Continuous efforts and creative transformation - A summary of the experience of in-depth learning and promotion of the "Ten Million Project" across the country

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 01:45 AM

In the history of China's development of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", there is such a great project. With 20 years of brilliant practice, it played a moving movement in Zhejiang and even in China to create beauty in the countryside, benefit the villagers, and create dreams in the countryside, and took the lead in opening the "rural chapter" of Chinese path to modernization exploration.

Over the past 20 years, the "Ten Million Project" has achieved historic, pioneering, and leading achievements, creating countless beautiful villages, changing the face of billions of farmers, and bringing more sense of gain, happiness, and security to the vast majority of farmers.

In May 2013, he emphasized that in carrying out the construction of new rural areas in various regions, we should adhere to the principle of adapting measures to local conditions, providing classified guidance, prioritizing planning, improving mechanisms, highlighting key areas, and coordinating efforts. Through long-term and arduous efforts, we should comprehensively improve the production and living conditions in rural areas. In April 2018, he emphasized the need to combine the implementation of the three-year action plan for rural living environment improvement and the rural revitalization strategy, further promote the good experiences and practices of Zhejiang, and implement policies tailored to local conditions and with precision. We will not engage in "performance projects" or "image projects", and work one thing after another, year after year, to build a beautiful and ecologically livable countryside, so that farmers can have more sense of gain and happiness in rural revitalization. In October 2018, he emphasized the need to deeply summarize experiences, guide and urge various regions to continue working towards established goals, and contribute to the construction of a beautiful China for a long time.

From the foot of the Tianshan Mountains to the coast of the East China Sea, from the southwestern border to the northern border of the Great Wall, there has been a nationwide craze to learn and work on the "Ten Million Project".

From provincial exploration to national practice, the "Ten Million Project" has blossomed everywhere and is constantly being upgraded

As an experimental field for rural revitalization and a starting point for the Chinese Dream, the "Ten Million Project" was the first to sow the seeds of reshaping the fate of rural areas and farmers in this fertile land of Zhejiang.

For the past 20 years, Zhejiang has persistently implemented the "Ten Million Project", which has continuously expanded its scope of implementation from around 10000 administrative villages to all administrative villages in the province; The connotation of its work is also constantly enriching, going through an evolutionary process from leading the way with "thousand village demonstration and ten thousand village rectification" to deepening and upgrading with "thousand village exquisite products and ten thousand village beauty", and then to iteratively upgrading with "thousand village future and ten thousand village common prosperity". Nowadays, the implementation of the "Ten Million Project" in Zhejiang has entered the second half, gradually forming a vivid situation of "leading thousands of villages, revitalizing thousands of villages, achieving overall prosperity, and promoting urban-rural harmony".

Continuous efforts and creative transformation - A summary of the experience of in-depth learning and promotion of the "Ten Million Project" across the country

The "Ten Million Project" originated in Zhejiang, but its influence is by no means limited to Zhejiang. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the experience of the "Ten Million Project" has been further promoted nationwide, reshaping more beautiful rural areas and benefiting more Chinese farmers.

——In December 2018, 18 departments including the Central Agricultural Office and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs jointly issued the "Rural Living Environment Improvement Village Cleaning Action Plan", proposing to carry out village cleaning actions with "three cleanings and one renovation" as the main content, and launch an attack on the problem of "dirty, disorderly and poor" village environment nationwide.

——In November 2021, the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Five Year Action Plan for Rural Living Environment Improvement", which requires "in-depth learning and promotion of the experience of Zhejiang's" Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation "project.".

——In June 2023, the Central Finance Office, the Central Agriculture Office, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the National Development and Reform Commission issued a notice entitled "Guiding Opinions on Effectively and Orderly Promoting the Experience of Zhejiang's" Ten Million Projects ", requiring all regions to deeply understand the scientific methods contained in the experience of the" Ten Million Projects "and creatively transform it into practical work in agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, in order to promote the modernization of agriculture and rural areas and achieve tangible results.".

Gu Yikang, Chief Expert of Zhejiang Rural Revitalization Research Institute, believes that the successful experience of Zhejiang's "Ten Million Project" and beautiful rural construction has provided extremely important practical inspiration for the major decision of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to implement the rural revitalization strategy. In a sense, from the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project to the construction of beautiful rural areas, and then to the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, it is also a blueprint that keeps up with the times. It can be said that Zhejiang's "Ten Million Project" has indeed pioneered the revitalization of rural areas in China in the new era.

