These words are thought-provoking. Xi Jinping's inspection of education in Inner Mongolia | General Secretary | Inner Mongolia

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:09 PM

In January 2014, July 2019 and June this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Inner Mongolia three times.

On his first trip to Inner Mongolia, General Secretary Guo Yongcai said at the home of a struggling forestry worker, "We party members and cadres must have this awareness: as long as there is still a family or even a person who has not solved basic living problems, we cannot be complacent; as long as the people's aspirations for a happy life have not yet become a reality, we must not slack off and unite to lead the people to struggle together."

This year's trip to Inner Mongolia, the general secretary talked about strategic positioning, national unity, and thematic education. Many of the words are also thought-provoking.


These words are thought-provoking. Xi Jinping's inspection of education in Inner Mongolia | General Secretary | Inner Mongolia

"Adhering to green development is the only way forward"

On this trip to Inner Mongolia, General Secretary Xi Jinping first went to Bayannaoer and then to Hohhot.

On the afternoon of June 7th, General Secretary visited the Central Industrial Park located in Saihan District, Hohhot City for inspection.

Central Industrial Park.

These words are thought-provoking. Xi Jinping's inspection of education in Inner Mongolia | General Secretary | Inner Mongolia

This industrial park has established advanced manufacturing bases for integrated circuit semiconductor monocrystalline silicon, new energy photovoltaic monocrystalline silicon, and related supporting industries. In 2022, the total industrial output value exceeded 50 billion yuan, with a production capacity of 2500 tons of semiconductor single crystal, 95GW of photovoltaic single crystal, and 28GW of photovoltaic single crystal wafers.

Photovoltaic monocrystalline silicon rods produced by enterprises in the park.

The Central Industrial Park is the first science and technology industrial park located in the western region to be inspected by General Secretary since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and it is also the focus of this research in Hohhot.

From innovative development, green development, to open development, General Secretary dissects sparrows here.

These words are thought-provoking. Xi Jinping's inspection of education in Inner Mongolia | General Secretary | Inner Mongolia

Production workshop of Crystal Phase V Factory in Inner Mongolia Central Industrial Park.

Inner Mongolia ranks first in terms of coal resources and wind energy resources in the country, and second in terms of solar energy resources. It is an important energy base in the country and bears the major responsibility of ensuring energy demand in North China, Northeast China, Northwest China, and other regions.

How to inject technological wings into the development of modern energy and use technological innovation to support green development? General Secretary pointed out at the Central Industrial Park that adhering to green development is a necessary path. Promoting the transformation and upgrading of the traditional energy industry, vigorously developing green energy, and expanding and strengthening important national energy bases are the top priorities for Inner Mongolia's development. In this regard, Inner Mongolia has a clear direction, a favorable path, and a promising future. It has great potential and prospects.

The products developed by park enterprises have a wide range of applications in the field of power semiconductors.

These words are thought-provoking. Xi Jinping's inspection of education in Inner Mongolia | General Secretary | Inner Mongolia


"Actively exploring new paths for the transformation and development of resource-based regions"

On the morning of June 8, General Secretary Xi Jinping listened to the work report of the Party Committee and the government of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and delivered an important speech.

The general secretary visited Inner Mongolia twice in the past and participated in the deliberations of the Inner Mongolia delegation for five consecutive years. He has clearly outlined the strategic positioning of Inner Mongolia, which can be summed up as "two barriers"-the important ecological security barrier in northern my country and the security and stability barrier in the northern border of the motherland., "Two bases"-national important energy and strategic resource bases, agricultural and livestock products production bases, "one bridgehead"-an important bridgehead for my country opening to the north.

These words are thought-provoking. Xi Jinping's inspection of education in Inner Mongolia | General Secretary | Inner Mongolia

The exhibition board in the Central Industrial Park showcases Inner Mongolia's important role in ensuring national energy supply.

In March 2018, when the general secretary participated in the deliberation of the Inner Mongolia delegation for the first time, he pointed out that the industrial development of Inner Mongolia should not only focus on "sheep, coal, soil and gas", but should vigorously cultivate new industries, new kinetic energy and new growth poles.

At this report meeting, General Secretary requested Inner Mongolia to accelerate the optimization of industrial structure and actively develop advantageous and characteristic industries. He put forward the requirement of actively exploring new paths for the transformation and development of resource-based regions. From giving full play to the advantages of energy industry, strategic resources, agriculture and animal husbandry, to actively participating in the construction of the "the Belt and Road" and the China Mongolia Russia Economic Corridor, it is based on the endowment characteristics and strategic positioning of Inner Mongolia.

Inner Mongolia is an important "granary" in China, with a total grain output of over 75 billion kilograms for five consecutive years.

