Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 21:26 PM

In the hot summer of August in wutong District of Shanghai, at midnight on the weekend, most businesses have closed and the streets are quiet.

The Yandang Road at the north gate of Fuxing Park has entered a bustling moment of the day. Famous sports cars lined up in a long queue, blocking this wide cobblestone road. Several experienced drivers who parked their cars skillfully shuttle through the traffic, slowly sorting out their thoughts in the chaos.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

The party animals were dressed in glamorous attire, with numerous ghosts pouring into the park. Their destination was the building called INS Revival Park.

Once, this building was called a cash register KTV. In the first decade of the 21st century, this place was filled with the most fashionable nightlife of young people in Shanghai. Park97, the official residence, and Richy later settled in, and many Shanghai night talks that are difficult to distinguish between reality and reality circulated in the Fuxing Park.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

In 2014, these merchants gradually closed down, and the former nightlife landmark Fuxing Park returned to tranquility.

Nine years later, the "Money Cabinet Building" changed its name to "INS Renaissance Park", reportedly due to a young man from 1993 who made a bold statement: "We feel that this generation of young people is living too hard, so we spent 100 million dollars to create our own amusement park for this generation of young people."

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

Just a year ago, Fuxing Park completed a thorough upgrade and renovation, bringing new vitality to the century old garden that is open 24 hours a day.

Esports, music, trendy culture, outlining the nightlife guidebook of Generation Z; Lawns, rockeries, gardens, and ponds have become more urban public spaces for citizens to relax and engage in activities. The Centennial Revival Park presents a completely different scene due to the alternation of day and night.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park


Located in the core area of the city, it is adjacent to Chongqing South Road to the east, Fuxing Middle Road to the south, Sinan Road to the west, and Science Hall to the north. It is also the only garden in Shanghai that retains French classical style, laying the foundation for Fuxing Park's special position in Shanghai.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

In the lives of Shanghai people, Fuxing Park plays an important role. Some people grow up here playing and frolicking, some study hard for three years and leap over the Dragon Gate once a day, some get married here, start a new chapter in life, and some enjoy a peaceful retirement life here.

In the summer, the Fuxing Park boasts towering ancient trees that shade the sun, lush green lawns, blooming lotus flowers in small ponds, and tall vegetation in sunken beds and flower beds.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

At 6:30 in the morning, Lao Zhang carried a backpack and walked a few minutes from home to Fuxing Park. The old friends who worked out together have gathered by the fixed bench where they meet, waiting for him. He took out a red diabolo from his bag, hung it on a long rope, and walked onto the open lawn of the park. With only a few nimble shakes, the diabolo flipped up and down in his hand, making a buzzing sound.

Ten years ago, Lao Zhang retired and had plenty of free time. His body is the capital for enjoying a long-term retirement life. He quietly turned to the nearby Fuxing Park to "research" which morning exercise team to join.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

Aunties' boxing is mainstream, with multiple teams showcasing their skills; There are also rioters joking all the way, circling around in the park; What attracted him the most was the "diabolo army" occupying a corner of the lawn. If these old mages don't make a sound, they will be the focus of the audience. As soon as the diabolo shakes, the intricacies and movements will inevitably become the focus of the audience.

Lao Zhang said that ultimately choosing diabolo was not for the sake of being cool. "diabolo is a alleyway game that Ala's iterator Xiao Chenguang has played for nothing. Now, pick it up and find some childhood fun. I exercise for 2 hours every day, and a few years have passed, and cervical spondylosis and shoulder periarthritis are all gone."

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

The revival park in the morning is the territory of the silver haired tribe. Play badminton, dancing social dances, playing saxophone, taking up the "heavy cannon" shot to shoot lotus flowers... Everyone has their own habitual position and rhythm.

Old Xu, who is in his 70s, is also a frequent visitor to the park. He is black and thin, not fond of socializing, and only comes to the park to practice hard every day and improve his boxing skills. He is familiar with both Chen and Yang. Recently, because I am practicing a new Tai Chi routine, I haven't memorized all the movements yet. I wrote a notebook with more than 20 movements, watching and practicing at the same time.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

Old Xu, who was fighting, didn't realize that the place where he practiced martial arts had opened up another entertainment venue. I only remember one day, the fence in front of the building was removed, and his activity area became loose again.

