Ultimately, settling on this central task, the Party's self revolution has dual significance in the history, modernization, and significance of the Communist Party of China

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 04:14 AM

On July 8, the academic seminar of "CPC's leadership promotes Chinese path to modernization" and "discipline construction of party history and party building in the new era" was held in Fudan University. The meeting was jointly organized by the College of Marxism of Fudan University, the College of Marxism of Tsinghua University, the Research Institute of Party Construction of Fudan University, and the Research Center for Intra Party Laws and Regulations of Fudan University. The participants discussed the basic theory, basic experience, and implementation path of Chinese path to modernization in depth, and jointly planned the top-level design, research paradigm, textbook design, curriculum system, talent training and other key issues of the study of party history and party construction of the Communist Party of China.

The basic experience of the CPC in leading Chinese path to modernization and the requirements of the times

Chinese path to modernization is a socialist modernization led by the CPC. To study it, we must fully grasp the fundamental provisions of the Party's leadership, link the Party's self revolution and social revolution with Chinese path to modernization, examine it in the process of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation and the modernization of the world, and think together with the creation of a new form of human civilization and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

To comprehensively and completely grasp the theory of Chinese path to modernization, we need to deeply analyze the essential attributes, scientific connotation, Chinese characteristics, essential requirements, strategic arrangements, strategic support, unique advantages, major principles and world significance of Chinese path to modernization, and deeply grasp the fundamental ways to achieve Chinese path to modernization, the major relationships that need to be handled, Chinese path to modernization and the construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation and other key issues. He stressed that the theory of Chinese path to modernization is open, constantly developing and full of creativity, which needs further research.

Researcher Li Junru, former vice president of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, believes that the Party's thought of self revolution has the dual significance of jumping out of the historical cycle rate of the rise and fall of chaos and leading the social revolution. The significance of these two dimensions finally rests on the central task of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization. In his view, the revolution led by the CPC is a thorough revolution that includes self revolution and social revolution. It is based on the philosophy of dialectical materialism and has a dialectical relationship of mutual connection and mutual promotion. Self revolution has found new ways for the construction of the Party and provided new driving mechanisms for the Party to lead social revolution. Therefore, the Party's self revolution has finally promoted the Chinese path to modernization led by the Party by strengthening the Party's construction and leadership and enhancing the Party's ability to lead the social revolution.

Professor Yang Fengcheng, Dean of the School of Party History and Party Construction of Renmin University of China, believes that Chinese path to modernization gives modern power to Chinese civilization, and Chinese civilization gives profound connotation to Chinese path to modernization. The two complement each other. This can be understood from three dimensions: first, Chinese path to modernization provides the material basis for the continuation and development of Chinese civilization; Second, the success of modernization will pay more and more attention to the factors that can transform modernity in the historical and cultural traditions, and the characteristics of the Chinese nation such as inheritance, inclusiveness, and innovation that have been formed for a long time will also facilitate the convergence of Chinese path to modernization and Chinese civilization; Third, China's modernization must be based on China's historical and cultural traditions, rather than westernization, and the ultimate goal is to create a new form of human civilization with Chinese path to modernization.

The first is to study Chinese path to modernization in the historical process of world modernization, summarize the general characteristics of world modernization, and clarify the transcendence of Chinese path to modernization over the development path model of western modernization. The second is to study Chinese path to modernization in the historical process of the Party's centennial struggle, and summarize the exploration process, basic experience and lessons of Chinese path to modernization in different historical periods. The third is to study Chinese path to modernization in the history of socialist development, highlighting that Chinese path to modernization has created a new form of human civilization. The fourth is to study Chinese path to modernization under the "two overall situations", with emphasis on the practical logic of the development of Chinese path to modernization.

Professor Guo Dingping from the School of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University believes that it is necessary to maintain theoretical clarity and consciousness, rethink and interpret the main concepts and theories of philosophy and social sciences, and promote conceptual innovation, theoretical innovation, and discourse innovation on this basis. Academic research should further deepen the understanding of the connotation and essence of Chinese path to modernization, and clarify the Chinese characteristics, essential requirements and major principles of Chinese path to modernization. In the process of modernization, western countries have not established a set of perfect systems and mechanisms in political parties, party politics and party systems, while the CPC has formed China's new party system in the process of leading Chinese path to modernization. The focus of current research is to integrate existing concepts and theories, form an organic and unified whole, and construct a theoretical system of party politics with Chinese characteristics.

