The second C919 aircraft has been launched, and the civil aviation performance in the first half of the year has turned around. Aviation Travel Weekly Report | Air China Flight Encounters Clear Sky Turbulence | Air China | Passengers | Clear Sky

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:33 AM

NO. 1 Air China flight encounters clear sky turbulence

On July 10th, Air China CA1524 Shanghai Beijing flight encountered clear air turbulence during its flight. During this process, a passenger and a flight attendant were thrown off and collided with the top of the cabin. Passengers also filmed the scene.

After the incident, Air China responded that the aircraft involved was A330-300. During the flight, it encountered clear air turbulence, and the crew and crew followed the procedures to fully maintain passenger safety. During this process, one passenger and one crew member were injured. The flight landed normally at 17:18, and Air China arranged for a dedicated person to accompany the injured passenger and crew to the hospital for treatment.

It is reported that the incidents of flight attendants and passenger injuries of Air China are not uncommon worldwide. Clear sky turbulence refers to the turbulence of aircraft caused by atmospheric activity at high altitudes without clouds. Usually occurring at an altitude of over 6000 meters, this turbulence is difficult for pilots to detect in advance as it is not accompanied by visible weather phenomena. Although it is unlikely to cause severe flight accidents, improper handling by the crew can also cause serious injuries to passengers and even endanger personal safety.

Experts suggest that when passengers encounter turbulence while flying, they must listen to the captain's announcement, fasten their seat belts throughout the journey, and avoid excessive tension. Passengers who are not in their seats should quickly return to their seats or find the nearest available seat to sit down. If there are no available seats around, squat down immediately and grab the luggage barrier under the seat. Passengers in the bathroom must return to their seats as soon as possible or grab onto the armrest of the bathroom.

NO.2 Civil Aviation Performance Turnover in the First Half of the Year

On July 14th, major domestic listed airlines and airports released their performance forecasts for the first half of the year. Among them, Jixiang Airlines, Spring Airlines, Shanghai Airport, Baiyun Airport, Xiamen Airport and others are expected to achieve profitability, while Air China, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Hainan Airlines and others have significantly reduced losses.

The three major airlines all pointed out that the main reason for the pre loss of performance in the first half of the year is the lower than expected recovery of international routes, as well as the fluctuation of the RMB/USD exchange rate and other factors.

Hainan Airlines also pointed out that the main reason for this loss is due to financial exchange losses. Most of the company's lease debts and some loans are settled in foreign currency, and foreign currency expenses in the company's operations are generally higher than foreign currency income. Therefore, fluctuations in the RMB exchange rate will have a significant impact on the company's performance.

According to the statistics of the China Aviation Association, the exchange loss of domestic airlines in the second quarter alone exceeded 10 billion yuan. In June, after deducting exchange losses, the airline's actual profit was 2.76 billion yuan.

NO. 3 Second C919 entry

On July 16th, China Eastern Airlines officially took over the second domestically produced C919 large passenger aircraft in Shanghai. The second C919 will partner with the first aircraft and will first be deployed on the China Eastern Airlines' Shanghai Hongqiao Chengdu Tianfu Air Express, gradually expanding more routes in the future.

It is reported that after the first C919 delivery aircraft was put into operation, due to considerations such as on-site training and planned maintenance, it may not appear on commercial flights every day and carry passengers. After the second C919 is launched, passengers will have more opportunities to take domestically produced large aircraft.

As of July 12th, the first C919 has operated a total of 87 commercial flights, including 2 flights from Beijing to Shanghai and 85 flights from Shanghai to Chengdu, with an average passenger load factor of nearly 80%. It has served a total of 11095 passengers and operated for a total of 250.10 hours in commercial operations.

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