Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study on Investigation and Research | Seeking "Deep" Vision | Cheng Yu | Producer | Geng Zhimin | Current Politics

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:59 PM

More than 20 years ago, Xi Jinping, then governor of Fujian Province, came to Guangze County, Nanping City for research. In Shanguan Village, Zhima Town, which is close to Jiangxi Province, Xi Jinping chatted with several farmers.

After chatting for a long time, the villagers realized that the person in front of them was Xi Jinping.

"We don't have cable TV here, we use a small pot lid to collect the station because it's close to Jiangxi. What we usually see in the news is the governor of Jiangxi, but we haven't seen our own governor!"

Xi Jinping and everyone laughed.

Farmers also gave an example that due to the long-distance telephone connection in the border areas of the two provinces, they had to make long-distance calls to the neighboring Jiangxi Post Office to make long-distance calls within the province, which turned from intra provincial long-distance calls to inter provincial long-distance calls, which was both expensive and inconvenient.

After this survey, cable TV and long-distance calls quickly covered remote areas near the border of Fujian Province.

In the investigation and research of the "Five Character Formula", the top one is "deep". How to go deeper?

Looking deep - "We must go to everything close, far, good, and bad, listen to praise and criticism from cadres and the masses, and truly understand the situation.".

Listening deeply - "We should use effective methods of exchange, comparison, and repetition, and attach importance to listening to opinions from all aspects, including those of a minority and those opposing.".

Deep thinking - "Only through multiple processes of 'negation and negation' can the thinking and decisions made be in line with reality.".

Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study on Investigation and Research | Seeking "Deep" Vision | Cheng Yu | Producer | Geng Zhimin | Current Politics

Along the way from the local to the central government, Xi Jinping has always attached importance to investigation and research and rushed for "deep.

01, not only to see "vase and bonsai", but also to see "backyard and corner"

One afternoon in March 2004, Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, got on the Jiaxing 101 bus to investigate the integration of urban and rural infrastructure construction.

On the bus, Xi Jinping chatted with conductor Jin Lijun and asked about the changes in the bus.

"Nowadays, whether in urban or rural areas, buses are operated by bus companies. With more seats and spacious interiors, there are fixed stops along the route and standardized departure times, passengers are much more satisfied. Especially for farmers along the route, it is much more convenient to enter the city than before." Xiao Jin is very proud.

After getting off the bus, Xi Jinping went to the nearby villagers and asked everyone if it was not convenient to enter the city now.

During the research process, some villagers reported that people and vehicles were coming and going at the interface of the Zhajiasu Expressway in Yuxin Town, hoping to install traffic lights.

From bus conductors, many villagers to government workers, Xi Jinping came with questions, looked carefully and asked deeply.

In the survey, Xi Jinping generally did not say hello or allow others to prepare in advance, but went directly to the countryside, went to the factory, and entered the house. In his opinion, he had to sit next to the people and chat with them to hear their true thoughts.

△ On December 30, 2012, in Luotuowan Village, Longquanguan Town, Fuping County, Hebei Province, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Tang Rongbin's family.

Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study on Investigation and Research | Seeking "Deep" Vision | Cheng Yu | Producer | Geng Zhimin | Current Politics

Investigation and research aim for depth, not just looking at vases and bonsai, but also at the backyard and corners.

In a national two sessions "under the group", General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "If I just look at the place, I will inevitably be optimistic, feeling just around the corner, will make the wrong decision. Don't overdo it, don't cover up just because we see the heavy mood."

Ambition does not seek ease, and things do not seek refuge.Arriving at the adobe houses deep in the Daliang Mountains, fellow villagers engage in a "fire pond dialogue" to plan precise poverty alleviation strategies; At the convenience service hall of a community in Guiyang, I flipped through the ledger of people's work visits and carefully asked, "What issues do residents usually report more?"

Only by delving deeper can the true situation be salvaged.

02, go deep into the masses to obtain the source of insight

If we go deep into the grass-roots level and the people, we can not only see the problems, but also find solutions to them.

One day after the summer harvest in 1983, Xi Jinping, who worked in Hebei Zhengding County Party Committee, rode his bike to the village outside the triangle village of Yong'an Commune. A dozen people were weeding and thinning seedlings. Seeing that there were still several hoes on the ground, Xi Jinping picked up the hoe and went down to the ground.

After finishing the work, Xi Jinping stood up and wiped his sweat and explained his purpose to the production team leader: "Captain, we are here to ask for advice. Let's have a meeting together during the break."

