Beijing Sub center has become a hot spot for innovation and entrepreneurship, creating the largest domestically produced shield tunneling machine. The railway passes through large buildings in the surrounding area, making it a safe sub center | city | domestically produced

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:19 AM

"As an engineer, my biggest wish is to participate in the construction of super projects," a construction engineer told reporters. Fortunately, with the completion of a batch of major engineering relays and the landing of a number of cutting-edge projects in the Beijing Urban Sub center, various types of technological innovation talents have also had a stage to showcase their talents. Nowadays, countless technological elites and innovative talents are shedding their youthful sweat and realizing their own value on this hot land.

The Beijing Urban Sub center held a press conference today on the "Science and Technology Innovation Talent Achievement Sub center", where multiple science and technology innovation talents shared their stories.

Challenge with extremely high difficulty

Participating in super engineering construction is the dream of every excellent engineer, and behind super engineering, there are often unattainable and extremely difficult challenges hidden. However, for the best technology workers, the difficult challenges that ordinary people cannot reach have ignited their inexhaustible work enthusiasm and exploratory spirit.

"The sub center station project has hidden the comprehensive transportation hub underground, breaking the traditional design of railways dividing cities. However, building three-dimensional transportation hubs and urban complexes in narrow spaces has brought huge difficulties to construction." Li Jinhe, Deputy General Manager of the Construction Engineering General Contracting Department of Beijing Urban Construction Group and Project Manager of the 02 section of the Beijing Urban Sub center Station Comprehensive Transportation Hub Project, said that the surrounding municipal roads, pipelines, railways, and buildings are densely distributed, and uneven settlement occurs anywhere, which is a fatal problem.

There are always more solutions than difficulties. The technical team innovatively adopted a design that combines T-shaped retaining walls and local waterproofing curtains to ensure the safety of the foundation pit during construction. In the end, 188 connected walls were successfully closed, casting the steel Great Wall for the construction of the foundation pit.

"The theater can be regarded as an extremely difficult challenge in the architectural art hall," said Fu Yadi, Chief Engineer of the Beijing Urban Sub center Theater Project of Beijing Construction Engineering Group. "The ultimate audio-visual enjoyment that impresses the audience involves over 60 professional systems and more than 30 disciplines such as acoustics, lighting and sound, and stage machinery. The high complexity of stage craftsmanship and construction techniques has ignited my passion and exploratory spirit as an engineer."

Faced with the ultra-high standards and construction challenges of world-class theaters, Fu Yadi and her team have faced challenges and continuously innovated, overcoming one super challenge after another. Through digital design, intelligent production, and intelligent construction, they have promoted high-quality and efficient construction of projects, demonstrating the highest level of "Chinese intelligence" to the world.

Innovation has no future to follow

In the sub center of Beijing, there are many large-scale investments and cutting-edge projects. This often means that designers have no future to follow. This is both a challenge and an opportunity. Technology workers can only endure loneliness and overcome difficulties.

"There is no precedent for designing the theme project of Chinese element IP." Zhang Qingli, Vice President of the First Design Institute of Beijing Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., said that since 2016, he has participated in the planning, design and construction of the Universal Studios Theme Park Resort, and is responsible for the overall planning of the whole park, as well as the design and engineering coordination of "Kung Fu Panda" and "Future Water World".

Beijing Sub center has become a hot spot for innovation and entrepreneurship, creating the largest domestically produced shield tunneling machine. The railway passes through large buildings in the surrounding area, making it a safe sub center | city | domestically produced

"'Kung Fu Panda' is the first Kung Fu Panda theme to be launched by Universal Studios in Beijing. When the Chinese owner came to us to discuss a comprehensive takeover, I really had no idea." He said, "The design team began to fight hard, and 38 design companies around the world worked and cooperated on one platform and one model at the same time. The design drawings of the 30000 square meter Kung Fu Panda building reached 14000, and were transported to the construction site by two trucks. Finally, we handed in a beautiful answer sheet, while training a creative design team with international standards."

