Bringing a Different Chopin, Piano "Ghost Talent" Pog é ridge Holds Solo Concert: Fearless of Controversy, Rainy Night Shanghai Concert Hall | Chopin | Pog é ridge

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:14 PM

On the evening of June 24th, the genius pianist Ivo Pogridge returned to Cadillac Shanghai Concert Hall after 7 years, bringing a complete set of Chopin's works. This concert was sold out within an hour of ticket issuance, and additional tickets were also sold out in seconds. On the night of the performance, the heavy rain did not dampen the enthusiasm of the Shanghai audience, and the audience was fully seated, with continuous applause.

Pogridge is a controversial pianist. In 1980, at the age of 22, he was nominated for the Chopin International Piano Competition held in Warsaw. However, he was eliminated in the third round due to his outstanding personality, causing a huge uproar. Legendary pianist Marta Agrich withdrew from the judging panel in anger for supporting him, which attracted the attention of the entire music industry to this pianist.

He is known as the "Voldemort of the music industry" for his unconventional and unconventional behavior. Some people like him, while others dislike him, but no one ignores him. He brought an unforgettable performance to Shanghai audiences with his superb skills and unique style.

Bringing a Different Chopin, Piano "Ghost Talent" Pog é ridge Holds Solo Concert: Fearless of Controversy, Rainy Night Shanghai Concert Hall | Chopin | Pog é ridge

It's like Chopin improvising on the piano keys

When he was young, Borglidge was 190cm tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, flowing hair, and rebellious eyes. At the age of 65, he has white hair, traces of time on his face, and a much gentler personality.

His tumultuous life blended with the piano: in his early twenties, despite family opposition, he married his teacher Alice Kaiserajar, who was in his forties. After Kaiseraj's death, it took him a long time to recover from the pain of losing his wife.

Bringing a Different Chopin, Piano "Ghost Talent" Pog é ridge Holds Solo Concert: Fearless of Controversy, Rainy Night Shanghai Concert Hall | Chopin | Pog é ridge

On this trip to Shanghai, Bogleilich brought a special performance by Chopin - from playing "Fantasy Polish Dance" and "Third Piano Sonata" to "Fantasy", "Lycra" and "Boat Song", focusing on showcasing the essence of Chopin's later works as the "piano poet". "At that time, Chopin was seriously ill and in poor health. Many scenes were intimate and personal, and I used a very gentle touch to play them. I slowed down some of the tracks to allow the audience to experience more intimate and intimate performances. You can even feel that Chopin seemed to be improvising on the keys rather than just a moment," said Bogleirich.

In recent years, many viewers have criticized Borglidge for "playing too slowly" after listening to his performance, and Borglidge always says "art takes time". When he interprets music, he measures the distance between every note and every rest, perseveres in his research, even at the cost of sacrificing people's habitual speed.

Pogridge once scrutinized a vase in a museum in Beijing, where there was one kind of beauty when viewed from afar, and another kind of beauty when viewed up close. For him, the presentation of music is the same. He hopes to explore and present the beauty in the details of music. At the same time, he also wants to open a door and present the overall beauty of art. "I hope my music can bring a profound beauty to the audience, a unique beauty."

Bringing a Different Chopin, Piano "Ghost Talent" Pog é ridge Holds Solo Concert: Fearless of Controversy, Rainy Night Shanghai Concert Hall | Chopin | Pog é ridge

Pogridge once broke the strings of his instrument during a performance at the National Theatre due to excessive emotional excitement. This time, the Shanghai Concert Hall specially placed a second piano on the side platform for emergency use. He added the performances of "C minor prelude" and "E major nocturne", bringing the "Night of Chopin" to a successful conclusion. After the performance, he also signed for sales for Shanghai music fans.

Practice the piano until the last moment before taking the stage

Although music takes an unusual path, Pogridge is very rigorous and hardworking in his preparation for the concert. Since arriving in Shanghai on June 21st, his daily schedule has only two options: practicing the piano and resting. In order to ensure the best sound effect, his practice time will even last until the audience enters the stage, and the audience can still see the scene of Bogleilich practicing on stage before the concert.

Bringing a Different Chopin, Piano "Ghost Talent" Pog é ridge Holds Solo Concert: Fearless of Controversy, Rainy Night Shanghai Concert Hall | Chopin | Pog é ridge

No matter where he goes, Borglidge wears a mask and always carries a scarf and coat with him to prevent catching a cold - he has long been accustomed to an extremely disciplined lifestyle. He said, "I really enjoy my current state: setting a musical goal, getting closer bit by bit, and in the process, being willing to give up something and make some sacrifices."

In February of last year, Borglidge showcased his new understanding of Chopin's works created in the final stages of his life in Sony's newly released album. In the subsequent tours, his performance of Chopin's works received praise from both the audience and critics. After the concert at the Berlin Philharmonic Hall on February 8th this year, music critic Walker Tarno wrote a commentary in the Berlin Morning Post, stating that Borglidge's performance of Chopin was highly enlightening and calling him "the greatest Chopin performer of his time.".

From April to June, three artists, French cellist G ö tienne Capson, French pianist David Frey, and "genius pianist" Ivo Poglieridge, have appeared on stage at the Cadillac Shanghai Concert Hall, and each performance is hard to come by.

Bringing a Different Chopin, Piano "Ghost Talent" Pog é ridge Holds Solo Concert: Fearless of Controversy, Rainy Night Shanghai Concert Hall | Chopin | Pog é ridge

On June 28th, 76 year old violin master Gideon Kramer will also make his comeback at the concert hall after seven years. Kramer not only has comprehensive and excellent skills, but also profound musical cultivation and unique insights. He will bring a set of tracks spanning the classical period to the contemporary era to Shanghai audiences, and tickets are currently sold out.

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