Why emphasize accelerating the construction of a strong online country?, Promote Chinese path to modernization | Work | Network

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:45 AM

General Secretary Xi Jinping recently issued important instructions on network security and informatization work, clarified the important principles of the "ten persistence", and put forward requirements for network information work. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on network power are an important part of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. It is a theoretical summary of our party's practical experience in network governance and an action guide for the development of network information.

The Internet powerhouse is an important support for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and an important part of the construction of a socialist modernized country. Accelerating the construction of a network power is not only the proper meaning of Chinese path to modernization, but also the cyberspace mapping of Chinese path to modernization. It is an inevitable requirement for Chinese path to modernization to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

1. a network power is the proper meaning of Chinese modernization

Network Power Is the Only Way to Realize Chinese Modernization

At present, the new generation of information technology represented by big data, artificial intelligence, the Internet, the Internet of Things, and blockchain has developed rapidly, becoming a key force in a new round of scientific and technological revolution, leading new changes in social production, creating new space for human life, and expanding new areas of national governance. Informatization has become a new engine of the world economy, and the modernization of network governance has been regarded by major countries as a strategic direction for cultivating new competitive advantages, becoming an important carrier for achieving modernization.

As a digital extension of the real society, cyberspace can effectively carry the content of modernization construction through its unique means, and as an auxiliary means, it can efficiently solve problems in modernization construction. The struggle to achieve Chinese path to modernization cannot bypass the network construction. Network modernization is the only way to promote Chinese path to modernization in the new era and new journey.

Network power is an important support to realize Chinese path to modernization

From the perspective of the international environment, the penetration trend of network informatization in various fields such as economy, politics, culture, and society is becoming increasingly evident, becoming a powerful driving force for promoting economic and social transformation, achieving sustainable development, and enhancing national comprehensive competitiveness. From the perspective of the domestic situation, the trend of the information revolution era has historically intersected with the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The digital transformation has a profound impact on China's economic and social development mode, and the supporting role of informatization in socialist modernization construction is becoming increasingly prominent.

Comprehensively building a socialist modernized country is a great and arduous undertaking. We must not only focus on the right direction and seize opportunities, but also have the courage to take responsibility and do well in achieving success.From the practice of building a strong cyber country in China, networking and informatization have provided strong support for China to seize a new round of development heights and build new international competitive advantages. Network modernization is an important force in comprehensively building a socialist modernized country and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Network power is an important symbol of Chinese path to modernization

From the perspective of construction vision, cyber power and Chinese path to modernization come down in one continuous line, both of which are people centered and are designed to benefit all people. Building a network power is the externalization of Chinese path to modernization in cyberspace. From the perspective of construction content, the construction of a network power should achieve the goal of advanced technology, developed industry, both offensive and defensive, full control of network power, and indestructible network security, which is also an important part of high-quality development, and an important way to achieve the essential requirements of Chinese path to modernization.

The vision and content of building a network power are related to the vital interests of the country, society and the broad masses of the people, and the strategic prospect of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization. A strong socialist modernization country is an objective embodiment of Chinese path to modernization. Cyber power is an important part of a strong socialist modernization country. Chinese path to modernization is an all-round modernization including cyber power. Cyber power is an important base for supporting Chinese path to modernization.

2. must accurately grasp the Chinese characteristics of Chinese modernization in the construction of network power

Building a network power in the process of modernization with a huge population

The cyberspace is the common spiritual home of millions of people. To build a strong cyber country, we must adhere to the principle of serving and relying on the people, and implement the development concept of putting the people at the center. To build a network power in the process of Chinese path to modernization, to ensure that the achievements of network construction benefit all Chinese people, we will face massive network infrastructure construction tasks, complex network content supervision, and complex network security protection, which is unprecedented in difficulty and complexity.

To accelerate the construction of a strong internet country, we must actively learn from advanced foreign experiences, solve common problems in the development of network modernization, and also adhere to always thinking, making decisions, and doing things from the perspective of national conditions. We must synchronize the strategic deployment of building a strong internet country with the "Two Centenary Goals", neither aim too high nor follow the old ways, maintain historical patience, adhere to steady progress, gradual progress, and continuous progress, and continuously move towards the goal of popularizing network infrastructure, enhancing independent innovation capabilities, comprehensively developing the information economy, and ensuring network security.

Building a Cyber Strong Country in the Modernization Process of Common Prosperity for All People

As an integral part of the construction of a socialist modernized country, the construction of a strong cyber nation should not only create and accumulate social wealth through promoting informatization and developing the digital economy, but also maintain network security, prevent and resolve ideological risks in the network, ensure social stability, and create a good environment that guarantees common prosperity for all people.

We should organically combine informatization and digitalization with the industrial system with Chinese characteristics and social practice, promote the integration of the Internet and the real economy, and use information flow to drive technology flow, capital flow, talent flow, and material flow, so as to play an active role in promoting innovative development and transforming the mode of economic development. At the same time, we should implement the people centered development idea, face the people's expectations and needs, ensure that various reform measures that benefit the people are implemented and effective, and let the achievements of Internet development benefit the people.

