What are the business opportunities behind it? Spending 50000 to 60000 yuan on cultural and tourism markets during the 40 day summer vacation | Study tours | Parent child tours

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 21:30 PM

This summer, the market for parent-child and study tours continued to be booming, leaving a deep impression on people. In early July, Tsinghua University and Peking University resumed campus reservation visits and opened campuses to the public. Faced with the strong demand from numerous research and study tour teams, the reservation quota is basically filled at a speed of "second light". Similar situations also occur in well-known museums. Some parents who travel with their children complain that even if they request a week in advance, they cannot buy a ticket to the Palace Museum. The enthusiasm for traveling drives up consumption. A media survey shows that among parents who participate in study tours, there are many who spend tens of thousands of yuan per week, and there are also many who spend 50-60000 yuan during the 40 day summer vacation.

It is not just parents who generously donate money. Since the beginning of this year, cultural and sports activities such as concerts and music festivals have been held intensively in various regions, and the market popularity has also been thriving, making it difficult to obtain tickets for popular concerts. The "2023 National Performance Market Briefing for the First Half of 2023" released by the China Performance Industry Association shows that there were 193300 commercial performances nationwide in the first half of 2023, an increase of 400.86% year-on-year; The box office revenue of the performance was 16.793 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 673.49%; The number of viewers reached 62.2366 million, a year-on-year increase of over 10 times.

Is the current booming market in the fields of culture, tourism, sports, etc. a brief "retaliatory consumption" or does it indicate a long-term consumption trend? Scholars Xu Zhaoyuan and Tang Bi have studied the industrial development characteristics of 11 developed economies in the stage of per capita GDP ranging from $10000 to $30000. They found that during this stage, the service industry of each developed economy has achieved rapid development, and the average direct contribution of the service industry to economic growth is as high as 75%. The average contribution of the lifestyle service industry, including culture, sports, and entertainment, is as high as 43%. By contrast, in 2022, China's per capita GDP reached 85698 yuan, and some economically developed areas such as Shanghai have already reached 180400 yuan. If we refer to international experience, China is already in the stage of developing per capita gross domestic product from $10000 to $30000. In terms of industrial development and consumer demand, the broad service industry, including productive and life service industries, contains enormous development potential.

How can we better seize this market opportunity from the perspective of market supply in the face of strong consumer demand? At the micro level, market operators should strive to expand their product chain and provide a more diverse range of products to meet consumer needs. For example, currently, parent-child and study tours are highly concentrated in terms of time during winter and summer vacations, as well as major and minor "golden weeks", and in terms of destination, they are highly concentrated in popular tourist routes, well-known museums, and other cultural institutions. This excessive "clustering" imbalance has objectively led to many market disruptions. The market can alleviate imbalances and promote balanced development by providing more diverse, multi-level products. For example, in the consumption of concerts since the beginning of this year, a large number of "Generation Z" young people have "traveled with cultural performances", and the group of "cross city viewing" during the May Day holiday has accounted for half of the concert ticket buyers. They also visited the city where the concert was held while watching the concert. These young people exhibit distinct consumer preferences for interactive and immersive scene experiences. Around watching concerts, their consumption behavior extends to many aspects such as transportation, accommodation, catering, play, shopping, etc., and also reflects a strong willingness and ability to consume. Market operators should focus on these new consumption trends, promote the transformation and reshaping of various links in the industrial chain, in order to better and more conveniently meet these new consumption needs.

At the macro level, efforts should be made to increase cultivation and support in industrial planning, policies, and other aspects to promote the rapid development of the broad service industry. Compared with some developed economies, China's service industry has great potential for development in terms of its proportion in the total economic output and contribution to economic growth. Especially in some manufacturing industries where overcapacity has already emerged, many service industries still have significant supply and demand gaps, becoming important potential growth points for economic growth. In this market situation, breaking down institutional and institutional barriers that constrain the development of the service industry, breaking down bottlenecks in service industry development, and promoting smoother flow of market resources are all conducive to promoting the rapid, healthy, and sustainable development of the service industry, and continuously meeting the growing consumption needs of the people.

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