Multiple departments responded, new regulations for setting up stalls and operating activities in Shanghai will be implemented next month

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:34 AM

Within the self production and self sales control point of Shenlu Central Road in Nanqiao Town, Fengxian District, on the north side of Nanzhuang Road, dozens of stalls are filled with vegetables and fruits produced by nearby field greenhouses. Unlike the common "street vegetable market" in the last century, this place is orderly, clean and tidy, reducing the impact of occupying roads and setting up stalls on transportation and the urban environment to the lowest possible extent. It also solves the livelihood problems of difficult sales of self-produced vegetables and fruits by farmers and difficulty for citizens to buy vegetables nearby.

Shanghai maintains an open and inclusive attitude towards this way of setting up stalls. The Guiding Opinions on Further Regulating the Operation of Stalls, which will be implemented on August 5th this year, stipulate that all districts in Shanghai, together with relevant departments, can designate certain public areas for the operation of stalls, taking into account factors such as urban appearance, environmental hygiene, traffic safety, public safety, consumer demand, food safety, guarantee of "vegetable basket" supply, and market fairness.

What changes will occur in the operation of setting up stalls after the implementation of the new regulations? Can we balance the urban environment and people's livelihood security? Multiple departments in Shanghai responded today.

Nanqiao Town Shenlu Central Road Self-produced and Self-selling Control Point Photo by Li Maojun

Multiple departments responded, new regulations for setting up stalls and operating activities in Shanghai will be implemented next month

Release: Encourage "distinctive points"

In the past, the business model of setting up stalls was largely a product of inadequate urban living facilities. There are no vegetable markets or supermarkets several kilometers around the residential area, and people have a demand for clothing, food, housing, and transportation. Mobile vendors have emerged to meet this demand. However, due to the low threshold and lack of supervision and restraint on both sides of the transaction, "street vegetable markets" and "street markets" have gradually become representatives of "dirty, disorderly, and poor", seriously affecting the city's image and making the people around the stalls unbearable.

So, governance became the main attitude of Shanghai towards disorderly stalls for a long period of time in the past. Since the 1970s, Shanghai's stall management has gone through four stages: "returning the road to the people", "classified management", "source governance", and "precise governance". The number of disorderly stalls has decreased from a recorded 47000 in 2007 to 5759 in 2022. In recent years, foreign guests, tourists, and citizens have fully recognized the urban environment of Shanghai, and the effective governance of disorderly stalls is indispensable.

Photo by Gong Xing of Shanghai Road Food Farm more than ten years ago

Multiple departments responded, new regulations for setting up stalls and operating activities in Shanghai will be implemented next month

However, with the continuous improvement of urban facilities, the increasingly declining stall operation in Shanghai has been given new expectations: whether it can carry high-quality "fireworks" and further enrich people's material and spiritual lives.

In the process of formulating the Guiding Opinions, relevant departments have conducted multiple investigations in relevant regions, and have received a total of 54 revision suggestions and adopted 46 of them. At the same time, by extensively soliciting opinions and suggestions from the people through various channels, a total of 165 suggestions were collected, and 142 were effectively adopted. Many of these suggestions have high hopes for the transformation and upgrading of street vendors.

"In response to the needs of people's livelihood, the upcoming" Guiding Opinions "have created" characteristic points ". We hope to have more stalls in the future that meet the high-quality requirements of the city." Zhu Xinjun, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Greening and Urban Appearance Bureau, introduced that there are three types of stalls that can be set up in the designated stall areas in Shanghai: diversion points, control points, and characteristic points.

The first two types of stalls have been implemented for many years, and their main function is to "maintain basic needs.". Diversion points are entry points for business operations, set up in areas with insufficient supply of livelihood services such as standardized vegetable markets and breakfast outlets. Control points are locations that utilize idle space for operation, mainly selling self-produced agricultural and sideline products, and facilitating local agricultural product sales channels.

Multiple departments responded, new regulations for setting up stalls and operating activities in Shanghai will be implemented next month

According to data from the Shanghai Greening and Urban Appearance Bureau, the number of diversion and control points in Shanghai has gradually decreased in recent years, with only over 70 being included in the statistics of the Greening and Urban Appearance Department.

And the distinctive points are different from them. It is a branded, themed, and distinctive market, night market, limited time pedestrian street, outdoor placement, and other points. Priority is given to selecting points in landmark nightlife gathering areas, waterfront nightlife experience areas, and areas such as parks, commercial districts, and scenic spots. The distinctive points encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, support original brands, promote public welfare and charity, showcase the spirit of craftsmanship, convey the style of Shanghai, showcase local characteristics, and create a living atmosphere. It should not only meet the needs of the people, but also reflect the "Shanghai flavor", "fashion trend", and "international style".