The "Ten Million Project" not only has a demonstration effect on the whole country, but also has been recognized internationally. On September 26, 2018, the "Ten Million Project" won the highest environmental honor of the United Nations - the "Earth Guardian Award", which means that the efforts and achievements of the "Ten Million Project" in promoting ecological civilization construction have been widely praised, and it has contributed to the creation of a harmonious and livable human home with Chinese solutions. Professor Alistair Boswick from the University of Edinburgh in the UK stated that the "Ten Million Project" proves that achieving economic development while significantly improving the environment in rural areas is feasible, and its experience will provide reference for other countries, whether developed or developing.

Solidly promoting the improvement of living environment, continuously expanding the transformation channel from "green mountains and clear waters" to "golden mountains and silver mountains"

Continuous efforts and creative transformation - A summary of the experience of in-depth learning and promotion of the "Ten Million Project" across the country

The improvement of rural living environment is the top priority for rural revitalization. The "Ten Million Project" is the first to make breakthroughs in the field of human settlement environment improvement, and then expand to a wider range of fields such as rural construction, rural development, and rural governance.

In the wave of learning from the experience of the "Ten Million Project", cadres and masses in various regions have gradually formed such a consensus. To learn from the experience of the "Ten Million Project", the first step is to firmly establish and implement the "Two Mountains" concept, coordinate the relationship between rural construction and economic development, open up the transformation channel between "green water and green mountains" and "gold and silver mountains", and achieve a virtuous cycle of production, life, and ecology.

A good environment is a prerequisite for promoting industry and harmony among people. In Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, we witnessed a "Five No Gannan" initiative with the main content of "no garbage, no fertilizer, no plastic, no pollution, and no pollution". It changed the living environment and the spiritual outlook of farmers and herdsmen in the entire prefecture from the inside out, created a miracle of 45000 square kilometers of "no garbage", and wrote a legend of "one city and one countryside, one village and one outside, one neighbor and one house, one house in front and one house behind, and one indoor and outdoor".

Having a beautiful environment alone is not enough, we also need to do a good job in the "beautiful" economy. On the north bank farm of the Greater Khingan Mountains in Inner Mongolia, farmers and herdsmen have achieved the goal of "getting rich without cutting down a tree" by developing forest tourism and understory economy; In Youyu, Shanxi, barren land has become an oasis, and ecological pastures and characteristic tourism have boosted the villagers' wallets... From these practical cases, it can be seen that the key to the transformation path of the "two mountains" lies in promoting the transformation of ecological resource advantages into economic advantages, that is, the value transformation of ecological products.

In the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization, it is necessary to continuously explore and build a long-term mechanism for green development in key areas and key links, ensuring that the results of ecological resource path transformation are shared.

In June 2023, Zhejiang Province held a meeting to promote the revitalization of rural work through village management, which clearly proposed using village management as a breakthrough point to "light up" the countryside. In summary, based on the unique natural conditions and existing resource endowments of the village, using the revitalization and utilization of village resources and assets as the starting point, and market-oriented management as a means to promote the dual growth of village collective economy and farmer income, as well as the construction of livable, business friendly and beautiful countryside, further expanding the transformation channels of "two mountains".

Taking the integrated development of urban and rural areas as an important carrier, we will focus on promoting common prosperity for farmers and rural areas

Continuous efforts and creative transformation - A summary of the experience of in-depth learning and promotion of the "Ten Million Project" across the country

The "Ten Million Project" has always been closely linked to the main line of urban-rural integration, promoting the tilt of social public resources towards rural areas, the extension of urban public facilities to rural areas, the coverage of urban public services to rural areas, and the radiation of urban civilization to rural areas, allowing farmers to share the achievements of modern civilization.

At present, Zhejiang has achieved "village to village connectivity" through graded highways, passenger buses, postal stations, telephones, and broadband, basically forming a 30 minute public service circle and a 20 minute medical and health service circle in rural areas. In Jiaxing, Zhejiang, there is a famous bus route 101.Nowadays, ordinary people take the No. 101 bus to witness the tremendous changes in urban and rural scenery and touch the pulse of urban-rural integration and development.

Cities make rural areas better, and rural areas make cities more desirable. Various regions are firmly grasping the development concept of "Ten Million Projects" to coordinate urban and rural development, focusing on promoting the extension of urban infrastructure to rural areas, the coverage of urban public services to rural areas, and the radiation of modern urban civilization to rural areas, promoting the integrated development of urban and rural areas.

In February 2023, Guangdong targeted the shortcomings of imbalanced and insufficient urban-rural development and tailored the launch of the Hundred Counties, Thousand Towns, and Ten Thousand Villages High Quality Development Project. With 122 counties, 1609 townships, and 26500 administrative villages in the province as the main body, Guangdong made strong efforts in promoting high-quality development in the county area, strengthening the node function of towns connecting cities and villages, and building livable, business friendly, and beautiful rural areas, opening up a new journey, new battlefield, and new track for high-quality development in Guangdong.

