Shanghai's parent-child outbound flight order volume is far ahead, and summer travel report: New First tier City Travel Enthusiasm Platform | Data | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 12:35 PM

The hottest summer season is coming to an end. The "2023 Summer Travel Market Report" released by a large tourism platform today shows that this summer, the domestic tourism market has achieved comprehensive growth compared to 2019, and the recovery trend of outbound tourism is significant. Consumers are showing a trend of increasing their travel radius, increasing their frequency of trips, and being willing to pay for the experience. Research tours, hotel vacations, event performances, and immersive night tours have become hot topics in summer consumption.

According to Ctrip data, the top 10 popular summer tourist destinations in China are Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Nanjing, and Changsha.

High enthusiasm for travel, with a sharp increase in user orders in new first tier cities

This summer, the bustling airports, train stations, and bustling scenic spots have become vivid evidence of tourism recovery. According to data from China Railway Group, from July 1st to August 15th, a total of 614 million passengers were sent during the national railway summer transportation, and 15.326 million passengers were sent on August 12th, setting a new historical high in the daily passenger volume of summer transportation. According to data from the Civil Aviation Administration of China, the passenger transportation volume in July this year was 62.428 million, an increase of 5.3% compared to the same period in 2019, setting a new historical high for civil aviation monthly transportation.

Behind the repeated record highs, consumers have formed a picture of mobile China through their travels. Data shows that users in new first tier cities have the highest enthusiasm for travel this summer. As of August 23, summer high-speed rail travel orders have increased by 51% compared to the previous two months, with new first tier city users ranking first in terms of growth in high-speed rail travel orders. Compared to the same period in 2019, the increase in orders was 8% higher than that of first tier city users. The trend in terms of air tickets is also similar, with the increase in ticket orders for users in new first tier cities compared to 2019 being 11% higher than that in first tier cities.

Shanghai's parent-child outbound flight order volume is far ahead, and summer travel report: New First tier City Travel Enthusiasm Platform | Data | Shanghai

According to Ctrip's order data observation, the average price of domestic one-way air tickets including tax during the summer is 1085 yuan. As of August 23rd, the user with the most flights has flown a total of 44 times in the 54 days before the summer vacation, with an average of over 6 flights per week; The user with the longest flight distance reached 88023KM, circling the Earth more than two times. The top busy airports include Guangzhou Baiyun, Shenzhen Bao'an, Xi'an Xianyang, Chongqing Jiangbei, Beijing Capital, Kunming Changshui, Chengdu Tianfu, Shanghai Pudong, Beijing Daxing, and Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport. The top popular routes are mainly between the seven major cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Chongqing, and Hangzhou.

This summer is also the busiest season for family tourism. Family travel is the fastest-growing group in summer airfare orders, with an increase of over 50% compared to the same period in 2019. Among them, parent-child travel airfare orders have the highest increase, with a growth rate of 56% compared to the same period in 2019.

The convenient vacation option of placing an order with just one click on "air ticket+hotel" has also become a popular way for users. Data shows that the order volume of "air tickets+hotels" during this summer has more than doubled year-on-year, among which island tours such as Sanya, Dalian, Xiamen, and Qingdao are popular destinations favored by summer vacationers. The proportion of orders for the destination of Sanya alone is close to 20% of the overall orders for air tickets and hotels.

Leading in outbound air ticket orders, Shanghai tourists love parent-child travel the most

With the further recovery of cross-border flights, the cost of cross-border travel is gradually decreasing. According to Ctrip data, as of August 23, the number of summer cross-border flights has recovered by nearly 50% compared to the same period in 2019, and the average price of summer outbound tickets has decreased by 66% year-on-year, which is 15% higher than the same period in 2019. The top 10 destinations for summer outbound flights are Hong Kong, Bangkok, Tokyo, Singapore, Macau, Seoul, Osaka, Kuala Lumpur, Phuket, and Taipei, mainly concentrated in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and Asia. The top 10 cities of origin for outbound tourists are Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Suzhou, Nanjing, Chongqing, and Wuhan.