These words are thought-provoking. Xi Jinping's inspection of education in Inner Mongolia | General Secretary | Inner Mongolia


"Inner Mongolia must always remember the 'greatness of the country'"

He also presided over a special symposium to deploy efforts to strengthen comprehensive desertification control and promote the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three North".

At the work report meeting of the Party Committee and Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on June 8th, the General Secretary further discussed ecology. He pointed out that "strengthening the important ecological security barrier in northern China is the 'greatest of the country' that Inner Mongolia must bear in mind."

These words are thought-provoking. Xi Jinping's inspection of education in Inner Mongolia | General Secretary | Inner Mongolia

Currently, there are 264 bird species and 22 fish species in Wuliangsuhai.

It is worth mentioning that in July 2019, General Secretary went to Inner Mongolia to guide the theme education of "not forgetting our original aspiration and keeping our mission in mind", and the selected unit was the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Department of Natural Resources. He emphasized that Inner Mongolia should combine reality, strengthen learning, deepen understanding of the importance of ecological civilization construction, deepen understanding of the Party Central Committee's strategic positioning for Inner Mongolia, and deepen understanding of its own responsibilities.

The purple locust and small leaf poplar planted in the state-owned Xinhua Forest Farm in Linhe District, Bayannur.


These words are thought-provoking. Xi Jinping's inspection of education in Inner Mongolia | General Secretary | Inner Mongolia

"Border ethnic areas cannot fall behind on the road to common prosperity"

Inner Mongolia is a border ethnic region that bears significant responsibilities in maintaining ethnic unity and border peace.

There are two sentences that are particularly noteworthy.

The theme event of "National Unity, One Family, Together Building the Chinese Dream" was held in Ordos, Inner Mongolia.

These words are thought-provoking. Xi Jinping's inspection of education in Inner Mongolia | General Secretary | Inner Mongolia

One sentence is, "From a national perspective, the most arduous task of promoting common prosperity for all people is in some border ethnic areas. These border ethnic areas cannot fall behind on the road to common prosperity."

Recalling the past, on the road to poverty alleviation, no nation can be left behind. We have achieved that all 56 ethnic groups in China have been lifted out of poverty. The next step is to make people of all ethnic groups truly feel that promoting common prosperity is in action and by their side.

The "Ethnic Unity Classroom" launched by a community activity center in Hohhot.

Another sentence is about the main line of "strengthening the sense of community of the Chinese nation": "The economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction, ecological civilization construction, and party building in ethnic areas must all revolve around and not deviate from this main line."

These words are thought-provoking. Xi Jinping's inspection of education in Inner Mongolia | General Secretary | Inner Mongolia

Cultural identity is the deepest level of identity, the root of national unity and the soul of national harmony. The General Secretary emphasized that whether it is the introduction of laws, regulations or policy measures, efforts should be made to strengthen the commonality of the Chinese nation and enhance the sense of community among the Chinese nation.

Exhibition and Reading Room of Mongolian Ancient Books at Inner Mongolia University.


"Promote a pragmatic style, promote a clean and honest style, and cultivate a frugal and simple style"

These words are thought-provoking. Xi Jinping's inspection of education in Inner Mongolia | General Secretary | Inner Mongolia

This theme education focuses on using learning to shape the soul, enhancing intelligence through learning, correcting the atmosphere through learning, and promoting practice through learning.

In April, during an inspection tour of Guangdong, the general secretary explained "casting the soul with learning" and stressed the need to strengthen ideals and beliefs, build loyalty to the party, and stand firm on the people's stand.

In May, in Shaanxi, General Secretary interpreted the concept of "increasing intelligence through learning" and emphasized the need to enhance political, thinking, and practical abilities.

Party Member Activity Room of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Department of Natural Resources.

These words are thought-provoking. Xi Jinping's inspection of education in Inner Mongolia | General Secretary | Inner Mongolia

In Inner Mongolia this time, General Secretary called for "learning to correct the style". He said that the people's most intuitive perception of whether theme education is effective is whether the problems in party conduct have been solved and whether there has been significant progress in the style of party members and cadres.

How to "learn from the correct style"? The General Secretary emphasized three points: first, to promote a pragmatic style; second, to promote a clean and honest style; and third, to cultivate a frugal and simple style.

Hohhot City at the foot of Daqing Mountain.

At that time, the General Secretary warned the whole party: "The CPC must always work for the happiness of the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to carry out thematic education activities and say a thousand things."

These words are thought-provoking. Xi Jinping's inspection of education in Inner Mongolia | General Secretary | Inner Mongolia

On the new journey of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, such words need to be always remembered by us.

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