"The Beijing East Sixth Ring Road Project is an invisible super project, with all 7.4 kilometers of shield tunnels located underground in the sub center, with a maximum burial depth of 75 meters. It is the deepest tunnel in Beijing and also one of the longest single head tunneling distances for ultra large diameter shield tunnels in China." said Sun Changsong, the shield tunneling manager of the Beijing East Sixth Ring Road renovation project.

To this end, the technical team tailored the domestically produced "Jinghua" ultra large diameter slurry water balance shield machine with a maximum diameter of 16.07 meters. This shield tunneling machine is 150 meters long and weighs 4300 tons. It is the first to apply core technologies such as ultra large diameter atmospheric pressure cutterhead, intelligent predictive tool changing, and advanced geological perception, representing the highest manufacturing level of ultra large diameter tunnel excavation equipment in China today.

Sun Changsong said, "In May 2021, the shield tunneling machine started smoothly. After 25 months, we successfully captured 55 above ground risk sources and completed a 7336 meter underground crossing while piloting the Jinghua vessel. The moment we saw the shield tunneling machine break through the ground and the tunnel connect, we were extremely excited and proud."

The paper is written on the earth

The vast land and abundant resources of the sub center have also allowed a group of "new farmers" from higher education institutions to take root here, writing countless scientific research papers on the land of our motherland.

At the Beijing Urban Sub center, Zhang Xiaotian, a 2021 master's student, is a student of the School of Resources and Environment at China Agricultural University and also the director of Xihuaizhuang Science and Technology Academy in Yongledian Town, Tongzhou District. "The Science and Technology Academy is connected to higher education institutions on one end and fields on the other. Yongledian Town and Xihuaizhuang Village provide us with a very good practical battlefield for integrating theory with practice."

She said, "We participate in agricultural planting management throughout the process, deepen our education and grow in the fields, introduce new varieties and technologies to farmers, provide technical guidance, and inject youthful vitality into science and technology to assist agriculture." Now, the students of Science and Technology Academy have planted a total of 52 acres of fruits and vegetables by introducing new varieties and adopting new technologies.

In 2020, Xihuaizhuang, as a village with weak collective economy, had an annual income of only 110000 yuan. In 2021, students from the Science and Technology Academy introduced new varieties of tomatoes and other fruit and vegetable crops to the village, helping the village collective increase income by 340000 yuan. In 2022, in addition to upgrading and transforming existing varieties, fresh corn was also introduced in the autumn, with an annual income of 700000 yuan, which is five times higher than 2020.

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More than 3000 people were trapped in three trains in Mentougou mountain area. Fengsha Railway, which was damaged in rainstorm, resumed operation last night | more than 3000 people

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The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences releases major achievements on a monthly basis, and the "History | Theory | Series of the Party's Centennial Struggle Historical Experience Series" is published

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The millennium old traditional customs in Nanzhao are rejuvenated, with "golden leaves" flourishing, and the body of mugwort picking during the Dragon Boat Festival | modern | tradition
The millennium old traditional customs in Nanzhao are rejuvenated, with "golden leaves" flourishing, and the body of mugwort picking during the Dragon Boat Festival | modern | tradition

During the Dragon Boat Festival, there has been a custom of picking mugwort in Chinese folk culture since ancient times. The "Jingchu Suishi Ji" from the Northern and Southern Dynasties period records: "On the fifth day of the fifth month, picking mugwort as a person, hanging it on the door to ward off poisonous gas." To this day, many regions still retain the custom of picking mugwort on the Dragon Boat Festival. In Nanzhao County, Nanyang City, Henan Province, a large number of people go up the mountains to pick mugwort around the Dragon Boat Festival every year. The collected mugwort leaves are made into various mugwort products by local enterprises and sold nationwide. Recently, the Aicao Culture Festival was held in Nanzhao County, and reporters visited several local traditional Chinese medicine enterprises. Here, the traditional custom of picking mugwort during the Dragon Boat Festival is being given new vitality by the thriving modern traditional Chinese medicine industry in the local area. The Dragon Boat Festival picking of Artemisia argyi has been given new vitality by the modern traditional Chinese medicine industry. The Dragon Boat Festival picking of mugwort has a long history of use in China. At the Xiaokong Mountain Site in Nanzhao County, archaeology