What key issues should be addressed?, Building a Chinese Characteristics Legal Discourse System: Shanghai Research Institute of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government | Chinese Academy of Social Sciences | Discourse

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:07 AM

On July 14th, the "Philosophy and Social Science Discourse System Construction · Shanghai Forum - Law · 2023" jointly organized by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences - Shanghai Research Institute of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, the Institute of Law of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and the Institute of International Law of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences was held at Shanghai University. With the theme of "Chinese path to modernization and the construction of legal discourse system", this forum invited well-known domestic experts in the field of law to deeply explore the path and method of the construction of legal discourse system with Chinese characteristics. Zhao Qi, Secretary General and Party Member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Li Peilin, Member of the Academic Department and Director of the Department of Social Politics and Law of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and President of the Shanghai Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Shanghai Municipal People's Government, and Duan Yong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai University, attended and delivered speeches.

Law is the study of governing a country and an important component of Chinese philosophy and social sciences. Zhao Qi pointed out that accelerating the construction of a discourse system of legal studies with Chinese characteristics is a key task in building the "three major systems" of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics in the new era.The second is to deeply explore and fully utilize China's excellent traditional legal and cultural resources; Thirdly, it is good at summarizing the practical experience of comprehensively governing the country according to law in the new era; The fourth is to focus on learning and borrowing from all the excellent achievements of the world's legal civilization.

The Shanghai Research Institute should fully leverage the role of a new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics to promote the formation of an independent knowledge system of Chinese philosophy and social sciences, including law.

The discourse system of Chinese characteristic law is based on the experience and practice of the rule of law in China, and is composed of many theories and beliefs about law, rule of law, and legal theory, including a theoretical system, value system, and expression system. Zhang Wenxian, member of the Party Group and Director of the Academic Committee of the China Law Society, pointed out that the discourse system of Chinese law, with specific concepts, categories, and terms, concentrates and succinctly expresses China's legal views, legal views, and legal theory views on the new journey of comprehensively governing the country by law and building a rule of law China. The discourse system of law bears the grand theoretical aspiration of spreading legal truth to the world, defending legal truth, and upholding the dignity of the rule of law. What key issues should we pay attention to in promoting the construction of the legal discourse system? He believes that one is the main feature of the discourse system of law. The discourse system of law is an organic unity of political and academic aspects. The discourse system of law must have a clear political stance, strong theoretical strength, and profound social influence; The second is the basic composition and main carrier of the legal discourse system, including three subsystems: legal discourse system, rule of law discourse system, and legal discourse system; The third is the three major sources of China's legal discourse system, namely Marxist legal theory, traditional Chinese legal culture, and excellent Western legal theory; The fourth is the theoretical core and support of the discourse system of legal science in the new era.The fifth is the important significance of accelerating the construction of an independent discourse system in Chinese legal science. Building a Chinese legal discourse system is conducive to occupying the high ground of the world legal discourse system and mastering the initiative of discourse.

She believes that China's independent knowledge system of environmental law is a theoretical understanding and experiential experience of environmental law with localization, independence, and Chinese characteristics. It should be based on China's history, culture, and national conditions, and form the academic character of Chinese environmental law. To construct a knowledge system of China's independent environmental law, it is necessary to adhere to the Marxist worldview and methodology, integrate Marxism, excellent traditional Chinese culture, and foreign environmental law theoretical research achievements, and combine theoretical innovation with practical innovation.

Jiang Bixin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Law Society, made a special invitation speech in the form of a video, sharing views on the epistemology, methodology, and ontology of constructing a legal discourse system.

What key issues should be addressed?, Building a Chinese Characteristics Legal Discourse System: Shanghai Research Institute of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government | Chinese Academy of Social Sciences | Discourse

During the keynote speech stage of the conference, Li Lin, member of the academic department of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, researcher at the Institute of Law, and deputy director of the Academic Committee of the Chinese Law Society, Ye Qing, President of East China University of Political Science and Law, Wang Xinqing, Deputy Secretary and Vice President of the Party Committee and Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Zhou Yezhong, Vice President of Wuhan University, and Cai Lidong, Vice President of Jilin University, delivered exchange speeches.

In the afternoon of the same day, four parallel sub-forums were held, from Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University and other universities across the country, as well as the Institute of Law of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Institute of International Law and other units. Experts and scholars, in-depth discussions were conducted on the construction of Xi Jinping's rule of law thought and legal discourse system, as well as the construction of discourse systems in the fields of constitutional law, administrative law, civil and commercial law, social law, economic law, international law and foreign-related law, criminal law and procedural law, and emerging and cross-cutting law.

Zhao Kebin, Executive Vice President of the Shanghai Research Institute, and Mo Jihong, Director of the Institute of Law of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, presided over the meeting. Li Youmei, First Vice President of the Shanghai Research Institute, and Ren Xiaowen, member of the Party Group and full-time Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Social Sciences, attended the forum.

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