Shanghai is facing the situation that if you don't advance, you will fall back. Competition in this field is becoming increasingly fierce. Industry | Internet | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:25 AM

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized the focus of economic development on the real economy, promoting new industrialization, and accelerating the construction of manufacturing, quality, aerospace, transportation, internet, and digital China. Through the data connection and information integration among people, machines, objects and systems, the industrial Internet drives the digital, networked and intelligent transformation of industry and becomes a powerful support and an important engine for promoting new industrialization.

In the new historical period, Shanghai should continue to deepen the innovative development of the industrial Internet, enable the digital transformation and high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, constantly enhance the digital soft power to consolidate the core competitiveness of Shanghai's industry, and create a "Shanghai model" for China's new industrialization.

Current situation of industrial Internet development in Shanghai

Industrial Internet is a new infrastructure, application mode and industrial ecology deeply integrated with the new generation of information and communication technology and industrial economy. Accelerating the development of industrial Internet can strongly support the optimization and upgrading of Shanghai's industrial system, efficiently drive Shanghai's industrial scientific and technological innovation, strengthen the resilience of Shanghai's industrial chain supply chain, promote the high-end, intelligent and green development of Shanghai's manufacturing industry, and comprehensively enhance the competitiveness of Shanghai's industrial enterprises.

The Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the Shanghai Municipal Government attach great importance to promoting the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry by developing the industrial Internet, take the lead in the layout of the industrial Internet nationwide, and have successively implemented two rounds of three-year action plans for industrial Internet. After years of practice, the industrial Internet has become an important engine to promote Shanghai's new industrialization. At present, the overall coordination of Shanghai's policies for the development of industrial Internet has formed a joint force, the complete system of industrial Internet has basically been completed, the role of digital empowerment is increasingly prominent, the leading effect of innovation demonstration is significant, the industrial ecology continues to grow and optimize, and the overall development effect is obvious.

However, in terms of comprehensively supporting Shanghai's new industrialization, the development level of Shanghai's industrial Internet is still insufficient.

There are still obvious shortcomings in mastering core technologies. Among them, industrial software issues are particularly prominent. The existing domestic CAE products are mainly aimed at the military industry and have weak universality; There is a significant gap in the large-scale application of simulation software such as CAD and Fluent, as well as industrial control software such as PLC in the civilian market. There is a shortage of composite talents with industrial software development capabilities, making it difficult to support the demand for industrial software localization. In addition, there is currently insufficient innovative research in core technologies such as industrial mechanism modeling, industrial big data, and industrial intelligent control based on deep professional knowledge.

The second issue is that the platform's energy level and empowerment effect are not sufficiently prominent. On the one hand, there is a lack of high-quality and high-level comprehensive platforms, and there is only one "double cross" platform in Shanghai, Baoxin, which is not in line with the status of Shanghai as a strong industrial city. On the other hand, some large manufacturing enterprises in Shanghai have successively built industrial Internet platforms, mainly relying on their parent companies and core upstream and downstream enterprises to carry out services. The coverage is narrow, the scene is simple, and the deep empowerment of the supply chain of the industry chain is insufficient.

Thirdly, the scale and depth of scene construction are still insufficient. At present, the focus of Shanghai's industrial Internet application scenarios is not high. There are many "piecemeal" digital scenes, few integrated "super scenes", and a lack of large platforms and applications. The large-scale enabling effect of industrial Internet in industrial parks has not yet been fully activated, and the transformation of industrial parks mostly stays at the level of management and operation, with the phenomenon of "focusing on management and operation and ignoring industrial empowerment". The digital transformation of some existing factories is at a relatively shallow level, focusing on single point technological transformation and automation transformation, and there is not enough investment in deep level changes such as digital process reengineering.

How to Deepen the Innovative Development of Shanghai Industrial Internet

In the next stage, we should promote the innovative development of Shanghai's industrial Internet at a higher level and in a deeper level. We suggest starting from the following aspects.

1. and strengthen the industrial Internet industry and promote the development of Shanghai's digital economy.

Strengthen the overall research of the industry, compile the product pedigree of Shanghai's industrial Internet, the map of the industrial chain and the development schedule of core technologies, carry out digital diagnosis of industrial enterprises, and find out the advantages and disadvantages of Shanghai in the whole industrial chain of the industrial Internet. Focus on the short board of the industry, speed up the introduction of high-quality industrial Internet enterprises, industrial chain owners and projects, or encourage relevant enterprises in Shanghai to carry out targeted business extension, to build a complete, self-recycling capacity of the industrial Internet industry system. We will promote strategic cooperation with outstanding domestic and international industrial Internet enterprises at the urban level, and support some key industrial Internet projects of national ministries and commissions and other provinces and cities to land in Shanghai. Focusing on the development of Shanghai's digital economy, we will promote the "quality" and "quantity" of industrial Internet core industries and supporting industries, and cultivate a number of domestic leading and world-class digital industrial clusters. Encourage and guide the establishment of a multi-subject industrial Internet industry development fund to promote related industries to accelerate business development and innovation iteration.