Promoting the Discipline Construction of Party History and Party Building in the New Era of the Communist Party of China

The disciplinary construction of the study of the history and building of the Communist Party of China is a systematic project that requires efforts to promote the deep integration between party history and party building, promote the benign complementarity between the discipline of party history and party building of the Communist Party of China and Marxist theory, and enhance synergy and interactivity; We need to strengthen overall coordination, consolidate weak links such as textbook and curriculum design, subject journal construction, talent cultivation, and resource support.

Professor Li Zhongjie, former Deputy Director of the Party History Research Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, pointed out that the discipline of Party history and Party building has become a prominent subject. It is necessary to comprehensively grasp the basic content of Party history and Party building and its work, timely coordinate and coordinate the discipline of Party history and Party building in universities, and promote the healthy development of the discipline. On the one hand, it is necessary to clearly define the connotation of Party history and the content of Party history work. Party history can be divided into struggle history, exploration history, and self construction history. Party history work is further divided into six aspects: Party history research, Party history data collection, Party history learning, Party history propaganda, Party history commemorative activities, and Party history construction. On the other hand, it is necessary to explore the basic disciplinary framework of the Communist Party of China's history and party building discipline from the perspective of systematic arrangement and global deployment, and scientifically and meticulously carry out disciplinary research planning, textbook writing, student enrollment, and other work.

Researcher Wang Tingda, former head of the Discipline Inspection Group of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of the School of Marxism of the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, believes that in the process of discipline construction of the CPC history and party building, the relationship between the party history and party building, as well as the relationship between the primary and secondary disciplines of party history and party building should be handled. The history of the party focuses on historical research, and the party building focuses on realistic research. The objects presented are the CPC. Therefore, the study of party history and party building should be integrated into a community, which has both the deep support of party history and the induction and extension of party building, so as to clarify why the CPC succeeded in the past and how it can continue to succeed in the future. At the same time, in the process of discipline construction, it is necessary to strengthen the awareness of the first level discipline, take the CPC as the complete research object, scientifically and reasonably divide the boundary between macro research, meso research and micro research, and grasp the relationship between the combination and division of secondary disciplines. The design of secondary disciplines must strengthen their political nature, understand and grasp the discipline rules with a long-term, broad, profound, and holistic perspective, gradually leading the discipline of party history and party building from independent governance to a path of integrated development, striving for breakthroughs in theoretical construction methodology, and forming a discipline of party history and party building with distinctive Chinese characteristics.

Professor Wang Binglin, Dean of the Research Institute of Communist Party History and Party Building at Beijing Normal University, believes that the development of the discipline of Party history and Party building must attach importance to curriculum construction, especially by linking the development of the discipline with ideological and political courses and offering courses on Communist Party history.Secondly, it is necessary to strengthen the learning and education of Party history. The core of the "Four Histories" is Party history, and the establishment of Party history courses provides course support for the normalization of Party history learning and education; Thirdly, the Party history course is helpful for the talent cultivation of the discipline of Party history and Party building of the Communist Party of China.

Professor Ouyang Junxi from the School of Marxism at Tsinghua University believes that the construction of the discipline of Communist Party history and party building should be guided by the innovative theory of the Party, and the knowledge, academic, and teaching systems of the discipline of Communist Party history and party building in the new era should be constructed. Among them, the discipline of CPC history was established by the CPC in the process of building its own history. Therefore, the relevant knowledge system and basic framework, basic theories and methods, as well as teaching system, need to be innovated on the basis of summarizing historical experience.

The Basic Theory and Practice of Party Building in the New Era

The theoretical innovation of party building in the new era must respond to the "four major dangers" and "four major tests" that have long existed on the new journey, adhere to the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and promote the resolution of unique problems of major parties with the spirit of self revolution and the normative system of self revolution. In this process, we must always adhere to and improve the leadership of the Party, establish a sound leadership system, improve the Party's leadership style, and deepen the new great project of Party building in the new era.

