Why make this a top priority?, Carry out centralized education within the CPC | the whole party | education

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:29 AM

On June 27, the academic seminar "The CPC carries out centralized education within the party: history, theory and practice" and the third political party governance forum were held in the Party School of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee. This forum adopts a "1+4" approach, which means one main forum plus four sub forums. The main forum is hosted by the Teaching and Research Department of the Communist Party History of the Shanghai Municipal Party School.

Centralized education within the party is closely related to party governance

Zeng Jun, Vice President of the Party School of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, pointed out in his speech that centralized education within the Party is closely related to party governance. Centralized education within the Party is an important way for the CPC to strengthen its own construction and constantly solve the unique problems of the big party. Conducting research on centralized education within the Party involves three levels: firstly, reviewing and summarizing the various historical periods of the Party, especially the practices and experiences of centralized education within the Party since the new era, in order to better adhere to integrity and innovation, combine with the new requirements of the new era and new journey, and carry forward the tradition. The second is to further understand the basic connotation, significant relationship, significant significance, and significant contribution of centralized education within the Party from a theoretical perspective.

Researcher Li Jie, former president of Qiushi Magazine, delivered a keynote speech via video. He believes that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, there has always been a red line running through all the centralized education within the party, which is to strengthen theoretical learning as the primary task, to firmly establish ideals and beliefs as the fundamental starting point, and to promote self revolution as the foothold. He mainly explained the importance and effective ways of strengthening the education of ideals and beliefs from several aspects, such as the communist ideal, the common belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics, the great spirit of party building, the spiritual pedigree of the CPC, the distinctive political character and fine style of the CPC people, the strong party spirit of the CPC people, the historical self-confidence and consciousness of the CPC people, the socialist core values, and the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In his keynote speech, Liu Jianhui, the former deputy chief education officer of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, pointed out that it is an important way to promote the self revolution of the Party to carry out timely centralized education throughout the Party and strengthen the self construction of the CPC; Taking ideological and theoretical education as the primary task is an important experience of the success of the CPC's intraparty centralized education, and also an innovation point for the future development of intraparty centralized education.

The Development Process and Main Characteristics of Concentrated Education within the Party

Professor Yang Fengcheng from Renmin University of China conducted an in-depth analysis of the characteristics of centralized education within the Party since the reform and opening up. He pointed out that to tell a good story about China, the first thing is to tell a good story about the CPC. Party building is an important part of the story of the CPC, and centralized education activities are one of the important ways to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party. From the perspective of modern party governance, the CPC provides the CPC model and experience of party governance. Since the reform and opening up, the concentrated education within the Party has mainly reflected three characteristics: first, keeping up with the times, second, a clear practical orientation and problem awareness, and third, the standardization and institutionalization are becoming stronger and stronger.

Researcher Zhang Shengen, former director of the Fourth Research Department of the Chinese Communist Party History and Literature Research Institute, summarized four "changes" and five "unchanging" from a theoretical perspective by reviewing and sorting out the historical development process of centralized education within the party. Four "changes": Firstly, promote the study and implementation of the latest achievements in the sinicization and modernization of Marxism; Secondly, different target tasks are determined each time; Thirdly, continuously improving methods and approaches; The fourth is to continuously strengthen the construction of institutional mechanisms and promote the establishment of long-term mechanisms. Five "unchanging": Firstly, the Party always attaches great importance to centralized education within the Party, treating it as an important way and experience to promote self revolution; Secondly, at critical moments and critical moments, guide the initiation of centralized education; Thirdly, every concentrated education should adhere to making theoretical learning the primary task and implement it consistently; Fourthly, focus on solving prominent problems within the Party; The fifth is to focus on the central task of the Party and serve the Party's political line.

Professor Ding Junping from Wuhan University investigated and analyzed three characteristics of Party history learning and education. Firstly, it always combines with the study of scientific theories, especially with the innovative theories of the Party. Secondly, Party history learning and education focus on educating students. Thirdly, it emphasizes practical application and practical results. She believes that the degree of learning in the study and education of Party history and the centralized education within the Party determines the height, breadth, intensity, and clarity of our Party's forward-looking approach. Therefore, it is necessary to link the practice of learning new ideas with the long-term effectiveness of Party history learning and education.

Professor Liu Jingbei of China Pudong Cadre College believes that theme education is a new big learning for the whole party. The CPC depends on learning to go to today, and it will also rely on learning to go to the future. Through the theme education of ideological learning and theoretical armament, the theoretical level of Marxism in the entire party will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

Professor Qi Weiping from East China Normal University analyzed the practical significance of theme education from four aspects.

Professor Yang Jun, Director of the Teaching and Research Department of the Communist Party History at the Shanghai Municipal Party School, believes that regular education and centralized learning within the Party are essential for the Party's self revolution. Self revolution mainly includes two aspects of connotation: first, actively overcoming and solving one's own contradictions, making oneself strong; The second is to constrain, restrict, supervise, and demand oneself in accordance with the essence of the Party, in order to ensure that it does not deteriorate, change color, or taste unchanged. The CPC has carried out the practice of self revolution from the very beginning, but it clearly interprets the theory of party building with self revolution as the core concept, and forms a systematic theory after the 18th National Congress of the Party, which is a major theoretical innovation.