Shanghai's parent-child outbound flight order volume is far ahead, and summer travel report: New First tier City Travel Enthusiasm Platform | Data | Shanghai

The most popular summer vacation in three years has seen a significant increase in user enthusiasm for parent-child outbound travel. According to travel platform data, users can take their children as far as Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. The user who loves to travel with their children the most is none other than Shanghai residents. The number of summer parent-child outbound flight orders for Shanghai tourists is nearly 70% higher than that of the second ranked Beijing.

Continuing the popularity of the first half of the year, summer group outbound travel remains hot, with outbound travel group orders increasing by nearly 60% compared to the previous two months. The proportion of orders signed up by parent-child families is 52%, which is higher than 46% of domestic parent-child groups. Young and middle-aged people with certain purchasing power have become the main applicants for outbound group tours, with 34% aged 41-50 and 33% aged 31-40.

Since the launch of Ctrip's "air ticket+hotel" outbound travel product in July, the overall order volume has increased by nearly 20% compared to the previous month. More than 40% of international travelers will stay in hotels for more than 4 consecutive nights, and 63% of users choose high star hotels.

Short distance study favored, no exam days, exam times

The hottest summer vacation this year is undoubtedly the study tour, and the demand for "strolling children" that has accumulated over the past three years has been released. Data shows that the number of celebrities in this summer's study tour newspaper has doubled compared to last year. The sales of research and learning products in Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan are ranked high in China, with a significant increase in orders for historical humanities, scientific exploration, and close to nature categories compared to 2019. This summer, the number of research and study products launched in Beijing was 1.8 times higher than last year, and the number of applicants for Beijing's study tours and research products increased nearly twice compared to before the epidemic.

Shanghai's parent-child outbound flight order volume is far ahead, and summer travel report: New First tier City Travel Enthusiasm Platform | Data | Shanghai

After three years, parents have changed their consumption concepts when applying for graduate school camps. The report shows that the per capita cost of this summer's independent research camp is 1431 yuan, a decrease of about 10% compared to last year; The per capita cost of the parent-child camp is 3453 yuan, which is the same as last year. This summer, there are more participants in the parent-child camp, with a registration order ratio of 6:4 between the parent-child camp and the independent camp.

Seemingly contradictory to the rising prices of this year's graduate studies, it is the profound influence of parent-child travel in the past three years. The report shows that the number of orders for independent operation from the 1st to 2nd of this summer accounted for 51% of the total, an increase of 173% compared to last year and nearly 8 times higher than before the epidemic. 1-2 days of museum lectures, overnight stays at the aquarium, outdoor activities, and other short distance learning products have become the sought after direction for many parents. In addition, the phenomenon of combining multiple short distance camps during a summer vacation is also quite obvious, and there are many parents who book multiple 1-2 day special research and learning products.

From the perspective of long-term research and learning camps, 5-day products have replaced products from the 14th before the epidemic as the main sales force this summer. Even in long-term destinations such as Gansu and Yunnan, the mainstream trend for parents to choose products within a week is concentrated. The increase in the number of short-term applicants and a more fragmented and diversified experience are the main reasons for the overall decline in the average price of postgraduate studies this year.

The report also shows that domestic scenic spot tickets have recovered and exceeded pre epidemic levels, with bookings recovering to 315% in 2019. Museums are the hottest, with museum ticket bookings surpassing theme parks and ranking first among all scenic spots on the Ctrip platform. The number of museum scenic spot ticket bookings has doubled compared to last year.

In addition, ticket bookings for niche destinations have also shown a prosperous trend. The ticket popularity of summer scenic spots in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Ulanqab, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Pingtan, Jinan, Kaifeng, Pingxiang, Luoyang, Ordos, Beihai and other places has increased by more than twice year-on-year.

