Urban spatial design should conform to human scale. Wu Jiang: "Greatness does not equate to greatness" City | Space | Scale

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 19:24 PM

At the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it was proposed to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization, achieve the second centennial goal, and build China into a socialist modern power in all respects. As one of the most important components of modernizing the national governance system and governance capacity, grasping the correct value orientation of urban development, respecting the laws of urban development, and achieving modernization of urban governance is an important task in China's socialist modernization construction.

In urban construction, we must implement the development concept of putting the people at the center, reasonably arrange production, living, and ecological spaces, strive to expand public spaces, provide places for leisure, fitness, and entertainment for the people, and make the city a paradise suitable for business and living for the people. The important concept of people's cities is the core content of China's modern urban governance system, which points out the direction for urban construction and development in China. 1、 The fundamental value of a city is to create a livable and business friendly spatial environment. The city is the largest man-made creation and the production and living space created by humans for themselves. "Living and working in peace and contentment" has always been an ideal pursued by cities, and the fundamental value of a city is to create a livable and business friendly spatial environment. The livable and business friendly level of a city is related to the quality of material space, the supply of public services, and the natural ecological environment. Firstly, housing is the most important aspect to measure the livability level of a city. Maintaining a stable supply of urban housing and enabling every citizen to access affordable and high-quality living spaces is a fundamental requirement for a beautiful city. The level of urban public services is another important aspect of measuring the livability level of a city. For cities with insufficient natural environmental endowments and scarce land resources, the level of public services is more important for livability. With the continuous progress of the economy and society, people's expectations for the level of urban public services will continue to increase. The public services in cities cover various aspects such as education, culture, art, sports, medical care, catering, leisure, etc. Various public service facilities are the material carriers of urban public services. To break through the traditional concept of "supporting public services", increase the redundancy of urban public service facilities, and elevate the level of urban public services from basic satisfaction to diverse choices, thereby continuously improving the "happiness" of urban residents. For the existing urban public service system, functional enhancement and reconstruction should be carried out through "repair based redevelopment". Especially in recent decades, new towns and urban new urban areas that have been built with "supporting" standards require a people-oriented functional supplementation and spatial reconstruction, so that the achievements of urban construction are not satisfied with basic "supporting" services, not only "beautiful", but also "useful". At the same time, creating a sustainable livable and business friendly environment through continuous ecological protection and restoration. The fundamental purpose of cities is to create a beautiful living environment for humanity, including a beautiful natural ecological environment. Therefore, an important task at present is to quickly restore the natural ecological environment that has been destroyed by us, and create a harmonious urban natural ecological environment that meets the needs of people for a better life. 2、 Cities are the most important material space carriers of human civilization, carrying the collective memory of human society. They are the main sedimentary space for human civilization progress and the most important material carrier of human civilization. Human civilization relies on the continuous creation, inheritance, and sublimation of each generation, and each of us is the creator and inheritor of civilization. All the material and intangible cultural heritage of a city contains the bits and pieces of human civilization. Only by protecting and inheriting them can human civilization continue to develop. Today, as we stride forward on the path of modernization, we must deeply recognize that modernization is not only the modernization of material life, but also the modernization of spiritual

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