast room. Live e-commerce has not only become a new engine for consumption of new year goods, but "live broadcast to help farmers" has also allowed more agricultural products to come out of the mountains.

At the same time, traditional e-commerce companies are also making efforts to jointly promote online consumption to achieve a "good start" in 2024. Data shows that since the launch of the "2024 National Online New Year Shopping Festival", online retail sales have reached nearly 800 billion yuan, an increase of 8.9% over the same period last year.

In addition, smart watches, wireless headphones, smart small appliances and other technological smart products are included in the list of New Year's goods, and "electronic New Year's goods" such as New Year's emojis, wallpapers, and red envelope covers have become the favorites of young people... In the New Year's shopping carts that keep pace with the times, It also has a lot more fresh flavor.

The flavor of the new year witnesses the development and changes of the times, shows the good life now, and carries our expectations for the future.

Filled New Year shopping carts, shopping malls crowded with people, family outings with laughter and joy, and the prosperous New Year atmosphere all reflect the steaming life and the vibrant economy. With such a prosperous start, let us jointly start a prosperous Year of the Dragon!

△Nantong, Jiangsu, volunteers live broadcast selling local new year goods

Let’s talk about these six first, the “new” flavor of the Year of the Dragon
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