Building a strong cyber nation in the process of modernization that coordinates material civilization and spiritual civilization

China has the largest number of Internet users in the world. A large group of Internet users produce, release, transmit and obtain information through the Internet, forming a large platform for information dissemination on the Internet. If not standardized and guided, it is very easy to become a tool for a small number of people with bad intentions to mislead Internet users and create chaos.

The construction of a strong internet country should adhere to the concept that material poverty is not socialism, spiritual poverty is not socialism, and the internet is used as a carrier to vigorously develop advanced socialist culture, strengthen education on ideals and beliefs, inherit Chinese civilization, and promote the comprehensive enrichment of things and the comprehensive development of people. Mobilize participants in the cyberspace, achieve online and offline consistency, work together online and offline, spread positive energy, sing the main melody, create a clear cyberspace, and strengthen the construction of the spiritual home shared by billions of netizens in the cyberspace.

Building a Cyber Strong Country in the Modernization Process of Harmonious Coexistence between Human and Nature

With the development of Internet technology and its penetration in various industries, the traditional production model is developing towards networking, collaboration and ecology. The organizational forms of industries such as e-commerce and intelligent manufacturing, which are based on the integration of information technology, have the characteristics of "dematerialization" and "light assets", greatly reducing the material and energy consumption of social and economic activities, and effectively promoting green development.

Accelerating the construction of a strong online country must be based on promoting harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. Utilize network technology to quickly optimize resource allocation, reduce innovation costs, trade costs, and consumption costs. By optimizing the layout, reducing high energy consumption such as thermal power, accelerating the formation of an energy structure dominated by clean energy, and scientifically and orderly promoting the shift from dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emissions. Promote the integration of the digital economy and the real economy, achieve the integration and sharing of various resource elements among different industries and enterprises, further improve resource allocation efficiency, and promote green development.

Building a Cyber Strong Country in the Modernization Process of Pursuing Peaceful Development

The cyberspace is a common space for human activities, and countries should strengthen communication, expand consensus, deepen cooperation, and jointly build a community with a shared future in cyberspace. Promoting the construction of a strong cyber country and promoting openness, cooperation, exchange, and sharing of cyberspace is a rational value choice to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

To speed up the construction of a cyber power, we must follow the path of peaceful development, adhere to the concept of cyber sovereignty based on the common well-being of mankind, promote global Internet governance towards a more just and reasonable direction, and promote cyberspace to achieve the goals of equal respect, innovative development, openness, sharing, security and order. We should speed up the construction of global network infrastructure, create an online cultural exchange and sharing platform, promote the innovative development of the network economy, ensure network security, build an Internet governance system, seek self-development in the firm maintenance of world peace and development, and better maintain world peace and development with self-development.

The construction of 3. network power should be guided by "four characteristics"

Guided by the Direction of Chinese Modernization

Adhere to the leadership of the CPC, adhere to socialism with Chinese characteristics, make it clear that Chinese path to modernization is a socialist modernization led by the CPC, define the leadership and direction of Chinese path to modernization, and reveal the fundamental principles and requirements of Chinese path to modernization. On the road of building a strong online country, it is necessary to ensure that the construction content always develops in the right direction. Only by adhering to the Party's management of the Internet can we build a cyberspace governance pattern involving multiple subjects, promote the modernization of the network governance system and governance capacity, resolutely win the battle of network ideology, safeguard the security of network ideology, and ensure the realization of the strategic goal of building a network power.

Guided by the overall situation of Chinese path to modernization

The essence of the essential requirements of Chinese path to modernization is to clarify the target requirements of Chinese path to modernization from the aspects of economy, politics, culture, society and ecological civilization in the overall layout of "Five in One". This comprehensiveness of Chinese path to modernization requires that on the road to building a network power, we must always adhere to the concept of system, balance the relationship between the whole and the part, the current and long-term, macro and micro, and keep moving towards the direction of basic popularization of network infrastructure, significant enhancement of independent innovation ability, comprehensive development of the digital economy, strong network security guarantee, and balanced network attack and defense strength, so as to finally achieve the goal of advanced technology, developed industry, both attack and defense, full control of network power, and impregnable network security.

Guided by the people nature of Chinese path to modernization

The fundamental purpose of the essential requirements of Chinese path to modernization is to realize the people's yearning for a better life, which reflects the people's nature of Chinese path to modernization. On the road of building a network power, we must always adhere to the concept of "network information for the people", "network modernization for the people, relying on the people, and serving the people", meet the new expectations and new needs of the people by accelerating the popularization of information technology, solve a series of problems in the development of network information technology, let all people share the achievements of Internet development in the construction, and let the people have more sense of gain, happiness, and security in the construction of a network power.

Guided by the inclusiveness of Chinese path to modernization

Promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and creating a new form of human civilization is a reflection of the essential requirements of Chinese path to modernization on global responsibility. This inclusiveness of Chinese path to modernization requires that on the road to building a cyber power, we must always adhere to the common promotion of development, common maintenance of security, common participation in governance, and common sharing of results, work together to build a peaceful, secure, open, and cooperative cyberspace, work together to create a global digital development path of digital resources sharing, digital economy vitality bursting, accurate and efficient digital governance, digital culture prosperity and development, strong digital security guarantee, and mutually beneficial and win-win digital cooperation, accelerate the construction of a community of shared future in cyberspace, and contribute wisdom and strength to world peace and development and human civilization and progress.

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