How to solve his own "unique problem", the 102 year old CPC world | people | problem

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:52 AM

In 102 years of hard work, more than 98 million party members and 5.065 million grass-roots party organizations continued to work hard, leading an oriental country with more than 1.4 billion people to forge ahead. The world's largest Marxist ruling party, the CPC, is about to celebrate its 102nd birthday.

There are both great advantages and great difficulties.

On the eve of July 1st this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions on party building and organizational work, extended holiday greetings to the broad masses of Communist Party members across the country on behalf of the Party Central Committee, and once again talked about "the unique problems of the big party". In January this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a specific exposition in his important speech at the second plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for discipline Inspection: "how to never forget the original ideal and ambition and bear in mind the mission, how to always unify thinking, will, and action, how to always have a strong ruling ability and leadership level, how to always maintain the entrepreneurial spirit of doing things, and how to always find and solve their own problems in a timely manner, how to always maintain a clean and upright political ecology is a unique problem that our big party must solve."

As the "unique problem of the big party", the "six ways to always" includes the issue of the party's driving force, the party's governance ability, and the party's determination to maintain progressiveness and purity. It is the result of a profound reflection on the twists and turns the party has gone through in its history, a historical summary of learning profound lessons from Chinese and foreign political history, and a clear understanding of the complexity and particularity of the big party's governance. Maintaining a clear and resolute approach to solving the unique difficulties faced by the Communist Party of China embodies the profound theoretical logic of Marxism and embodies the Party's profound insight into the historical cycle of the rise and fall of governance.

Facing "difficulties", "clarity" is a wisdom of objective cognition and rational analysis. A large party in a governing position and controlling governing resources, if not "clear headed", is prone to overlooking its own shortcomings and problems. The longer the history of the Party, the longer its reign, and the greater its achievements, the more it must be prepared for danger and prepare for the future. Only by calmly and comprehensively examining oneself, and always maintaining a "clear mind", can we break out of the historical cycle rate of "its rise is also vigorous, its fall is also sudden".

Faced with "difficulties", "firmness" is a kind of courage that grasps iron with marks and leaves footprints on stones. It must be seen that the Party will face long-term challenges in governance, reform and opening up, market economy, and external environment, as well as risks of spiritual laxity, insufficient ability, detachment from the masses, and negative corruption. The courage to face problems directly and correct mistakes is a prominent characteristic and advantage of our party. Only by having the courage to take the blade inward and pick up the "surgical knife" to eliminate one's own lesions can we overcome the "difficult problem".

To solve the unique problems of the big party, one must have the ability to adapt to the times and adapt to the situation. Under different historical stages and resource constraints, the "difficulties" are different. The CPC has overcome the corresponding "unique problems" in the period of the new democratic revolution, the period of socialist revolution and construction, and the new period of reform and opening up and socialist modernization. Nowadays, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, which is a new historical direction for China's development. Faced with the new "unique difficulties of the big party", we must seek truth from facts, keep up with the times, bravely combine new practices to continuously promote theoretical innovation, and be good at using new theories to guide new practices, so that Marxism can show more convincing power.

To solve the unique problem of the big party, one must have the perseverance to persist in self revolution. Under the halo of governance performance, it is easy to fall into a situation where it is easy to overthrow others but difficult to overthrow oneself. Persisting in self revolution is an important tool for solving difficult problems. We must continuously improve the comprehensive and strict governance system of the Party, promptly identify and solve our own problems, comprehensively promote the Party's self purification, self-improvement, self-renewal, and self-improvement, and lead the social revolution with the Party's self revolution.

Adhering to self revolution is also a manifestation of a good political ecology. To solve various difficulties within the party, it is necessary to create a good governance environment, that is, to have a good political ecology. The ecosystem can achieve a relatively stable dynamic balance through mutual influence and constraint of internal factors, and adhering to self revolution is an important path for the political ecosystem to ensure healthy operation through orderly metabolism.

To solve the unique problem of the big party, it is even more important to have the determination to prioritize the people. The CPC is rooted in the people, its blood is in the people, and its strength is in the people. The people are the greatest confidence of the Party in governing and revitalizing the country. It is precisely because our Party regards meeting the demands of the people as its goal of struggle and entrusts the evaluation of construction achievements to the people. Only when there is no special interest other than the interests of the people, can we be good at theoretical innovation, dare to self revolution, breathe with the people, and share a common destiny, which is the greatest confidence in solving the unique problems of the Party.

Through thematic education, our party can always be full of vitality and vigor, forging it into a hard steel that is invincible and invincible.

The history of the Communist Party of China is a history of continuously solving difficult problems, resolving major crises, and ultimately moving towards victory. The comprehensive and strict governance of the Party is always on the road, and the Party's self revolution is always on the road. Standing at a new historical starting point, we must resolutely overcome the emotions of relaxation, fatigue, and weariness of war, always maintain clarity and firmness, and implement the comprehensive requirements, strict tone, and governance concept into all aspects of the Party's construction.

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