Illegal operators are exposed, advertising is riding on the heat, playing the sidelines, and violating good social norms in the market | advertising | society

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:07 AM

When promoting goods or services, creative advertising always catches people's attention, but the necessary bottom line of value cannot be lost. Obtaining attention through methods such as "playing edge games" and "grabbing popularity" is a violation of public dignity or the legitimate rights and interests of other operators, and may result in serious illegal consequences. The Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Market Regulation exposed a batch of false advertisements and illegal operators today.

Advertising for self promotion pot disrespects the deceased

Shanghai Meiling Catering Management Co., Ltd. mainly engages in online and offline sales of self serving pots and related products, and registers and operates the Tmall store "Self serving Pot Flagship Store" for the sale of self serving pots.

On February 11th of this year, the parties involved posted a product advertisement titled "Rich Flower Clam Powder" on the "Self Hi Pot Flagship Store", titled "Rich Flower Clam Powder", Self Hi Pot, Self Heating Hot Pot, Night Snack, Self Heating Pot, Convenient for Internet Celebrities and Lazy People to Eat ". The main image and details page of the product page repeatedly displayed the words" Rich Flower Clam Powder with a List Price of 1.76 million ", and the details page was accompanied by pictures such as" Explanation of the Garlic Fragrant Flower Clam Powder Incident "and" Women Suspected of Death after Eating Self Heating Hot Pot? Police Identification: It is not ruled out that acute food poisoning caused by consumption may result in death, and family members may claim 1.76 million ".

After the advertisement was released, it attracted attention and was accused of mocking, mocking, and insulting the deceased and their families, resulting in extremely negative social impact. On March 2nd of this year, the party involved removed the above-mentioned advertisement.

The Advertising Law stipulates that advertisements shall not obstruct public order or violate good social customs. For those who engage in such illegal activities, the market supervision and management department shall order them to stop publishing advertisements and impose a fine of not less than 200000 yuan but not more than 1 million yuan on the advertiser. If the circumstances are serious, their business license shall be revoked, and the advertising review authority shall revoke the advertising review approval documents and not accept their advertising review applications within one year; For advertising operators and publishers, the market supervision department shall confiscate advertising expenses and impose a fine of not less than 200000 yuan but not more than 1 million yuan. If the circumstances are serious, the business license shall be revoked.

Considering that the illegal behavior of the parties involved has seriously harmed the emotions of consumers, violated public order and good customs, caused a negative social impact, and has been widely reported by the media, the Shanghai Municipal Administration for Market Regulation ordered the parties to stop publishing illegal advertisements and imposed severe penalties, with a fine of 800000 yuan.

Illegal operators are exposed, advertising is riding on the heat, playing the sidelines, and violating good social norms in the market | advertising | society

Handmade advertisements containing "soft pornography"

On January 3rd this year, a citizen reported that there were indecent advertisements in the business premises of Shanghai Manhun Trading Co., Ltd. Jing'an Second Branch on the 8th floor of Jing'an Joy City North Building.

After investigation, the party involved, Haimai Culture Communication Co., Ltd., has been authorized by the copyright owner of the "Girl Frontline" game to produce "Somi" figurines based on the image materials provided by the copyright owner, and to undertake the production, promotion, and sales of "Somi" figurines on their own.

In order to expand the sales volume and influence, the party concerned designed a pre-sale advertisement by "Somi", which was placed next to the cash register in the business premises of Room N842, No. 198, Xizang North Road, Jing'an Second Branch of Shanghai Manhun Trading Co., Ltd. after production.

The advertisement in question is a humanoid billboard advertisement, which specifically magnifies the buttocks of the female character "Somi" and protrudes from the upper right corner of the entire humanoid billboard advertisement. The folded position of the safety pants is touched by the thumb and index finger, and the text content "The safety pants are made of softer material to increase the playability and cannot be removed" is attached around the enlarged image.

The regulatory authorities believe that the parties involved have partially enlarged the private parts of a woman's body, in order to attract attention and attract attention, without giving women the respect they deserve, infringing on women's personal dignity, violating good social norms, and not in line with socialist core values.

At the same time, the parties involved have overlooked the fact that there are many minors among the consumer group of anime and game figurine products. "Soft pornography" advertisements can have a negative impact on the growth of young people, which is not conducive to the formation of their health values. This reflects the weak social public awareness of the parties involved and their insufficient understanding of protecting young people.

Illegal operators are exposed, advertising is riding on the heat, playing the sidelines, and violating good social norms in the market | advertising | society

The relevant behavior of the parties involved violated the relevant provisions of the Advertising Law. The Jing'an District Market Supervision Bureau imposed an administrative penalty of ordering the parties to stop publishing the advertisements involved and imposing a fine of 220000 yuan in accordance with the law.

A "Somi" figurine

The wine making process is surprisingly superior to that of the Red Army

"Beside big brands" is a common false advertising feature, and some operators even use the ideas of national leaders, military flags, "red headed documents", etc. in order to pursue sales effectiveness.

Shanghai Gao Shoukang Biological Products Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the research and development and sales of perilla products. It has hung a publicity poster containing the image of the national leaders' conference speech and some of the speech content in its business premises. The words "Life Science and Technology Museum" and "Shanghai Gao Shoukang" are printed under the poster, deliberately associating its company and products with the theme of the national leaders' speech to achieve the purpose of promoting and selling its products.

If the party concerned uses the image of government officials for advertising and violates the relevant provisions of the Advertising Law, the market supervision department shall order the party concerned to stop publishing illegal advertisements in accordance with the law and impose a fine of 200000 yuan.

Huichuang Wine Industry Co., Ltd., a Baijiu dealer, used the image of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army flag in its Baijiu advertising on a short video platform, and used advertising phrases such as "they have gone through layers of technology, just like they have gone through thousands of hardships, just for the final meeting" when the above image appeared, and there was a picture of drinking action.

Illegal operators are exposed, advertising is riding on the heat, playing the sidelines, and violating good social norms in the market | advertising | society

The use or disguised use of military flags by the parties involved in advertisements and the act of drinking alcohol in alcohol advertisements violates the relevant provisions of the Advertising Law. The market supervision department shall order the parties to stop publishing illegal advertisements in accordance with the law, eliminate the impact within the corresponding scope, and impose a fine of 200000 yuan.

In the advertisement tweet of a brand of hydrogen oxygen atomizer released by its online franchise store, Shanghai Orange Multi Technology Co., Ltd. used the "red headed document" of the diagnosis and treatment scheme issued by the state organ as the promotional picture, and claimed that a brand was included in the diagnosis and treatment scheme of COVID-19, and that a brand of hydrogen oxygen mixed therapy was included in the national diagnosis and treatment scheme.

After investigation, the brand name has never appeared in the above diagnosis and treatment plan, and the promotional content does not match the facts. The act of using the name of a state agency or publishing false advertisements in disguised form in advertisements violates the relevant provisions of the Advertising Law. The market supervision department shall order the parties to stop publishing illegal advertisements, eliminate the impact within the corresponding scope, and impose a fine of 200000 yuan in accordance with the law.

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