Parents also drop their children off the train... A train of over 400 children creates history, and the railway summer transportation welcomes super big exams for children | elementary school students | parents

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:04 AM

As summer approaches, "divine beasts emerge from their cages" and it is normal for many children to be born. However, Feng Sheng, the conductor of the high-speed train fleet at the Shanghai Passenger Transport Section, was still surprised. After 14 years of service, she saw so many children on the train for the first time - the Fuxing high-speed train with a capacity of 1193 people on the Beijing Shanghai line. Each train had 200 to 300 children with half price tickets, sometimes exceeding 400 at most. In previous years, for summer transportation, there were only over 100 children with half price tickets on a train. These numbers are only for children with ticket purchase records. If we include the babies who ride with their parents, the actual number of children on the car is even greater

During the summer, there are also many research and learning teams

This year's summer vacation is the first after COVID-19's "B Class B Management", and there are many passengers taking children on trips. At the same time, this year's summer sports are also the first summer sports after the implementation of the new regulations for children's tickets. The new regulations have changed the classification of children by age, no longer by height, and more children are eligible for free or half price tickets. These factors have led to a record breaking number of children on trains this year. Children have always been one of the key targets of attention for railways. Due to the long time on the train, it is not a small challenge for summer train attendants to pay attention to so many children. This year, train attendants are facing a super big exam.

Parents also drop their children off the train... A train of over 400 children creates history, and the railway summer transportation welcomes super big exams for children | elementary school students | parents

When entering the station, it is best for adults to hold the hands of children to prevent them from running and falling. The picture shows Feng Sheng guiding children and parents to get on the train

"On the platform, we need to remind parents to hold their children's hands and not run. Some children also need to be reminded in a timely manner when taking photos with the train near the gap between the train and the platform. Feng Sheng said," On the train, different age children have different attention points. For example, when parents see a baby holding a baby, they should remind them not to turn their head towards the aisle, otherwise they may be hit by passengers walking back and forth. If the baby cannot sit still or cry, it is not good to guide the parents to take a walk at the junction of the carriage. For older children, they should be reminded not to run around, and parents should also be reminded to keep an eye on their children, especially when stopping at the station midway, to avoid running to the platform and not knowing when the train is moving... ""

During this year's summer sports, almost every train had children experiencing unexpected situations, and some careless parents even left their children on the platform or on the train. For example, a few days ago, a parent who took their child on the train found that they had forgotten to take their luggage. When they returned with their luggage, the train arrived at the designated time and left. At that time, the train conductor could only take the child to the dining car to do homework, and then help to contact the child's parents and the terminal staff to ensure that the adult could catch the next train and safely retrieve the child.

Parents also drop their children off the train... A train of over 400 children creates history, and the railway summer transportation welcomes super big exams for children | elementary school students | parents

During the summer transportation period, train attendants, regardless of gender, have to work part-time to soothe children. The picture shows the train safety officer at Shanghai Passenger Transport Section chatting with children

Having experienced many things, predicting safety hazards and reminding them almost became a conditioned reflex of train attendants - once, Feng Sheng saw a group of elementary school students taking out instant noodles to prepare for eating on the way after boarding the train. She suddenly became nervous and quickly reminded her to ask the teacher for help when flushing instant noodles with hot water on the train, and be careful not to burn them. When the train is running, there may be shaking, and passengers hitting children can easily cause hot water to spill out. On the way, she would pay extra attention and remind her again every time she passed by that carriage. "We must have enough patience with children, remind them repeatedly, and give them countless instructions. Adults tend to forget things, and children are more likely to overlook them when playing," Feng Sheng concluded.

She also shared the baby coaxing skills that flight attendants must master: "Children's world is very simple. Mastering communication methods is something that most children will listen to. The most basic thing is to keep your eyes level, squat down and communicate with them equally, telling them that some things cannot be done because of danger. You can also play a game with the children, turning their reminders and requirements into game tasks, completing them and receiving rewards."

Parents also drop their children off the train... A train of over 400 children creates history, and the railway summer transportation welcomes super big exams for children | elementary school students | parents

Feng Sheng is sorting out the "child coaxing tools"

Speaking of rewards, Feng Sheng took out a large bag full of "baby coaxing tools". "This is a paintbrush and a coloring card we made ourselves. We are running on the Beijing Shanghai line, which allows children to paint iconic buildings in cities along the way such as Tiananmen Square, so that riding on the bus is not boring. Various types of stickers can be used as rewards for completing the coloring card, and children have no resistance to stickers. There is also a 'Arrival Encyclopedia' prepared for adults and children. Many children like to ask where the car is. The 'Arrival Encyclopedia' not only marks the stations and iconic scenery along the way, but also finds relevant ancient poems and lyrics, allowing children to learn while playing on the journey," said Feng Sheng. Of course, in addition to these 'divine tools'. "Mosquito repellent stickers, mosquito repellents, and commonly used medications are also essential equipment.

The seat sticker marks the child's seat, which is also a type of sticker and has the function of preventing children from getting lost

Parents also drop their children off the train... A train of over 400 children creates history, and the railway summer transportation welcomes super big exams for children | elementary school students | parents

Of course, due to the large number of children this year, despite mastering communication skills and bringing many "artifacts" to the car, it is inevitable that there will be situations where they cannot be taken care of. In this regard, the railway department also reminds parents who take their children on trips to arrange more time and prepare in advance for boarding and alighting, and not to rush to the destination when it is time. At the same time, parents can bring some things that can help their children pass the time in the car, making the journey more fulfilling and interesting.

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