The temperament of the distinctive points is very consistent with the "Action Guidelines for the Layout and Development of Nighttime Economic Spaces in Shanghai" released last year, and further efforts are needed with the support of relevant planning and functional spaces.

Deng Jinbing, deputy director of the Commerce and Trade Industry Management Office of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, introduced that the next step of Shanghai's night economy will focus on "one river and one river" from two aspects of "making full use of water" and "making better and slower life", and build 10 waterfront nightlife experience areas, including Pudong Fudu Riverside Area, Huangpu Riverside Bund Area, North Bund Area and Suhewan Area, as well as 15 landmark nightlife gathering areas, including Wujiang Road Zhangyuan Fengshengli Area, Wujiaochang Daxue Road Area, Yu Garden Area and Jing'an Temple Area.

Multiple departments responded, new regulations for setting up stalls and operating activities in Shanghai will be implemented next month

Photo by Hishal, Fengjing Road Time-limited Pedestrian Street

Guan: Cannot have a "tail"

Encouraging high-quality stalls does not mean fully and unconditionally opening up stall management activities. Multiple departments have stated that they will continue to adhere to the principles of inclusiveness, prudence, and a combination of unblocking.

The Guiding Opinions still prohibit disorderly setting up stalls and cross door operations. Units and individuals are not allowed to occupy roads, bridges, pedestrian overpasses, underground passages, and other public places to set up stalls, sell items, and stack items without authorization. Operators in buildings on both sides of Shanghai roads and around squares are not allowed to operate beyond doors, windows, and exterior walls without authorization.

Multiple departments responded, new regulations for setting up stalls and operating activities in Shanghai will be implemented next month

Regarding food vendors with higher risks, Xie Lei, Deputy Director of the Network Supervision Department of the Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, stated that whether it is store operation or stall operation, the requirements for food safety are the same, and local responsibilities and business entity responsibilities will be implemented in accordance with the "four strictest" standards.

The Shanghai Food Stall Operation and Management Measures, which came into effect on December 1, 2020, stipulate that food vendors should provide relevant information and materials to the township, town government or street office where they operate, make a food safety responsibility commitment, and obtain the Shanghai Food Stall Temporary Operation Publicity Card through on-site or online processing before engaging in food business activities.

At the same time, food vendors should engage in food business activities in the temporary areas and fixed time periods designated by the district government according to the registered food business scope. The Notice of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government on Prohibiting the Production and Operation of Food Varieties in this City, which came into effect on December 13, 2018, clearly prohibits food vendors from operating raw aquatic products, raw fish fillets, cold dishes, salads and other raw food products, as well as unheated modified cooked foods, as well as freshly squeezed beverages, freshly made dairy products, and patterned cakes.

Food vendors engaged in food business are also subject to the constraints of laws and regulations such as the Shanghai Food Safety Regulations. They must hang temporary food vendor operation cards and health certificates of food practitioners, provide tableware and drinking utensils that meet food safety standards and requirements, and store kitchen waste and kitchen waste oil in dedicated covered or sealed containers.

Multiple departments responded, new regulations for setting up stalls and operating activities in Shanghai will be implemented next month

Photo by Dong Tianye, Sijing Night Market

In response to the order management of stall operation venues, the Shanghai Public Security Department has stated that it will develop security plans in accordance with the requirements of the "one by one plan", strengthen hidden danger investigation and rectification, especially strengthen patrol and control of areas related to large-scale stall operation activities, and station guard, and allocate sufficient police force to maintain order and control passenger flow.

Regarding the issue of disorderly setting up stalls in business premises, Yan Yongkang, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau, stated that if the stalls are not sold or set up along the streets within the designated area, law enforcement efforts will be increased to ensure the normal operation of the distribution points. At the same time, we will encourage and guide eligible "light catering" stores to pilot external positioning according to requirements.

In terms of management, the Guiding Opinions require all districts and streets to incorporate stall management into the "one network unified management" platform for urban operation, and to build a social governance community with the participation of governments at all levels and all sectors of society, forming a multi-party negotiation and communication mechanism among citizens, business entities, management departments, and other parties.

Multiple departments responded, new regulations for setting up stalls and operating activities in Shanghai will be implemented next month

It is reported that after the official implementation of the "Guiding Opinions", various districts in Shanghai need to develop specific plans to standardize stall operation activities within the region, clarify the scope, time period, business format, and management requirements that allow stall operation, operation beyond doors, windows, and exterior walls, etc., solicit opinions from surrounding citizens, and make them public to the society.

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