What is the meaning behind it?,

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:31 AM

Why emphasize organizational system construction so much? What are the important contents of organizational system construction?

Organizational system provides institutional guarantee for organizational construction

From the perspective of systems theory, organizations have self-organization and are organic ecosystems that can operate independently and lead to results. Meanwhile, an organization is also a collection of structures, and the completeness of the structure determines the effectiveness of its functions. An organizational system with a reasonable structure, complete functions, and obvious effects will effectively improve the level of scientific and standardized governance of the organization. Therefore, a value oriented and well functioning organizational system is the institutional guarantee for organizational construction.

The power of the party comes from the organization. The organizational system is a unified whole organized according to the Party's program and constitution, and is a systematic manifestation of organizational structure. From an introverted perspective, an organizational system is a self regulating and internally supportive system. Based on responsibilities, it establishes core elements such as job settings, functional positioning, jurisdictional scope, and communication and coordination. Each part forms a dynamic equilibrium order through differentiation and integration. From an outward perspective, the functional structure of each block in the party's organizational system has interconnected tentacles with the outside world, absorbing resources from the outside world and spreading one's own will to the outside world, continuously enhancing the influence of the organization. From a vertical perspective, the Party organization can be divided into three levels from top to bottom, namely the Party's central organization, local organizations, and grassroots organizations. From a horizontal perspective, the organizational system includes leadership core mechanisms, centralized management mechanisms, and supervision mechanisms, among others. In short, the organizational system is a collaborative, regional, and interconnected linkage system.

The purpose of building and improving an organizational system is to form and enhance organizational strength. Organizational power refers to the ability to design organizational structure and allocate organizational resources, which is specifically reflected in the joint force of leadership and execution in organizational operation. Ultimately, organizational power is the ability of an organization to achieve organizational goals. The academic community has fully explained the connotation of organizational power from the perspectives of systems theory, pragmatics, and others. Overall, it is recognized that organizational power is the combined force formed by the internal and external political leadership, self forging, external cohesion, integration, and other internal and external forces required by the Party organization to fulfill its responsibilities as stipulated in the Party Constitution.

The relationship between organizational strength and organizational system is internal unity and mutual achievement. Organizational strength represents the practical ability and degree of achievement of organizational goals and visions, and is the cornerstone of organizational system construction. Organizational system is the mechanism guarantee and institutional guarantee of organizational strength. It can be seen that the focus of organizational construction lies in the construction of organizational systems and the enhancement of organizational strength.

The internal logic and key issues of organizational system construction

The construction of an organizational system requires a clear understanding of several key issues, namely "who will organize", "who will organize", "how to organize", and "what to do when organizing".

Grassroots party branches are the main implementers of organizational strength. Specifically, it includes street offices and town level government governance entities, which in practice manifest as governance spaces at both the community and rural levels. Grassroots party organizations should play a leading role, strengthen political guidance, improve the standardization level of party branch construction, and give full play to the combat effectiveness and exemplary role of the organization.

The masses are the implementation targets of organizational power. The grassroots organizations of the Party are the basic link between the Party and the broad masses of the people. The ability to serve the masses is the core element of organizational strength. By improving the ability to organize the masses, social organizations, social workers, and social resources can be integrated and linked, and the organizational strength of grassroots party organizations can be enhanced. Moreover, the combination of the mass line and the education and supervision of cadres can elevate the will of the masses into binding party norms, which is conducive to consolidating the party's governing foundation and improving the party's organizational mobilization.

The construction of organizational system is the mechanism guarantee for achieving the operation of organizational power. Organizational system construction is a normative expression of organizational construction, with strong political attributes and unified normative functions. It can be achieved through organizational restructuring, cadre selection, supervision and inspection, etc., which can standardize governance structure, clarify management functions, and provide incentives. The comprehensive leadership of the Party and all Party work rely on the Party's strong organizational system to achieve. An organizational system that is interconnected, effectively executed, fully functional, and scientifically standardized is the mechanism guarantee for achieving the operation of Party internal organizational strength.

The goal task of organizational strength is to achieve organizational goals and leverage the role of a battle fortress. The mission of organizational construction is to solve the unique difficulties of the centenary Party and provide strong organizational guarantees for modernization. Among them, the key work of grassroots party organizations is to implement and publicize the party's propositions, implement the party's decisions, lead grassroots governance, unite and mobilize the masses, and promote reform and development.

The practical path to enhance organizational strength

Improving execution ability is a practical guarantee for enhancing organizational strength

Execution ability is a key indicator for evaluating organizational strength. The key to building organizational strength ultimately lies in execution, which includes at least leadership, publicity, coordination, cohesion, innovation, and so on. Specifically, firstly, it is necessary to guide grassroots party organizations to enhance their ability to implement the regulations on party branch work through political construction, incentives and constraints, and supervision and assessment, and promote the implementation of each system; Secondly, when there are critical issues, the higher-level party organization should provide timely guidance and assistance; The third is to create a public opinion atmosphere that strengthens organizational strength, focusing on the two ends and the middle, and stimulating the internal motivation and potential of grassroots party organizations to enhance organizational strength.

Implementing organizational efficiency evaluation is a scientific guarantee for enhancing organizational strength

Formal evaluation can verify the effectiveness of organizational capacity building. Develop organizational efficiency evaluation criteria based on hierarchical classification and grading, accurately set key and leading indicators, and establish a guidance and supervision mechanism for higher-level party organizations. Establish a management ledger in both vertical and horizontal directions, providing accurate data support for organizational efficiency evaluation. Pay attention to ensuring the scientificity and flexibility of the assessment indicator system, and strive to achieve precise application in multiple scenarios such as superior assessment, party organization self-evaluation, and democratic evaluation of party members and the masses. Implement feedback and notification of evaluation results, integrate organizational strength construction with party building and business development, explore the connection between evaluation results and excellence evaluation, promotion, etc., and stimulate the crisis and responsibility awareness of grassroots party organizations.

Selecting and strengthening the cadre team is a guarantee for enhancing organizational strength

Strengthening the construction of the party member team is conducive to improving the overall efficiency of organizational system construction. Whether the organizational strength is strong or not, and whether the completion of task goals is good, the key is to see whether there is a politically strong and highly skilled cadre team. By strengthening the organization, strengthening the team, making good use of cadres, and revitalizing talents, we can effectively organize party members, cadres, and talents from all aspects. On the one hand, do a good job in the development of party members and continuously enrich organizational strength; On the other hand, effectively fulfilling the responsibilities of supervising, educating, and managing party members, and unleashing the effectiveness of party members.

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