Why don’t teachers and parents know? ,Some sons who have been bullied for a long time and seriously in school|Physical and mental|Parents

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 20:00 PM

A few days ago, a parent of Dacheng Bilingual School in Datong City, Shanxi Province posted an article online, saying that his son, who is in the fourth grade of elementary school, has been bullied by two classmates in the same class and dormitory for a long time. Judging from the situation described by the parents, the nature of the bullying is very bad and the circumstances are shocking. At present, the local education and public security departments have intervened in the investigation and stated that they will announce the investigation results in a timely manner.

Although whether the incident of campus bullying claimed by the parents is true, the specific nature and the circumstances are yet to be investigated and verified by relevant departments, the sensitive nerves of netizens have been touched again. Many netizens left messages calling for a thorough investigation into the truth of the incident, holding relevant personnel accountable and implementing effective measures to ensure campus safety.

In recent years, campus bullying incidents have been reported from time to time, and some cases of bullying are so egregious that it is unbelievable. How to create a safer and harmonious campus environment and provide a more solid guarantee for the healthy physical and mental growth of children and adolescents has become a matter of great concern to schools, parents and all sectors of society.

Judging from investigations by some relevant agencies, campus bullying is not uncommon. A survey of 3,108 underage students from 2020 to 2022 by the "Youth Legal Education Research" research group of the China Youth Research Center showed that 53.5% of students had suffered campus bullying. A survey on school bullying launched by the Tencent platform found that more than half of the 36,000 netizens who participated in the survey said they had personally experienced school bullying, and a quarter of them had bullied others. School bullying is also a worldwide phenomenon. The "School Violence and Bullying-Global Status Report" released by UNESCO in 2017 pointed out that approximately 246 million children and adolescents around the world suffer from school bullying every year.

The seriousness of school bullying cannot be underestimated. Judging from live videos of some cases exposed online, bullies frequently slapped, beat, and ordered to kneel down, trampling on the dignity of the bullied in a very humiliating way, causing serious physical and mental harm. Some campus bullying behaviors have escalated into serious campus violence incidents and even resulted in murders. The lessons are very painful.

School bullying seriously harms the physical and mental health of children and adolescents, but its management faces many difficulties. First of all, the causes of campus bullying are complex and difficult to prevent. Some people may think that "poor students" with poor grades and marginalized students are prone to bullying, but this is not necessarily the case. Research shows that in addition to academic performance, certain appearance characteristics, introverted personality, unsociable words and deeds, ordinary family background, or even overly outstanding appearance and distinctive accent may attract bullying. Secondly, campus bullying is highly secretive. Many of the campus bullying incidents that have attracted public attention in recent years were exposed through the leakage of live videos, surveillance videos, parents finding clues, or resulting in vicious consequences, which is somewhat accidental. It is not difficult to imagine that due to various subjective and objective reasons, a large number of campus bullying incidents are like the "underwater part of the iceberg". They never see the light of day, no one knows about them, and there is no way to hold them accountable. In addition, in terms of legal application, most of the perpetrators of bullying are minors, and there are certain objective difficulties in pursuing legal responsibility and implementing behavioral correction.

Preventing and controlling campus bullying requires improving the construction of the rule of law and implementing "ruling schools according to law." In recent years, whenever serious incidents of campus bullying or even personal injury occur, some public opinion voices call for lowering the age threshold for legal accountability. Currently, for the eight categories of serious crimes stipulated in the Criminal Law, the lower age limit for criminal responsibility has been adjusted to 12 years old. In addition, perpetrators of campus bullying and their legal guardians can also be held civilly liable according to law.

It should also be noted that school bullying is indeed unique, and the governance approach that relies one-sidedly on legal accountability after the fact has certain limitations. In terms of prevention in advance and suspension during the incident, schools and families are bound to play a greater role. In addition to shouldering the responsibilities of supervision and guardianship, teachers and parents are often the closest and most trusted people to underage students. They should give students more care and concern and be familiar with their living conditions and physical and mental conditions. Judging from some of the cases that have been exposed, the cause of bullying is often "not a day of cold weather", but the accumulation of conflicts and escalation of conflicts over a long period of time. Bullying is also often not a "one-off incident" but occurs multiple times over a longer period of time. Moreover, students in the same class and dormitory often know which students bully others and which students are bullied. However, for some bullying phenomena that have been planned for a long time, continue to exist, are serious in nature, and are generally known to both parties involved, teachers and parents have been unaware of, ignored, and failed to take countermeasures for a long time. This cannot but be said to be true. A dereliction of duty.

What needs special attention is that some teachers and parents are well aware of students' learning conditions and test scores, but do not pay attention to, know about, or pay attention to their daily lives, interpersonal interactions, psychological conditions, and ideological conditions. This kind of "only seeing" The attitude of "no one sees the scores" can easily leave a "blind spot" for campus bullying. There are also some teachers and parents who are harsh, rigid, forceful, and rude towards their children. There is a lack of equality, frankness, and in-depth communication between the two parties. Even if the children are bullied, they are unwilling or afraid to tell the truth. If teachers and parents treat children more carefully and considerately, the "visibility" of school bullying should be greatly improved. In a transparent interpersonal environment, school bullying will have difficulty finding a foothold and "hiding" place.

Why don’t teachers and parents know? ,Some sons who have been bullied for a long time and seriously in school|Physical and mental|Parents
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