Why are many companies still struggling and tired?, Policies in various regions are frequently criticized. This | policy | enterprise

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 16:49 PM

During this period, some places have frequently implemented policies aimed at enterprises, especially private enterprises, continuously clarifying the direction of enterprise friendliness, with clear consensus and down-to-earth approach. However, many business owners still feel a bit overwhelmed and tired. The reason for this may be the relay of various complex actions by functional departments, and there is still considerable room for optimization and improvement; Due to various reasons, certain functions and capabilities of the enterprise are temporarily weakened or even missing, resulting in weak continuity of business behavior and inability to flow resources and elements smoothly.

At this point, it is necessary to have a force or some kind of institutional arrangement, under the premise of controllable risks, to take action and cross a bridge. This is not about giving a general "policy dividend" - as some executives have put it bluntly, we do not expect stimulus policies now, but rather "coordinated" policies.

The enterprise thinks very clearly. Stimulus policies are a shot in the arm, which may be effective for a while, but with diminishing marginal utility and potential side effects, they can easily create new path dependencies and disrupt the deployment of one's own transformation. Stimulus policies have their scope of application and initial threshold, which not all enterprises can enjoy. This itself has issues of fairness, justice, and competition neutrality.

Coordinated policies, on the other hand, provide integrated services that are essential and uninterrupted throughout the entire process, industry chain, and life cycle.

The current Chinese economy has its own advantages and good trends, which, when combined, can transform into numerous new scenarios. What needs to be rushed for now is scene projectization. Project completion requires a series of one-stop collaborative efforts.

For enterprises, no matter how many functional departments they face, they are facing a "holistic government", which emphasizes internal coordination within the government. The fine division of labor among functional departments should not lead to the emergence of multiple political departments and the Nine Dragons flood control, resulting in "immortal fights and ordinary people suffering", which objectively increases the institutional costs of enterprises. The switching of time windows should not affect the continuity and stability of policies. They expect that policy measures and tools can be pre adjusted, fine tuned, and adjusted in the transition, so as to "smooth" innovation and "slow release" effectiveness as far as possible, rather than "one shot, people jump up", let alone let enterprises be at a loss.

Internal coordination is not about rushing to produce a large number of new policies, but about adjusting and optimizing existing policies to make their implementation more detailed and operational. Coordinate various stakeholders, find a path to integrate interest demands, and solve single point failures.

The policy of internal coordination is actually the fundamental essence of a business environment. The following will discuss targeted relief and assistance measures in special stages. A market economy is a flow economy and a "circular" economy. If resource elements cannot flow, precipitate, condense, and become rigid, transactions, trade, and circulation will decline, and the development and growth of the market will face great obstacles. At this point, we hope to introduce service packages aimed at private enterprises and characterized by external coordination, to coordinate from all directions and solve single point of failure, so that the economic flow can continue and major projects can be completed and started as soon as possible. In general, it is to play the role of "bridging" and "router".

Nowadays, enterprises face many difficulties. From the perspective of government departments, it is better to think more seriously about the difficulties, increase coordination efforts, integrate various demands, and solve problems. Some companies are full of debt and have no rice to cook. Restoring economic flow is an urgent task. "Cutting off the flow" is a bone and muscle injury. Stabilizing existing enterprises is no less significant than or even better than opening an equal number of new enterprises. For enterprises that are in danger in special situations, they cannot simply and mechanically be left to fend for themselves. Correspondingly, many gestures naturally need to change. For example, financial institutions should not rush to withdraw loans; In some places, it is also not possible to let private enterprises bear the burden of this and that. When enterprises encounter difficulties, they "draw a clear line" and go far.

Deep internal coordination and skillful external coordination, both need to be fast. This is also an investment, one should invest early and invest well. This is also where our institutional advantage lies. It is worth emphasizing that at this critical juncture, functional departments and state-owned enterprises must uphold integrity and abide by contracts. The integrity of both is the foundation of integrity in the whole society. Quickly solving the problem of overdue corporate accounts is of utmost importance and urgency. To break the debt chain of "functional departments owe state-owned enterprises - state-owned enterprises owe private enterprises - private enterprises owe everyone". Be diligent in approaching private enterprises, but not casually entering them. To control matters related to enterprise inspections, change relevant expressions that are prone to ambiguity or concerns, correct listening and speaking, and reduce misunderstandings.

To achieve "two coordination", there is a prerequisite - two-way perception. Functional departments are intelligent in perceiving the dynamic demands of market entities, while the latter accurately perceives the policy orientation of the former. Sitting in the office, one will be intimidated by the imagined workload; Stepping out of the office, I realize that there are always more solutions than difficulties. Another key trick is to ask entrepreneurs to "ask and answer" themselves - they will definitely come up with constructive solutions under constraints.

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