Professor Feng Jun, former Deputy Director of the Party History Research Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, pointed out that maintaining clarity and firmness in solving the unique problems of the Party is an inevitable requirement for deepening the Party's self revolution, and continuously deepening the Party's self revolution is the fundamental way to solve the unique problems of the Party. Essentially, the Party's self revolution is the courage to face problems and correct mistakes. This requires our party to persistently fight against its own mistakes and problems. Faced with the long-standing "four major dangers" and "four major tests" on the new era and new journey, it is necessary to regard adhering to comprehensive and strict governance of the Party as the long-term strategy and eternal topic of the Party, carry forward the spirit of thorough self revolution, and deeply promote the new great project of Party building in the new era. In his view, the key to promoting the resolution of the unique difficulties faced by the major party lies in improving the party's self revolutionary system and norms, forming a complete set of institutional mechanisms for self purification, self-improvement, self-renewal, and self-improvement.

Researcher Jin Minqing, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Institute of Modern History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, pointed out that theoretical construction is an important symbol that distinguishes the CPC from other political parties. The theoretical construction of the Party in the new era should pay attention to five important links and four important relationships. The five important links are: establishing and always adhering to the guiding ideology of Marxism in theoretical exploration, creating and continuously enriching and developing Marxist achievements with Chinese characteristics and modernization in theoretical innovation, resolutely defending Marxism and its localization achievements in theoretical struggle, continuously promoting the popularization of Marxism with Chinese characteristics in theoretical armament, and continuously transforming scientific thinking into development practice in theoretical practice. In the process of theoretical armament, it is necessary to handle the relationship between theoretical innovation and theoretical armament, the relationship between "ancestors" and new creations, the relationship between educating and leading the masses, and the relationship between theoretical armament and ideological struggle.

Ding Junping, a professor at the School of Marxism of Wuhan University, believes that the CPC is both the ruling party and the revolutionary party. The people of the CPC are always revolutionaries, and the revolutionary spirit can never be discarded. The CPC can not only carry out a great self revolution, but also lead the people to carry out a great social revolution. The theory of "Two Great Revolutions" theoretically answers how the CPC views revolution and how to carry out new revolution under the long-term ruling conditions, as well as the great significance of this new revolution. There is a connection between the two in the revolutionary field and the continuity of the revolutionary cause: First, the historical mission of the CPC and its long-term political position in power determine that our party should not only push forward self revolution internally, but also push forward social revolution with self revolution as the driving mechanism; Second, the revolutionary logic of the Party has never changed. Self revolution has always been an important experience of the Party's centennial struggle, while social revolution is the distinctive theme of the CPC's struggle practice.

Professor Liu Jingbei, Dean of the Institute of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics at China Pudong Cadre College, believes that it is necessary to deeply summarize and summarize the basic content, experience, and theory of the Party's comprehensive leadership. The basic content of the comprehensive leadership of the Party includes maintaining the authority and centralized unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, reflecting the comprehensive leadership of the Party in all aspects of Party building and Party cause, improving the institutional mechanisms and systems of the Party's comprehensive leadership, and improving the Party's organizational system. The basic experience of the comprehensive leadership of the Party mainly includes 10 aspects, including centralized and unified leadership by the Party Central Committee, putting the people at the center, improving the Party's leadership and governance methods, and implementing the political responsibility of maintaining the Party's leadership. The basic theory of the Party's comprehensive leadership mainly constructs the Party's political leadership theory, ideological leadership theory, organizational leadership theory, democratic centralism theory, united front theory, mass line theory, etc. on the basis of the "two combinations".

Professor Liu Honglin, President of the Institute of Party Construction of Fudan University and Director of the Research Center for Inner Party Laws and Regulations, pointed out that the leadership of the CPC is the most essential feature and the greatest advantage of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and Chinese path to modernization is the socialist modernization led by the CPC. Behind these statements lies profound theoretical logic, historical logic, practical logic, and institutional logic. In his view, the issue of leadership and the issue of people's support are two aspects of the Party's leadership. Leadership determines the future and destiny of revolutionary construction, while the issue of people's support determines the success or failure of the ruling Party. Therefore, in the new era, strengthening and improving the Party's leadership must adhere to the Party's leadership and ruling position, integrate the Party's leadership into all Party undertakings, improve the leadership system, improve the Party's leadership style, and enhance the Party's leadership level. From the perspective of disciplinary construction and academic research, it is necessary to strengthen the research on a series of basic theories and categories such as the Party's leadership system and leadership style, leadership system and democratic centralism, leadership ability and governance ability, and focus on constructing the Party's leadership studies.

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