Why are major countries and regions laying out this industry?, The global industrial chain is accelerating its restructuring and development | industries | regions

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:02 PM

On June 20th, the 2023 China South Korea Industry Forum on "New Industries and Raceways - Future Industry Development and China South Korea Cooperation" was held at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. The so-called future industry refers to industries that have an important strategic position in the economic system, can drive the development of other industries, guide the future development of the national economy, and represent the direction of technological development and industrial upgrading. The attendees conducted in-depth discussions on the economic and trade landscape and new directions of industrial transformation between China and South Korea, the current focus and future prospects of industrial cooperation between the two sides, as well as optimizing the business environment and aligning with high standard trade rules.

Gan Chunhui, Vice President of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and Director of the Institute of Applied Economics, pointed out that in recent years, the global industrial chain has been accelerating its restructuring, and the development of green, digital, and intelligent industries has become a new path for industrial transformation and upgrading. The future development of industries is in its early stages. Major countries and regions are relying on their leading industries, strategic emerging industries, and cutting-edge advantageous technologies to carry out relevant layouts for future industries. China plans future industries around areas such as brain like intelligence, quantum information, genetic technology, future networks, deep sea and aerospace development, hydrogen energy, and energy storage. South Korea is also vigorously promoting the development of three innovative growth industries, namely the semiconductor industry, future automobiles, and biological health. In this context, scholars from China and South Korea have conducted in-depth discussions on the challenges, opportunities, and path models faced by future industrial development, jointly exploring new spaces for cooperation and development between China and South Korea in new industries and new tracks, which is of great significance. This can not only help us further understand the development path and direction of future industries, but also facilitate more effective planning and layout, and promote the development of these future industries.

Zhu Xuan, the director of the Korean Industrial Research Institute, pointed out that the epidemic has accelerated the development of change, the digital transformation of all industries has accelerated, and the global trade order has shifted towards a regional competition trend centered on the development of domestic industries among countries. Looking at the world, the economy has not yet shown a strong recovery trend. On the contrary, challenging risks are on the rise, including geopolitical risks, regionalization of global supply chains, intensified competition between countries, and risks such as climate change. In this context, it is more meaningful for the academic circles of China and South Korea to use this forum to explore the new competitive structure and future industrial development status of the two countries, and explore their industrial policies and new ways of cooperation.

Zhao Yong, the former research committee member of the Korea Industry Research Institute, believes that the development of enterprises and industries is not just about the industry itself, but more importantly, it is to understand the competitiveness of our country and countries around the world from the perspective of the value chain, so as to effectively allocate the value chain. In terms of national industrial development, what is important is not just to cultivate which industries, but to concentrate resources on the value chains that each country has advantages in, so as to maximize added value and create employment opportunities. In this regard, upgrading a country's industrial structure not only means changing the composition of its industries, but also playing a high value-added value chain role within its borders.

Xiong Shiwei, Director of the Comprehensive Department of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, focuses on the selection of Shanghai's new track under the background of reshaping the international industrial chain. He pointed out that we are currently facing a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. Digital technology and innovation change existing resource endowments and comparative advantages, rebuild global industrial division of labor, and reconstruct global industrial chains. The new track and new industries are the future development direction and growth momentum of Shanghai's "3+6" industry, which will continuously enrich, enrich and expand the connotation of Shanghai's industrial development.

Yao Weiqun, Executive Director of the Strategic Research Institute of the International Trade Center at Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, interpreted the deepening of industrial cooperation between China and South Korea under the FTA framework. He analyzed various factors that affect the development of international trade from three dimensions: short-term, medium-term, and long-term. Among them, the importance of four factors in changing production factors is increasing: digital infrastructure, market size, market management system, and intellectual property. In terms of industrial cooperation between China and South Korea, there are many new opportunities in the future. For example, promoting the construction of a "China South Korea Economic Partnership Cross border Cooperation Demonstration Zone" centered on the liberalization of high standard trade and investment in the manufacturing and productive service industries, jointly with the Lingang New Area of the China Pilot Free Trade Zone and the Zhenhai Economic Free Zone of Busan, South Korea.

This forum is jointly organized by the Institute of Applied Economics of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and the Korean Industrial Research Institute. Park Zaikun, the former research committee member of the Korean Industrial Research Institute, and Tang Yunyi, the deputy director of the Institute of Applied Economics of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, respectively presided over the forum.

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