We need to grasp three important links to promote the innovation of the Party's theoretical dissemination media | discourse | theory

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:31 PM

The Party's innovation theory provides a thought map and action guide for the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and Chinese path to modernization. Communication is the key to transforming the great theory into magnificent practice. Successful communication requires grasping three important links: audience insight, discourse transformation, and media connection.

Only by "knowing the heart" can one "leave the heart"

The starting point and destination of the Party's innovative theory are both for the people. Theory is not a colorful auspicious cloud that drifts away from the people, but a link that connects the hearts of the Party and the people, becoming a guide for the ruling party to gather consensus and unite billions of people to work together. The will of the Party needs to be transformed into the collective action of billions of people, and the first step is to make the broad masses of people accept, understand, and identify with it. The successful dissemination of theory to the hearts of millions of people is a systematic project. Only by achieving successful dissemination can we ensure the implementation of theories, reach the hearts of the people, and ultimately gain audience understanding and recognition.

In the current China with a population of over 1.4 billion, how can such a massive group unify their thinking and gather strength? The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to build a socialist ideology with strong cohesion and leadership. The theory of the Party is the core element of socialist ideology, and it must have strong cohesion and leadership, with successful dissemination as a prerequisite. To achieve successful dissemination, it is necessary to know where the audience is, what they expect, and what form of discourse they prefer.

In the context of new communication technology, doing ideological work for the masses can leverage big data technology and algorithms to provide audience insights and behavioral trajectory portraits for a super large group, thereby achieving precise insights into the target audience and achieving "empathy". Through massive data aggregation, it is possible to explore the acceptance expectations and ideological graphs of netizens. On this basis, the theoretical discourse is translated and transformed, thereby achieving a seamless dissemination of theory.

To truly achieve the "heartless" dissemination of theory, relying solely on the one-way dissemination of theory is not enough. The mass ideology of the new era is not rigid, but exists in a "circle like" manner, that is, there are many large and small value circles, and their acceptance, understanding, and identification mechanisms with mainstream ideology are particularly complex. To this end, it is necessary to have precise insights into these diverse value circles, and to carry out "drip irrigation" dissemination based on different acceptance expectations and understanding preferences, rather than flooding. Moreover, patience is also needed. Using too much force will only backfire.

Communication requires successful discourse transformation

The power of theory needs to be transformed into vivid practice, with the premise that the theory can be successfully disseminated and then transformed into the understanding and recognition of the general public. No matter how good a theory is, if it only stays at the theoretical level and is limited to the "internal circulation" of the organization or the "small circulation" among minority groups, it cannot be understood and recognized by the broad masses of the people. It is impossible to unite forces, gather wisdom, gather ideas, take unified actions, and ultimately achieve the glory and dreams of the times.

Theory, as a highly generalized discourse system with systematic refinement, has a certain degree of abstraction. It comes from practice and experience, but goes beyond practice and above experience. The innovation theory of the Party includes a complete set of systematic and profound theoretical discourse, reflecting the Party's will and collective wisdom, and has strong professionalism.This idea is broad and profound, with high theoretical concentration. It requires theoretical translation and discourse transformation to transform theoretical discourse into social discourse in order to be understood and recognized by the general public. To achieve this, it is necessary to carry out socialized and organized communication activities, through established communication networks, to drip ideological discourse onto various social individuals, integrate individual cognition and identity into the mainstream ideological system, and thus become a social system of meaning sharing.

The innovative theory of the Party comes from practice, from the masses, and must go back to practice and to the masses. Theoretical refinement requires wisdom, and transforming theory into practical language and social discourse also requires wisdom. It cannot be simply assumed that relying solely on theory to "run naked" can be transformed into the power of practice and the actions of the people. In reality, it can be seen that some theoretical propaganda still follows the preaching routine, being condescending and "generally coarse from top to bottom.". Simply and crudely preaching results in good theories turning into dry language, flowing into idle, ungrounded, and unpopular language.

China's development must be escorted by Chinese discourse, with the common values of all mankind as the goal, forming its own discourse system, highlighting its value orientation, inheriting its cultural spirit, and showcasing its aesthetic taste. One important point is to tell the story of China well. Firstly, one should be good at telling stories with facts, which is an effective communication path to overcome ideological barriers; Secondly, values, positions, and preferences should be cleverly melted into facts and stories, just like salting in water; Again, it is important to be good at selecting speakers, especially those who are acceptable to the target audience; Finally, the sense of form in the story is also important, and it is important to make good use of forms that the audience enjoys.

Building an all media communication system

Ideological discourse should be disseminated through daily communication actions, organized communication activities, and spread to the social system, connecting the big cycle and the micro cycle, to achieve the penetration of mainstream ideology, namely socialist ideology, into people's hearts.

Theoretical dissemination requires the support and connection of the media. For a long time, the CPC has paid special attention to the construction of the media team and platform, and ensured that the media is firmly in the hands of the Party with the institutional arrangement of the Party managing the media. The rise of the Internet and the deep and broad development of the new communication technology revolution have profoundly changed the communication pattern in China, and have formed an unprecedented impact on the discourse power and influence of the mainstream media. Since the 18th National Congress, our party has taken a series of measures from a top-level design perspective, achieving a dual strengthening of socialist ideological discourse and communication through discourse innovation and communication system reconstruction.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the face of the overall rise of the Internet and the great changes in China's communication pattern, our party has vigorously promoted the transformation of mainstream media. With the goal of creating a new type of mainstream media, it has comprehensively built an all media communication system, strengthened the communication power, influence and leadership of the mainstream media. The situation of "silence", "aphasia" and "gaffe" of the mainstream media has been effectively changed. The main force has stepped into the main battlefield. In the field and nodes of major public opinion, the sense of existence and influence of mainstream voices have been unprecedented strengthened.

For theoretical communication, mainstream media practitioners need to have strong discourse transformation and communication abilities, in order to successfully transform political agendas into media agendas, and then connect with social agendas, achieving a closed loop of communication of the three agendas. The formation of a centripetal force in the three rings is necessary to ensure the effective dissemination of theory. In the Internet era, theoretical communication needs to grasp the law of network communication. For example, mainstream media has had many successful cases and experiences in interpreting and disseminating the report of the 20th National Congress, and has achieved good results in translating and translating political documents through visual forms such as images, text, and short videos.

With the rise of the Internet, new media technology has opened up the social system in an all-round way, breaking the discourse power of public opinion controlled by the mainstream media, greatly diluting the communication effect of the mainstream ideology, weakening the strong connection between the discourse and communication of the mainstream ideology. The main force and main battlefield of the mainstream public opinion are facing unprecedented challenges. This requires optimization and governance of the online ecosystem, purification of the online space, and cleaning up of online noise and noise. Strengthen cyberspace governance, improve the comprehensive network governance system, optimize the communication environment, smooth communication channels, reduce interference and obstacles in the process of theoretical dissemination, and achieve effective communication.

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