The goal of promoting urban-rural integration development is to promote common prosperity among farmers and rural areas. Since the implementation of the "Ten Million Project" for 20 years, Zhejiang has gradually become one of the provinces in China with the highest income for farmers and the smallest income gap between urban and rural residents. On June 10, 2021, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Supporting the High Quality Development and Construction of Demonstration Zones for Common Prosperity in Zhejiang", marking a new stage of Zhejiang's economic and social development in building common prosperity. The "Ten Million Project" takes the provincial level as the unit to take the lead in solving the problem, setting a model for the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, the construction of a beautiful China, and the promotion of common prosperity in Zhejiang.

Adhere to the coordination between material civilization and spiritual civilization, accelerate the construction of livable, business friendly, and beautiful rural areas

The "Ten Million Project" not only improves the production and living conditions of farmers, but also focuses on enhancing their civilized quality and inheriting excellent agricultural culture. It has achieved a positive interaction between changes in rural production and lifestyle and the improvement of people's quality, and built a spiritual home for farmers and the masses to live in and rely on.

Continuous efforts and creative transformation - A summary of the experience of in-depth learning and promotion of the "Ten Million Project" across the country

The 10th day of each month is the villagers' meeting day in Xiejia Road Village, Yuyao City, Zhejiang Province, which remains steadfast. Before 7 pm, the "small stool" at the entrance of the village was crowded with people of all ages and genders, discussing big and small matters that were related to the interests of the villagers and the development of the village. In the atmosphere of unity and liveliness, the couplet "Village affairs are talked about by everyone, and the hearts of the cadres and the masses are connected" next to the pavilion stands out particularly prominently.

Over the past 20 years, in the process of deepening the implementation of the "Ten Million Project", the environmental awareness, hygiene awareness, and civilization awareness of farmers in Zhejiang have significantly improved. Civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs have become a trend, and golden signboards such as the "Fengqiao Experience" that relies on the masses to resolve conflicts on the spot, the "Later Chen Experience" that makes good use of legal governance, and the "Villager Talk" that promotes consultation and trust have emerged, providing useful models for improving social governance and achieving joint construction, governance, and sharing in rural areas across the country.

Various regions have earnestly studied the experience of the "Ten Million Project", adhered to the principle of both internal and external cultivation, and emphasized the importance of shaping and shaping the soul. They have conducted a series of beneficial explorations in accelerating the construction of livable, business friendly, and beautiful rural areas.

In the land of Yan and Zhao, rich and colorful cultural activities such as "Our Festivals", "Cultural Going to the Countryside", and "Colorful Weekends" have entered thousands of villages and households, effectively activating the spiritual and cultural life of farmers by strengthening content supply.

In various parts of Jiangxi, selection activities such as "moral models", "good people around us", "we evaluate and select local talents for learning", "good couples", and "good neighbors" have been widely carried out, and a large number of advanced and typical deeds and figures have emerged, providing exemplary incentives for the majority of farmers to establish correct moral and value systems.

In Rugao City, Jiangsu Province, the construction of village autonomy and mass organizations has been elevated to a new height. All villages in the city have comprehensively revised and improved village rules and regulations, with a focus on adding content such as "new weddings, simplified funerals, no competition for dowries, no courtesy to neighbors, and control of family and friend exchanges", forming a good atmosphere of rural civilization.

In Guang'an City, Sichuan Province, the "Seven Cleanups and One Improvement" rural cleanliness action and the "One List and Two Evaluations" rural civilization activity have been deeply carried out. Local cadres and masses have explored the formation of a "demonstration and guidance+village autonomy" rural governance model through regular selection of the "Red and Black List" of rural civilization, the establishment of a "Love Fund", the establishment of a rural "points supermarket", and the "Love Help Group" of villagers, effectively promoting the construction of livable, business friendly and beautiful rural areas.

Continuous efforts and creative transformation - A summary of the experience of in-depth learning and promotion of the "Ten Million Project" across the country

Located in Jinhua Garden Village, Zhejiang Province, there is a "Ten Million Project" exhibition hall that fully records the ideological trajectory, development trajectory, and practical results of the "Ten Million Project" implementation over the past 20 years. Nowadays, an invisible "Ten Million Project" exhibition hall is quietly standing on the land of China, and various parts of the country are actively exploring the true and clever ways to comprehensively promote rural revitalization through learning and promoting the experience of the "Ten Million Project". The dream light ignited by the "Ten Million Project" will definitely illuminate a beautiful tomorrow of rural revitalization!

Author: Jiang Na, Shi Wei, Meng Decai, Zhu Haiyang, journalist from China Agricultural Daily and China Rural Network

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