Xi Jinping first talked with everyone and asked everyone to talk about how Zhengding County would develop in the future.

Everyone was talking, "Triangle Village is very close to the county seat, wouldn't it be better to plant some cash crops for the county seat?" Hearing everyone's suggestions, Xi Jinping said on the spot: "We will study this issue carefully."

Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study on Investigation and Research | Seeking "Deep" Vision | Cheng Yu | Producer | Geng Zhimin | Current Politics

Soon, diversified operations were systematically launched in Zhengding.

△ On April 11 this year, at the Litchi Plantation in Baiqiao Village, Genzi Town, Gaozhou City, Maoming, Guangdong, General Secretary Xi Jinping had a cordial exchange with on-site technicians.

As the people who face problems and are troubled by them, they have the most understanding and profound understanding of these issues, and often have unique insights and understanding in solving problems.

Where do good measures and solutions come from? The answer comes from the masses.

Migrant workers, couriers, rural teachers, restaurant owners, truck drivers, and others were all invited into the venue. A paragraph from the meeting deeply moved everyone——

"Everyone is on the front line of reform, development, and production. They participate most directly in economic and social life, have the most frequent contact with the masses, and have the most genuine perception of the effectiveness of the Party's line, principles, and policies. Their opinions and suggestions can be more closely related to the actual situation at the grassroots level and reflect the voices of the masses."

He pointed out, "The economy should continue to develop and not experience big ups and downs. The most important aspects are technology, education, and talent."

To conduct in-depth research, we must truly identify the problems faced by the masses, reflect their opinions and voices, and summarize the experiences created by the masses, in order to obtain a source of insightful insights.

03, neither carve a boat for a sword, nor copy it.

In 1930, when Mao Zedong wrote the investigation of Xunwu, he made it clear that the output and price of all kinds of local products, as well as the number and proportion of personnel in various industries. More than 10 years later, Mao Zedong recalled: "I made a survey to find out the problem between the rich peasants and the landlords, and proposed a solution to the problem of the rich peasants".

Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study on Investigation and Research | Seeking "Deep" Vision | Cheng Yu | Producer | Geng Zhimin | Current Politics

In November 2011, at the autumn opening ceremony of the Central Party School, Xi Jinping mentioned the example of Mao Zedong's investigation: "This in-depth and pragmatic style is worth learning."

To answer China's practical problems, it is necessary to conduct in-depth investigation and research. Starting from China's basic national conditions, we must neither seek opportunities, be closed and rigid, nor simply copy and imitate, nor be unable to adapt to foreign cultures.

In March 2020, during the critical period of the fight against the new crown epidemic, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Ningbo, Zhejiang Province to inspect the resumption of work and production.

Researching the operation of the port at Zhoushan Port and visiting the production workshop of the mold company to understand the production situation... Through in-depth research, General Secretary found that under the impact of the epidemic, the global industrial and supply chains have experienced local disruptions, directly affecting China's domestic economic cycle. Many local enterprises are unable to access foreign raw materials, overseas personnel, and goods that they need, and have to shut down production.

"I feel that the current situation is very different. The environmental conditions of 'big in and big out' have changed, and new ideas to lead development must be proposed based on the new situation."

In the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, "Accelerating the Construction of a New Development Pattern and Focusing on Promoting High Quality Development" is a separate chapter.

△ On May 11 this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the wharf of Huanghua Port Coal Port in Cangzhou City, Hebei Province.

The real situation and deep-seated problems can sometimes be overshadowed by appearances. Only by delving deeper can new problems be discovered and effective ways to tackle tough challenges and risks be explored.

At the end of March this year, when presiding over the collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again emphasized that to do a good job of investigation and research, it is necessary to "go deep into reality and the masses".

The key to truly achieving "depth" in investigation and research is not only to be at the grassroots level, but also to be "heart to heart" with the people, comparing hearts to hearts and exchanging emotions.

Current Politics Micro Observation | Follow General Secretary's Study on Investigation and Research | Seeking "Deep" Vision | Cheng Yu | Producer | Geng Zhimin | Current Politics

"I have researched some places, looked at and listened to a lot of situations, and it is very enlightening and rewarding. Every time I go to the homes of the masses, I often ask, what are the difficulties, and I keep in mind what my fellow villagers say." The remarks of General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out the "root" of in-depth investigation and research ".

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Producer | Geng Zhimin

Producer | Xinglai

Editor in Chief | Ning Lili

Writing by Cheng Yu

Visual | Jiang Yuhang

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