Xi Jinping delivered an important speech on this extremely important work of the party. Ten years ago, the work of this meeting | thought | aimed at the party

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 23:15 PM

Propaganda and ideological work is an extremely important task of the Party. On August 19, 2013, the first National Conference on Propaganda and Ideological Work, which entered a new era, was held.

1、 How to look at it: Propaganda and ideological work provides a strong ideological guarantee for continuous progress

The strong spiritual force of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is a socialism in which material civilization and spiritual civilization develop in an all-round way. Chinese path to modernization is a modernization in which material civilization and spiritual civilization are coordinated. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is a great cause of comprehensive development and progress, which requires a great spirit. The Party's propaganda and ideological work has achieved historic achievements in rectifying and innovating, providing strong positive energy for adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and creating a new situation for the Party and the country's cause.

The source of strength for a great struggle with many new historical characteristics.Doing a good job in the propaganda and ideological work of the Party can inspire the spirit of unity, progress, and overcoming difficulties of the whole Party and society, so that everyone can think and work together, and tightly unite in ideals, beliefs, values, and moral concepts.

Strengthening and consolidating the ideological foundation of the Party's governing position and foundation. As the world's largest political party, it is particularly difficult for our party to ensure a high degree of concentration and unity across the entire party based on a common ideological and theoretical foundation. The mass foundation and governance foundation of the Party include both material and spiritual aspects. Spiritually losing the foundation of the masses will ultimately lead to problems. Actively carrying out propaganda and ideological work, arming party members and cadres with the Party's innovative theories, and educating the masses, is necessary to strengthen and consolidate the Party's governing position and foundation.

2、 What to do: Continuously deepen the understanding of the regularity of propaganda and ideological work

Firstly, adhering to the unity of Party spirit and people's character is the fundamental principle of the Party's propaganda and ideological work. Adhering to the principle of party spirit, the most fundamental is to uphold the leadership of the Party in propaganda and ideological work. The core is to adhere to the correct political direction, firmly maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee, and resolutely safeguard the authority of the Party Central Committee. Adhering to the people-oriented principle, the Party's propaganda and ideological work must solve the fundamental problem of "who I am, for whom, and who I rely on", taking the realization, maintenance, and development of the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people as the starting point and foothold, and adhering to the people-oriented and people-oriented approach.

Secondly, consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in the field of ideology and consolidate the common ideological foundation for the unity and struggle of the entire Party and the people of the whole country. The propaganda and ideological work of the Party is the work of being a good person, and its important responsibility is to cultivate new generations who bear the great responsibility of national rejuvenation. The most important thing is to build a solid spiritual foundation with firm ideals and beliefs, firmly believe in Marxism, socialism and communism, and have confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics.We need to adapt to the trend of diversified and differentiated communication, and accelerate the construction of a new pattern of public opinion guidance. We should seize the opportunity, grasp the rhythm, pay attention to strategies, and reflect the requirements of timeliness and efficiency.

Once again, firmly adhering to the Party's management of propaganda and ideology is the essential key to the Party's propaganda and ideological work. In the struggle in the field of ideology, there is no room for compromise or compromise. It is necessary to firmly grasp the leadership, management, and discourse power of ideological work, and never neglect them. Otherwise, irreversible historical mistakes will be made. To do a good job in the propaganda and ideological work of the Party, we must take the Party's political construction as the leadership, enhance the "four consciousnesses", resolutely uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership, and firmly grasp the correct political direction.

3、 How to do it: building a socialist ideology with strong cohesion and leadership

Ideology is related to flags, roads, and national political security. The Party's propaganda and ideological work is essentially ideological work, which must consolidate the Party's propaganda and ideological work position, and build a socialist ideology with strong cohesion and leadership. Therefore, we should focus on the following tasks.

One is theoretical learning education. Marxism is the fundamental guiding ideology for the establishment of our party and country, and it is the soul and banner of our party.The people of the CPC who rely on learning to go to today will also rely on learning to go to the future. To continue to carry out centralized learning and education throughout the Party is to keep in mind the fundamental question of what the CPC is and what it wants to do.

The second is philosophy, social sciences, and literary and artistic work. To promote the development of philosophy, social sciences, and literary and artistic work, we must adhere to Marxism as the guide and solve the problem of why people are. In order for philosophy and social sciences in our country to make progress, we must adhere to a people-centered research orientation, strengthen the attractiveness, infectiousness, influence, and vitality of philosophy and social sciences. To reflect the voice of the people well, literature and art should adhere to the fundamental direction of serving the people and socialism. The most fundamental method of literary and artistic creation is to root in the people, cultivate sentiments, enlighten minds, and lead fashion with healthy and upward literary and artistic works.

The third is news public opinion and network information work. On issues related to major right and wrong and political principles, news and public opinion work must enhance initiative, grasp initiative, fight a good battle for initiative, adhere to guiding people with correct public opinion, establish a people-centered work orientation, and combine serving the people with educating and guiding them. At present, the Internet is increasingly becoming the main front, main battlefield and forefront of the ideological struggle. We should scientifically understand the law of network communication, improve the level of network governance, and promote the deep integration of traditional media and emerging media.

The fourth is ideological and political work in schools. Fundamentally speaking, ideological and political work in schools is the work of being a good person. It must revolve around students, care for them, and serve them, continuously improving their ideological level, political consciousness, moral quality, and cultural literacy, so that students can become talents with both moral integrity and talent, and develop comprehensively. To do a good job in ideological and political work in schools, on the one hand, it is necessary to adapt to the situation, advance according to the times, and innovate according to the situation; On the other hand, we must follow the laws of ideological and political work, teaching and education, and student growth, and continuously improve our work ability and level.

The fifth is external publicity work. Being backward means being beaten, being poor means going hungry, and being speechless means being scolded. Striving for international discourse power is a major issue that must be addressed.

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