We must deepen our understanding from these "four personalities" that high-quality development is not a one-time requirement of the times | high quality | requirements

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:34 AM

This year is the beginning year of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

To build a modern socialist country in all respects, we must, first and foremost, pursue high-quality development. We need to deepen our understanding and recognition of this major judgment from a global and strategic perspective. We should deeply understand that high-quality development is the internal requirement for promoting Chinese path to modernization, constantly liberate and develop the productive forces, and strive to lay a solid material and technological foundation for building a socialist modern power in an all-round way. To this end, we can deepen our understanding of high-quality development from the perspective of the "four personalities".

1. from the comprehensive to deepen understanding.

High-quality development is not just an economic requirement, but a general requirement for all aspects of economic and social development; it is not just a requirement for economically developed regions, but a requirement that must be implemented for the development of all regions; it is not a temporary requirement, but a requirement that must be long-term. Adhere to the requirements. Complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept and efforts to promote high-quality development are important contents of Xi Jinping's economic thought. We must carry out in-depth study and implementation of the theme education of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, effectively grasp the practical connotation of high-quality development, strive to improve the ability and level of promoting high-quality development, and implement the various decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee to promote High-quality development continues to achieve new results.

2. from the inevitability to deepen understanding.

High-quality development is the inevitable choice to cross major hurdles, accelerate quality change, efficiency change, power change, and promote the economy on the track of high-quality development. It is necessary to deeply understand that high-quality development is the key to winning strategic advantages, focus on enhancing economic competitiveness, innovation, and anti-risk capabilities, and respond to the uncertainty of the external situation with the certainty of high-quality development. It is necessary to promote the continuous improvement of economic operation, the continuous enhancement of endogenous power, the continuous improvement of social expectations, and the continuous resolution of hidden risks, so as to take advantage of the situation and promote the effective improvement of quality and reasonable growth of quantity.

3. from the practical to deepen understanding.

High-quality development has rich practical connotations. It is necessary to consciously integrate the new development concept into the entire process of economic and social development, and always grasp, measure, and promote development with the internal unity of innovation, coordination, greenness, openness, and sharing. We must adhere to quality first and efficiency first, and promote the effective improvement of quality and reasonable growth of the economy. It is necessary to unswervingly deepen reform and opening up, deeply change the mode of development, speed up the construction of a modern industrial system, better coordinate development and security, and strive to make the driving force for development stronger and the mode of development better. It is necessary to do a solid job in ensuring and improving people's livelihood, so that the people can really feel the fruits of high-quality development.

We need to continuously deepen the construction of the "Five Centers", enhance the "Four Major Functions", and enhance the core competitiveness of the city. Industry should stabilize its fundamentals, emerging industries should play a leading role, and the service industry should vigorously improve its level, accelerate the cultivation of a group of leading and high growth enterprises, and form new momentum for high-quality economic development.

4. from the long-term to deepen understanding.

Promoting high-quality development is strategic and long-term. We must master the correct working strategies and methods, and strive to improve the ability and level of promoting high-quality development. It is necessary to strengthen the concept of system, improve the synergy of work, and make more overall and comprehensive considerations in everything. It is necessary to find a breakthrough in the work and actively plan carriers and grippers with traction and prying. It is necessary to enhance the penetrating power of work, take the opportunity of in-depth thematic education, vigorously promote investigation and research, earnestly improve work style, and solve a number of outstanding problems on the ground with reform and innovative ideas and measures.

To fully unleash policy effects and give business entities a stronger sense of gain. At the same time, continuous efforts should be made to optimize the business environment, and leaders at all levels should take shaping a first-class business environment as the "top priority" project and effectively grasp it, so that enterprises can dare to take risks, try, and do. Combine the effectiveness of policies with the vitality of business entities to form a strong driving force for promoting high-quality development.

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