Shanghai's parent-child outbound flight order volume is far ahead, and summer travel report: New First tier City Travel Enthusiasm Platform | Data | Shanghai

I people choose hotels for vacation, E people have a concert for celebration

In the hot summer, immerse yourself in a hotel for a Staycation and enjoy a one-stop vacation experience such as a water park, SPA, yoga, and more without leaving, catering to the self charging needs of introverted individuals. According to data from Ctrip platform, the order volume of "stay+X" hotel packages during this summer has increased by over 30% year-on-year. For E people who enjoy the hustle and bustle, attending concerts and forming groups in esports hotels may be a more perfect choice.

"Event performance" is the most popular label on summer tourism platforms. According to Ctrip data, the "exhibition ticket+hotel accommodation" package is popular and has a significant driving effect on tourism consumption around performance venues and destinations. During JJ Lin's concert in Shanghai in August, the hotel order volume in Shanghai increased by over 92% compared to the same period in 2019.

Esports hotels are also experiencing a shining moment in the summer, with order volumes increasing more than twice compared to last year's summer. The booking population for esports rooms is mainly concentrated among young people after 1990, accounting for nearly 80%, with over 80% of customers being male. 7. Among the orders for staying in domestic hotels in August, about 22% of people made reservations at least 7 days in advance, with only 4% making reservations at least 30 days in advance. In addition, 39% of people would book hotels on the day of check-in, focusing on a "go as you please" journey.

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What new concepts are reflected in the concept of "strengthening the body and keeping fit"? For the first time in the history of Shanghai Lupu Bridge, structural maintenance has been quietly completed for the Lupu Bridge | Bridge | Concept

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More than 25000 daily road cleaning personnel are dispatched, and the Dragon Boat Festival holiday park receives 1.55 million visitors. Forest | Facilities | Personnel
More than 25000 daily road cleaning personnel are dispatched, and the Dragon Boat Festival holiday park receives 1.55 million visitors. Forest | Facilities | Personnel

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The consumption scene of Xujiahui Nightlife Festival continues to be updated, and the more exciting the night, the more local | Consumption | Xujiahui
The consumption scene of Xujiahui Nightlife Festival continues to be updated, and the more exciting the night, the more local | Consumption | Xujiahui

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How to play with the soaring prices of European tours? "Spending less money to visit more places" can still achieve world | Europe | European tours

After three years of the epidemic, the country has reopened and the outside world has changed a lot. For Chinese travelers, inflation in many countries around the world and the European energy crisis have caused the cost of European travel to rise sharply. In the face of such a new situation, at the "2023 European Travel Carnival" that kicked off in the shopping street of Jing'an Temple Station of Shanghai Metro today, tourism practitioners put forward the concept of "Travelmoreforless" and strive to provide more customized travel routes for tourists who prefer characteristic routes. This European Travel Carnival is the fourth "May 5 Shopping Festival" and one of the important activities of the "Shanghai Import Hi Shopping Festival. From Switzerland, UK, Croatia, Poland, Norway, Denmark, UK, Hamburg, Flanders, Belgium, Sweden, Portugal, etc

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What does the Lujiazui Forum rely on to attract global attention? Over the past 15 years, the forum has focused on economics, finance, and other related topics

Tomorrow, the 14th Lujiazui Forum will open in Shanghai. Since its establishment 15 years ago, this high-end dialogue and exchange platform in the financial field has become a business card for Shanghai and also a business card for China's finance to go global. An interesting coincidence is that the first Lujiazui Forum started in 2008, when people were concerned about when the global economy could improve and recover under the impact of the financial crisis. And what everyone is more concerned about in this forum is obviously how finance can help global economic recovery after the epidemic. The questions are similar, but the answers are not exactly the same. Every time global financial professionals come to the Lujiazui Forum, they are searching for answers to financial development issues in the real world. Over the past 15 years, some answers have gradually become clear, while others are still being explored. Perhaps this is why the Lujiazui Forum has caught the world's attention