Lao Zhang, who comes to play diabolo every day, has a deep understanding of the changes in every plant and tree in the park. "I went to Fuxing Park for a photo shoot at Xiaochenguang. I paid 5 cents per ticket, and there was also a zoo inside. I spent another 3 cents to watch the lions and tigers. Later, it was free. At the end of last year, the park's walls were demolished and it was open 24 hours a day, making it more convenient to enter."

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

Lao Zhang casually pointed to the location of the former zoo, which now belongs to the building of INS Revival Park. "I only know that KTV has been opened here, and the working class in Ala dare not come to consume. Now that an esports center is opened, young people can still dance. I don't know what the interior looks like."

Across a lane, just a few tens of meters away, in Lao Zhang's eyes, it was another world.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park


After a night of hormonal release, INS Revival Park is still asleep. At 2am, it reached its peak of explosive heat.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

The INS Revival Park, which focuses on esports culture, will not be fully completed until the end of September this year. However, a few stores that have only been open for two months are packed night and night.

A huge amount of capital has entered the venue, providing not only top-notch audio and lighting hardware, but also becoming a new stop for internationally renowned DJs to stay.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

From veteran American rapper Ty Dolla Sign, to Canadian genius 347 Asian, and several American Billboard regulars, electronic DJs have made appearances at INS Renaissance. In the future, there will also be well-known domestic and foreign artists performing on site.

Architectural designer Sanders is an American born in the 1980s who has been living in Shanghai for years. He enjoys drinking and dancing, and outside the tense workplace, he is a hippie with a typical West Coast lifestyle. Wherever there is a newly opened night club, he always gets information as soon as possible. Like many local trendsetters who play coffee, INS Fuxing has just opened its doors and turned from its usual strongholds of "Found 158" and "TX Huaihai".

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

The four stores currently open for INS revival are not large in size, but each has its own unique features. Concentrating in one building means that every space can easily gather popularity.

And the young people who come here to dance, from Hip Hop, to popular dance, and then to Techno, can play it all in one night for three to four hundred yuan, up and down the elevator.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

A.WAY is a brand that specializes in alcohol ice cream from New York, and its founder is said to be a top student from Yale. There is ice cream with a sake flavor in the front, and Maotai specialty coffee at the back. A.WAY Sword takes the lead in turning ice cream into a rich cocktail flavor, which can be considered as reaching new heights. However, its most popular skill point is still in the "very popular" in store environment.

A dim fireplace, a wide rounded sofa, pink lights, and trendy neon lights on the wall... Opening Little Red Book, you can't help but see various internet celebrity photos labeled with this store. And the positioning of this store can be considered as a prelude to starting nightlife at INS. The sisters come early, so they can have a place to sit and chat, give a little alcohol blessing, and mobilize their emotions. An hour later, they can get into the hot spot and start dancing.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

Also located on the first floor along the street, there is finally enough spacious outdoor space to set up tables and chairs for drinkers to sit down and chat. The original "special scene" of squatting on the curb for gatherings is no longer visible here, but there are a wide variety of beers available.

Whether it's eating at A.WAY or having a drink at a highway store, it's all a warm-up before the meal. Walking into the building and starting to dance is the key to getting to the point.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

Approaching midnight, Sanders appeared with a scent of cologne, and by this time, long queues had already formed at the entrance of each store. After midnight, the venue heated up and everyone appeared together. Sanders ran to the Hush window, bought a glass of beer, and waited with friends while drinking.

The "Hush" on the second floor is the first store in Shanghai to cooperate with the most popular Hip Hop bar in Beijing. The space is designed as a submarine, and two equally proportioned hooded faceless dolls in the corridor create a sense of mystery for the environment. A row of circular portholes faces the park, and in the distance are the scattered lights of the city's high-rise buildings.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

The lattice windows on the ceiling cast red light, like emergency lights lit up in submarines, dazzling and making people nervous. From the dance floor to the sofa and then to the seating, no one was sitting. People stand and jump in any inch of available space, with only the bartender holding up bottles of champagne high in the crowd, struggling and desperate to navigate through.

