Zheng He's seven voyages to the Western Seas are the most powerful proof of the peaceful nature of Chinese civilization, different from the "Great Western Navigation" of China | the ocean | Chinese civilization

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:36 AM

July 11th this year is the 19th sailing day in China. On July 11, 2005, China Navigation Day was officially launched, marking the 600th anniversary of Chinese navigator Zheng He's voyages to the West. Zheng He's seven voyages to the Western Seas marked the beginning of humanity's journey towards the ocean, and it is also the most powerful proof and vivid teaching material of the peaceful nature of Chinese civilization. During Zheng He's great voyages, he did not engage in one or two gold and silver plunders, nor did he actively launch a military invasion, nor did he occupy an inch of overseas colonies. This was in stark contrast to the Western voyages of aggressive aggression, plundering of colonies, slave trade, seizing markets, and dividing the world.

The most vivid embodiment of the peaceful genes of the Chinese nation

Chinese civilization has outstanding peacefulness, emphasizing the value of harmony, believing that all things run parallel without harming each other, and that the Tao runs parallel without contradicting each other. Zheng He's great voyage vividly embodies the spirit of harmony, and is the most vivid embodiment and best example of the Chinese nation's peaceful genes.

One reason is that Zheng He's fleet did not engage in aggression or colonization during the navigation process. Zheng He led a massive fleet with military strength far exceeding the countries and regions he passed through, but he never launched wars of aggression and plunder by bullying the small and the strong.

The second is that Zheng He's fleet adheres to the concept of valuing peace. Zheng He adhered to the principle of "sharing the blessings of peace". Although China was the country with the strongest comprehensive strength at that time, Zheng He used peaceful means rather than hegemony or war to regulate conflicts and disputes between countries.

Thirdly, Zheng He adheres to the principle of mutual benefit and win-win outcomes. During Zheng He's great voyages, he adhered to the policy of "thick and thin", giving more and giving less. We do not engage in economic plunder, nor do we despise weak and poor countries. All countries, regardless of their size, strength, or weakness, treat each other equally.

Fourthly, Zheng He emphasized exchange and mutual learning during his navigation. Zheng He not only brought agricultural and handicraft products such as Chinese silk, porcelain, and tea overseas, but more importantly, he spread Chinese excellent culture and advanced production technology overseas, accelerating the cultural development process of relevant countries by spreading education to various overseas countries, guiding them with etiquette and righteousness, and transforming their foreign customs.

The Ocean Community with a Shared Future is the first "Global Ocean View" of the Chinese people

With the development of globalization, countries are increasingly connected and dependent, forming a community with a shared future where you have me and I have you. The ocean, as an important link, is increasingly closely connected and dependent on countries in terms of ocean economy, politics, culture, society, ecology, and other aspects, forming a community with a shared future for the ocean.

The "Community of Shared Future in the Ocean" is an ocean view that views ocean issues from a global perspective. Countries around the world, using the ocean as a link, have jointly formed a community with a shared future in the ocean, which is a further development of their understanding of the relationship between the ocean and humanity based on the theory of maritime power. The "Community with a Shared Future in the Ocean" answers the question of why global ocean governance should be strengthened, what kind of ocean governance should be achieved, and how to carry out global ocean governance. It is the first "global ocean view" of the Chinese people, enriching and developing the "national ocean view", and providing Chinese wisdom and solutions for global ocean governance.

Promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for the ocean and providing a Chinese solution for global ocean governance

During a period of great power in China, the Zheng He fleet carried out great voyages, but during this process, they did not steal, steal, invade, or occupy, reflecting the spirit of valuing peace, treating each other equally, sharing benefits, and exchanging and learning from each other. Today, we will continue to promote this spirit, promote the construction of a maritime community with a shared future, advance the high-quality development of the 21st century Maritime Silk Road, and provide a Chinese solution for global maritime governance.

One is to coordinate land and sea, and build a modern strong country that combines land and sea. In the era of globalization, land and sea interact with each other and are inseparable. China has 9.6 million square kilometers of territory and 3 million square kilometers of jurisdictional waters, making it both a land and maritime power. In the process of building a maritime power, it is necessary to properly handle the relationship between land and the ocean, adhere to land sea coordination, and accelerate the construction of a maritime power. Chinese path to modernization includes both land and sea modernization, which is a modernization of both land and sea.

The second is to reasonably develop, utilize and protect the ocean, and promote high-quality economic and social development. The ocean covers over 70% of the Earth's surface and is an important expansion space for human survival and development. The ocean contains abundant mineral resources and energy, including oil and gas, combustible ice, and other energy sources. The ocean has abundant biological resources and is an important source of human protein supplementation. The ocean is an interconnected transportation channel, ensuring the safety and stability of production and supply chains in the era of globalization. The ocean is a strategic location for high-quality development, and rational development and utilization of the ocean will bring more benefits to humanity. To better protect the ocean, make rational use of marine resources, prevent overexploitation, and prevent the destruction of biodiversity. Seawater and marine biological resources have fluidity, making it difficult to define property rights boundaries. The ocean has a certain degree of public goods attributes, and it is necessary to prevent the problem of "overgrazing" in the process of ocean utilization. China's proposal to jointly build the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is aimed at promoting maritime connectivity and practical cooperation in various fields, promoting the development of the blue economy, promoting the integration of marine culture, and jointly enhancing the well-being of the ocean.

The third is to maintain public safety at sea and ensure smooth ocean transportation channels. With the development of globalization, maritime transportation channels play an increasingly important role in connecting various parts of the world. The safety and smoothness of maritime transportation channels are also of great significance for China's domestic and international dual circulation. In recent years, although there have been no major naval battles on an international scale, maritime threats such as island sovereignty disputes, terrorism, and piracy still exist. Due to the lack of a unified world government, countries need to cooperate with each other, assume common but differentiated responsibilities, and jointly maintain maritime security.

The fourth is to protect the marine ecological environment and build a blue partnership. The ocean is an important home and future living space for humanity, but with the development of industrialization, humans are producing more and more pollutants. These pollutants, such as wastewater generated during the production process, can cause pollution in the ocean when discharged into the ocean. With the improvement of human living standards, more and more garbage is generated. If not properly handled and discharged into the ocean, it will cause pollution to the marine environment, endanger the lives of marine organisms, and even affect human health.

The fifth is to promote exchanges and mutual learning, and build a harmonious ocean. Civilization is colorful through communication, and enriched through mutual learning. Different countries may have strengths and weaknesses, sizes, and populations, but all countries are equal sovereign subjects. In the process of building a community with a shared future for the ocean, we must adhere to the principle of equality and coordination, and establish a dialogue and exchange mechanism for marine civilization and culture. Through dialogue and communication, we continuously learn from each other, promote learning from each other's strengths and weaknesses, make progress together, and achieve common development. Zheng He led the world's most powerful fleet on seven voyages to the Pacific and Western Indian Oceans, visiting over 30 countries and regions without occupying an inch of land, sowing the seeds of peace and friendship.

Six is to adhere to the principle of valuing peace and building a mechanism for resolving maritime disputes. The ocean is the common home of humanity, as well as a public transportation channel and space domain. Different countries, based on their own interests, often have differences or even contradictions. If not properly resolved, conflicts or even wars may arise. According to the concept of a community with a shared future for the ocean, humanity should adhere to the principle of consultation, construction, and sharing when protecting and utilizing the ocean, and resolve differences and disputes through peaceful means.

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