Associate Professor Cheng Xi and Dr. Wu Bo from the Shanghai Municipal Party School also made speeches.

Why make this a top priority?, Carry out centralized education within the CPC | the whole party | education

Concentrated education within the party is an important way for the party's self revolution

Carrying out centralized education within the Party, improving the political level, theoretical level, and Party spirit of the entire Party, unifying the Party's thoughts and actions, and solving prominent problems within the Party are important contents of the Party's self construction, an important way for the Party's self revolution, and an important embodiment of the Party's political advantages. At the sub forum hosted by the Party Building Teaching and Research Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party School, attending experts conducted in-depth discussions on "The Party's Self Revolutionary Strategic Thought: Goals, Systems, and Paths".

Professor Wang Shenqi from the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China has sorted out the historical context of self revolution from its proposal to its continuous enrichment and development. What is the goal of self revolution? It is to realize the progressiveness and purity of the CPC, or the original intention and mission of the party on this basis. Self revolution is both a worldview and methodology. As a worldview, self revolution reflects the understanding of Marxist political parties towards the laws of the Communist Party's governance, socialist construction, and human social development. From a methodological perspective, it is mainly reflected in the "four unifications", which are the unity of strengthening the Party's centralized and unified leadership and solving internal problems, adhering to the unity of integrity and innovation, adhering to the unity of strict management and kindness, and adhering to the unity of organizational promotion and individual consciousness.

Professor Liu Zonghong from the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee believes that the distinct character of the Party is achieved through self revolution. From a practical perspective, self revolution is mainly based on the need to not forget one's original intention, to undertake a mission, and to deepen reforms. From the perspective of the practical dimension of the Party's self revolution in the new era, self revolution is first and foremost an ideological revolution, breaking away from erroneous concepts; Secondly, it is to organize revolution and purify the organization of the Party; The third is the interest revolution, which eliminates the phenomenon of privilege; The fourth is institutional revolution, which confines power into institutional cages; Finally, there is a revolution in relationships, purifying the political ecosystem.

Professor Wu Tao from Pudong Cadre College in China proposed that the courage to self revolution must seize the "key minority". One is to adhere to the bottom line of integrity and self-discipline, and control the overall switch of ideals and beliefs; The second is to adhere to a strict main tone without wavering, and play the role of the "key minority"; The third is to have the courage to turn the blade inward and fulfill one's responsibility in creating an upward and good social environment. Only by starting from the "key minority", leading social revolution with self revolution, and promoting the Party's self revolution with great social revolution in turn, can we ensure that our Party always becomes a strong leadership core in the historical process of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

Gao Civil Affairs Professor, School of Political Science, National Defense University, believes that centralized education within the Party is an effective way for the CPC to continuously improve the theoretical level and enthusiasm, initiative and consciousness of its members. However, in practice, there have also been some formalistic phenomena. How to eliminate formalism? On the one hand, innovation in educational forms can reduce unnecessary time costs and resource consumption; On the other hand, from practice, we must also go to practice and focus on solving the urgent and difficult problems that Party members, cadres, and the people are looking forward to. In addition, efforts should be made to promote the formation of an educational mechanism that is mutually integrated and deeply integrated.

Professor Ding Xiaoqiang from East China Normal University pointed out that anti-corruption is the most thorough self revolution. To eradicate the soil that breeds corruption, in addition to the fight against corruption and the rectification of discipline, the top priority is also the issue of political ecology. Self revolution includes four aspects, namely self purification, self-improvement, self-improvement, and self-improvement. These four aspects are a whole and also have stages. For example, self purification mainly involves the fight against corruption, including rectifying conduct and enforcing discipline, to ensure that our party does not deteriorate, change color, or maintain its flavor; Self improvement aims to address institutional issues and address institutional weaknesses; Self innovation, including theoretical and institutional innovation; Self improvement is an overall improvement based on the first three.

Professor Zhou Jianyong, Deputy Director of the Party Building Teaching and Research Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party School, focuses on the construction of Party regulations from the perspective of national governance. The Party's internal regulations have been a crucial institutional support for the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party since the 18th National Congress. From the perspective of nature, party regulations have a legal nature, and their political attributes reflect the will of the state. Party regulations are a very important component of national governance. From the perspective of the comprehensive leadership of the Party, we ensure the overall leadership of the Party through internal regulations; In terms of power supervision, continuously improve the supervision and protection regulations of the entire party, and improve the regulatory system of intra party supervision coordination or coordination of various types of supervision; In terms of strict management of cadres, we will improve the Party's management of cadres and further standardize the construction of the cadre team.

In the afternoon of the same day, three parallel sub-forums were held at the same time, namely "Marxist Theory Education and World Outlook Transformation" undertaken by the Philosophy Teaching and Research Department of the Municipal Party School, and "Chinese-style Modernization Theoretical System and Action Strategy" undertaken by the Municipal Party School Science and Society Teaching and Research Department., "The World Outlook and Methodology of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era" undertaken by the Marxist School of the Municipal Party School ".

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