DJ dressed up in hip-hop attire, with the rhythm of rap, low-frequency rhythms, and the color of electronic music flowing between busy hands. The dance floor in front of him was already crowded with people, each with their faces facing the direction of the DJ stage, and their bodies undulating with the waves of music. DJ is the helmsman of this submarine, controlling the angle and direction of welcoming the waves, leading people towards the happy shore.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

The RADI on the third floor blends House with pop music, with the volume drumming through the eardrums and the rhythm rushing straight to the rooftop. The atmosphere is dominated by the graceful posture of the leading dancer, and the sequins on her waist are blinking under the flickering lights. The temperature on the dance floor is rising, the venue is too crowded, and people are exploring the possibility of further compressing distance.

The red flowing light, psychedelic, dazzling, sprinkles onto the smoke dispersed dance floor. Under the illumination of the light, faces sway and fluctuate in the limited space, with passionate expressions or addiction. Until a burst rhythm suddenly sounded, the dance floor was suddenly activated, and everyone welcomed the sound of the melody, raised their hands, cheered and screamed.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

Lafin on the sixth floor is the most popular, taking the unique frontier European and American multi music route in Shanghai, and the crowding degree of disco is the same as that of other stores, comparable to canned sardine. Even if you want to jump vertically, it's difficult to leave the surface of the Earth, and the DJ in control can even feel the warm breathing of the guests in front of you.

After the four meter counter, five bartenders lined up in a row, busy but not panicked, quickly opening bottles, pouring wine, adding ice, stirring, and shaking the kettle like an assembly line... Sanders and his companions couldn't squeeze into the dance floor, so they just sat near the door and danced to the rhythm.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

Those electronic music enthusiasts who claim to be true Raves, claiming it's for music, such as listening to Techno. Playground's niche hardcore Techno style is cold, rational, and carries an artist's speculative temperament. From DJs to listeners, everyone has confidence and pride in their unique taste.

Some people are infatuated with Techno style, while others dislike it. Disgusting people feel that it's not high enough, but for enthusiastic people, they can't stop in the constantly surging mechanical waves, obtaining intoxicating happiness.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

At three o'clock in the morning, the city was sleeping soundly. Sanders stood on a dance floor that was almost out of reach, letting his thoughts be guided by Techno's repeated rhythm and melody, as if waves were rising on a calm sea surface. Only the occasional sweep of light made him realize that there were still friends around him and that he was not on Mars without anyone.

In the depths of the long corridor connecting Lafin and Playground, there is also a hidden Mini Bar with DJs playing DVDs, as if walking into the magical atmosphere of One Thousand and One Nights. In front of the french window, there are several large sofas facing the park, and there are often guests who are still interested in welcoming the sunrise.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

At night, the elevator in the building is particularly busy, carrying young people up and down from the theater. The beef noodles, Liangpi and roast sausages on the first floor serve as a calorie supplement after a night of dancing.

When the nightlife in Fuxing Park emerged, the noodle shop at the top of the alley opposite Huaihai Middle Road was still open 24 hours a day. Only those old dancers can remember the taste of a bowl of revived yellow croaker thick Noodles in soup.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park


The alternation of day and night in Fuxing Park records the different aspects of urban life today. Like the Renaissance Park with a hundred years of history, it has left traces of the French living in Shanghai.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

In the 1880s, the location of Fuxing Park was still a fertile farmland. A landlord surnamed Gu built a private small garden here, which was the prototype of Fuxing Park, known as the Gu Family Garden.

In 1900, the Eight Nation Alliance invaded Beijing. At that time, the Public Council of the Shanghai French Concession purchased 152 acres of land around Gu Jiazhai Garden, and rented a portion to the French army to build barracks for the purpose of deploying troops.

Tranquility and Tide, the Day and Night Barrier of the Centennial Revival Park | Shanghai | Centennial Revival Park

In 1908, the French Concession authorities decided to convert it into a park and hired the famous French horticulturist Robert as the engineering assistant supervisor. The park was completed in 1909 and officially opened to the public on July 14th, France's National Day. It is called Gu Jiazhai Park, commonly known as the "French Park".

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