To understand the general secretary's requirements of "clearing the source" and "consolidating the foundation and cultivating the yuan", from this booklet socialism | party members | cultivating the yuan

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:15 PM

On June 27, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized in an important reply to all the teachers and students of the volunteer service team of the "Communist Manifesto" exhibition hall of Fudan University that "if you believe in your heart, you can go far". At the conference on studying and implementing Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, he further proposed that this theme education should educate and guide party members and cadres to correct their ideological roots and consolidate their roots. It is necessary to comprehensively and systematically grasp the basic viewpoints and scientific system of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, grasp the world outlook and methodology of this thought, and adhere to and apply the standpoints and methods that run through it, really learn Marxist skills.

This year marks the 175th anniversary of the publication of the Communist Manifesto in London. The CPC is a faithful successor to the spirit of the Declaration. The important ideas proposed in the Declaration, such as the materialist view of history and class struggle, have revolutionary, pioneering, and breakthrough significance in the history of human thought. The first party program of our party was formulated in accordance with the spirit of the Declaration.

We must put the people first. The Manifesto openly proclaims the people-oriented nature of Marxist political parties, fully affirms the historical subject status of the people, and thus reflects the fundamental nature and purpose of Marxist political parties. The Manifesto emphasizes that communists have no interests different from those of the entire proletariat; All past movements were movements for or for the benefit of a minority, while proletarian movements were independent movements for and for the benefit of the vast majority; Viewing the proletariat as a representative of advanced productive forces, a gravedigger of capitalist systems, and a creator of new social systems.

We must persist in self-confidence and self-reliance. The self-confidence and self-reliance of Marxist political parties stems from the progressiveness of their theory and practice. The Declaration points out that the general proletariat does not spontaneously possess scientific theories, while the Communist Party is armed with scientific socialist theories and can correctly understand the laws of social development, "understand the conditions, processes, and general results of the proletarian movement.". The Communist Party always represents the interests of the entire movement, and the Manifesto emphasizes that "in practice, the Communist Party is the most resolute and always driving part of worker political parties in various countries.".

We must adhere to integrity and innovation. Marx and Engels once said that certain parts of the Manifesto could be modified or written differently, but the general principles it expounded are still completely correct to this day, which is the "right" to be upheld; At the same time, Engels pointed out in the preface of the German version of the Manifesto in 1872 that the practical application of the principles of the Manifesto should always be based on the historical conditions of the time, and he warned people not to regard Marxism as "doctrine" and "dogma", but to "apply it to the economic and political conditions of their own country," which laid a solid foundation for its advancement with the times.

We must adhere to a problem oriented approach. The Manifesto itself has a clear sense of questioning, and it systematically answers a series of fundamental and fundamental major questions about the scientific worldview, political stance, ideal beliefs, and revolutionary program of Marxist political parties. For example, regarding the general laws of human social development, the Declaration puts forward the important conclusion of "two inevitabilities", that the downfall of the bourgeoisie and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable; The Declaration elaborates on the issue of capitalist private ownership with the statement of "two most thorough ruptures"; The Declaration emphasizes the importance of proletarian violent revolution in terms of the ways of social revolution, and so on.

We must adhere to a systematic concept. The exposition of scientific socialism in the Declaration was originally systematic, with the landmark being the examination of capitalism from the perspective of universal connection, comprehensive system, and development and change. The Manifesto, starting from a systemic perspective, believes that the bourgeoisie itself is a product of a long-term development process, a series of changes in production and exchange methods. It not only fairly evaluates the revolutionary role played by capitalism in the past, but also dialectically clarifies that there will inevitably be contradictions between social productive forces and capitalist production relations, thus pointing out that the downfall of capitalism will be inevitable.

We must persist in having a broad mind for the world. The Manifesto reveals the emergence and development of capitalism, which will lead to a transition from "national history" to "world history". Science foresaw the universal trend of material production and capital movement, as well as spiritual and cultural production, and further pointed out that communism is not a narrow regional movement, and that the proletariat must liberate all humanity in order to achieve complete liberation. The Declaration points out that the true achievement of the proletariat in struggle lies not in achieving temporary improvements in economic conditions, but in "the increasingly expanding union of workers.". This provides a scientific theoretical basis for Marxist political parties to embrace the world, benefit humanity, and jointly create a better world.

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