Westerners proletariat | political parties | Westerners who do not really understand the CPC and fantasize about China's return to the old path of the Soviet Union

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:16 AM

The emergence of political parties is an important achievement in the political development of modern humanity. The coexistence of party politics and modernization is by no means accidental. The birth of proletarian political parties has opened a new chapter in the development and modernization of human politics. The proletariat itself is the most advanced and promising class in modern society. As its vanguard, the proletarian political party naturally possesses more prominent innate advantages.

The self construction of the Party is a unique proposition of proletarian political parties, which reflects the excellent character and essential attributes of advanced political parties. The CPC has always attached great importance to its own construction. History and reality have fully proved that it is precisely because we have always attached great importance to the construction of the Party, and continuously built and strengthened the Party itself, that our Party has gained the heartfelt support of the people. In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels, the faithful heirs of Marxism, expounded the progressiveness and historical mission of the proletarian party, and put forward requirements and warnings for the growth of the proletarian party itself. They pointed out that this advanced political party "has no interests different from the interests of the proletariat as a whole" and demanded that "it should make the most thorough break with traditional ideas in its own development process". The latter two parts of the text of the Communist Manifesto are dedicated to the struggle against various erroneous ideologies, forming a clear reflection and dialectical fit with the first two main sections. These discussions vividly foreshadow the later historical development trend of proletarian political parties - they have grown and grown in constant struggle against their own erroneous ideas and tendencies. The development history of a proletarian political party is also the self revolutionary history of a proletarian political party. The CPC has made the most brilliant deduction and the most incisive summary of this point. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China further elaborated on this great proposition, emphasizing that "the Party's self revolution is always on the road.". The new historical road of "leading the social revolution with the party's self revolution" expounded by the CPC reveals not only the CPC, but also the only way for the advanced proletarian parties to promote social development. This also fully proves that the CPC is a faithful successor of Marxism and the most outstanding successor of the spirit of the Communist Manifesto in today's era. The basic principle of "ideological party building" and the logic of self revolution are deeply rooted in the basic principles of historical materialism. The proletarian party did not grow up in a vacuum, but kept close communication and interaction with the complex social environment all the time, that is to say, its progressiveness cannot be preserved and sustained in a sealed way, but needs to constantly meet the challenges of various impure behaviors. Engels said very well: "The arguments within the German party did not surprise me. In a country like Germany, which is a small town, the party must also have a small town's' cultured 'right wing." It is not surprising that there are still impure elements and erroneous ideas within advanced political parties, which are determined by the social existence of the party. The social existence of German political parties determines the impure challenges they face, while the social existence of other political parties also determines that they will face impure behavior challenges with different characteristics. Mao Zedong gave the earliest, most profound and most systematic explanation of the impure challenge faced by the CPC. Taking the Red Fourth Army as an example, he gave a brilliant analysis of the existence of various non proletarian ideologies within the Communist Party, and put forward the basic principle of "ideological party building" with great foresight. Originally, establishing an advanced proletarian political party in an economically and culturally backward country was an extremely difficult task, but under the correct guidance of ideological party building, it has created the most outstanding proletarian political party in the contemporary socialist movement. This is a major contribution made by the CPC. Self revolution has already been expressed in the early stages of ideological party bu

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