Why disable the "fresh light"? Promoting consumption | Technology and vitality | Fresh lamps

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:08 AM

Many people have had such experiences: the fresh red meat, pure white seafood, and emerald green vegetables in fresh supermarkets are fresh and attractive, but after buying them at home, they find that they are like clouds and mud, no matter the color, luster, or freshness, they are far from what they see when buying in supermarkets. The difference between these two is separated by a fresh lamp.

"Fresh lamp" is a special lighting facility and lighting fixture widely used in fresh areas of agricultural markets and shopping malls. Through special illumination, brightness, color temperature, and color rendering, "fresh lamps" can help meat, seafood, fruits and vegetables to enhance color and brightness, making them appear fresh and attractive, thereby stimulating consumer desire to purchase. This kind of lighting can even turn decay into magic, covering up the defects and flaws of agricultural products, making some expired, discolored, and spoiled products look like they are fresh on the market.

How widespread is the use of "fresh lamps"? When you search on a certain e-commerce platform, you can see that there are many sellers of fresh lamps with monthly sales of thousands, with the highest selling over 4000 pieces per month. Correspondingly, complaints, and reports from consumers about the misleading consumption of "fresh lamps" are also quite common. In response to this, the State Administration for Market Regulation recently released the "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Quality and Safety in the Market Sales of Edible Agricultural Products", which clearly stipulates that when selling fresh edible agricultural products, it is not allowed to use lighting and other facilities that cause significant changes to the true color and sensory characteristics of the edible agricultural products to mislead consumers into their sensory perception of the products. This new regulation will come into effect on December 1st of this year, which also means that the ban on "fresh lamps" has entered the countdown.

Some people may think that "fresh lamps" are just adding a filter to fresh agricultural products to enhance their appearance, without substantially changing the quality of the product, nor depriving or restricting consumers of their right to choose. Why should they be banned? Regarding this, some legal professionals have analyzed and pointed out that the Consumer Rights Protection Law stipulates that consumers have the right to know the true situation of the goods or services they purchase or use. Business operators shall provide consumers with information about the quality, performance, use, and expiration date of goods or services, which shall be truthful and comprehensive, and shall not make false or misleading propaganda. Appearance, color, gloss and other sensory traits are important indicators for judging the quality and freshness of agricultural products, and are also important basis for consumers to make consumption decisions. The "fresh lamp" significantly changes some sensory characteristics of the product, conceals the true information of the product, and may mislead consumers' sensory cognition, thereby misleading their consumption decisions.

In addition to violating legal regulations, "fresh lamps" also violate the spirit of integrity, reflecting the "full range of tricks" that businesses intentionally mislead consumers. Open a well-known e-commerce platform and on the webpage of a popular seller of "fresh lamps", you will find two distinct visual effects of meat stalls under the illumination of ordinary lamps and "fresh lamps". A regular lamp with a copy that reads "It's not good-looking, who would buy it?" "Using a regular lamp can make the meat appear slightly blackened, not fresh, and cannot stimulate the customer's appetite.". The "Fresh Lamp" one said, "Whether business is good or not depends on appearance!" "After using the fresh lamp, the meat appears fresher, instantly retaining the passing crowd.". These promotional texts accurately express the caution of merchants using "fresh lamps", which is to achieve successful sales through the beautification effect of special lighting, and even "one lamp covers a hundred ugliness". However, consumers who are "tricked" by "filters and beauty" will actually leave behind a bad consumer experience. Imagine if a consumer buys fresh meat in a shopping mall, which is bright red in color, but upon arrival at home, they find that it has turned into dark and dull "aged meat," can their mood not be regretful? Are they willing to choose the same place and be "tricked" again next time they consume?

Prohibiting "fresh produce lamps" may seem like a small matter, but it actually involves a big matter. Recently, relevant departments of the country have intensively introduced a series of policy measures to promote household consumption, involving important industries and fields such as home furnishings, automobiles, electronic products, and intelligent consumption. Continuously optimizing the consumption environment, improving the consumption experience, and enhancing consumption efficiency are of course essential for promoting consumption, expanding domestic demand, and promoting high-quality economic and social development. In a fair competition, honest and trustworthy market environment, consumer rights can be better respected and protected, and consumers are more willing, willing, and willing to consume. In this sense, the overly beautified and even "one lamp conceals a hundred ugliness" "fresh lamps", some exaggerated and seriously untrue e-commerce "seller shows" suspected of false advertising, various "technologies and ruthless activities" suspected of endangering consumer health and safety, as well as the marketing "tricks" and consumption "traps" represented by these phenomena, should be eliminated and discarded from various market fields and industries to effectively maintain a safe, reassuring, and comfortable consumption environment.

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