2. focus on core technology research, focusing on supporting industrial software to achieve breakthroughs.

Encourage universities, scientific research institutions and enterprises to strengthen the basic theoretical research of the industrial Internet, improve the level of original innovation, and accelerate the joint research and transformation of technology and achievements under the guidance of industry application. Focus on supporting core technologies such as industrial design software and edge intelligence technology in the field of industrial Internet with major science and technology projects in Shanghai and guiding funds for strategic emerging industries. In terms of industrial software, it is suggested that the relevant departments of the municipal government should take the lead to set up 1-2 key industrial software R & D enterprises, introduce domestic well-known software development enterprises to inject capital, continue to invest scarce resources, and do not take short-term profit and loss as the guidance. Maintain patience, play steadily, and gradually overcome the "stuck neck" problem of industrial software. Deepen the application of military-civilian integration of industrial software, organize supply and demand docking activities around ships, aviation and other fields, expand the application of military industrial software in the civilian field, promote research and accelerate product iteration and civilian transformation.

3. promote the development of deep integration and strengthen the construction of multi-dimensional digital scenes.

It is necessary to follow the inherent requirements of the "surname worker" of the industrial Internet, correctly grasp the positioning of the industrial Internet as an energizer, and more deeply integrate with Shanghai's existing physical industries and industrial actual scenes to achieve a value transition of 1 to 10 to 100. Have the courage to practice the new mode of integration and development, and strive to create a number of high-end, intelligent and green super scenes with demonstration significance. Explore the innovative integration of industrial Internet and emerging digital technologies, such as supporting COMAC and Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Institute, focusing on multi-dimensional perception and real-time modeling in aviation and nuclear power fields, and creating a number of pilot demonstration scenarios of "industrial Internet meta-universe.

4. promote the differentiated development of platform enterprises and enhance the breadth and depth of platform applications.

Shanghai's industrial Internet platform should strive to take the development road of "no one has me, everyone has me, and everyone is excellent. Technology-based platform companies should focus on launching some "small, fast, light and accurate" services and solutions to lower the threshold for users, so that small and medium-sized enterprises can use, afford, and use them well, so as to expand the scale of industrial Internet platform users. The industrial Internet platform built by leading enterprises in the industry should strive to improve its own platform energy level, professional level and radiation range, benchmark comprehensive "double span" platform, and provide a complete package of digital solutions for the market. We will continue to deepen the "platform service" model, focus on promoting the substantive landing of the industrial Internet platform in Shanghai's key industrial clusters and industrial parks, realize the large-scale enabling application of the platform, and enhance the level of regional digital transformation.

5. improve the industrial innovation ecology, strengthen complementary advantages and factor supply.

The construction of Shanghai's industrial Internet cannot be achieved overnight and in one step. The government and all sectors of society need to cultivate the soil for the development of the industrial Internet and steadily improve the innovation ecology and industrial ecology, so that Shanghai's industrial Internet industry will have a solid foundation and vitality. Government departments, associations and organizations should take the lead in establishing a cooperation mechanism oriented to the needs of digital transformation, and guide more key elements of "government, industry, university, research and application" to participate in the development of Shanghai's industrial Internet. Encourage platforms and service providers to strengthen complementary advantages, and launch some comprehensive and wide-ranging "engineering package" services. Strengthen the preparation of industrial digital standards, some group standards can be tried first in specific industries, step by step to establish the Shanghai characteristics of the industrial Internet standard system.

6. deepen the integration of production and education, and implement the strategy of digital talent development.

At present, the competition in the digital transformation of domestic and international manufacturing industries is becoming increasingly fierce, and the industrial Internet is developing rapidly. Shanghai is facing a situation of not advancing or retreating, and slowly advancing and retreating. It is necessary to accelerate the construction of new advantages in Shanghai's digital talents and provide support for Shanghai's new industrialization. In the form of financial subsidies, the head enterprises are encouraged to join hands with universities and research institutes in Shanghai to carry out the construction of characteristic disciplines in the field of industrial Internet, build a training base, and continuously cultivate high-quality industrial Internet complex skilled talents with industrial practical experience. Relying on relevant government departments, universities, associations, etc., take the lead in establishing a regional industrial Internet talent evaluation mechanism to accelerate the selection and introduction of professional talents in Shanghai. At home and abroad, we have introduced a number of high-end talents and scientific research teams in the field of industrial Internet with extraordinary efforts.

7. strengthen international exchanges and cooperation and promote the construction of domestic and international double cycles.

Shanghai is an international metropolis with a solid industrial foundation and "international window" advantages. It is necessary to actively promote the "introduction" of international advanced technology and experience, and the "going out" of outstanding industrial Internet companies to serve the new development of domestic and international double cycles Pattern construction. Make good use of large-scale international events such as the World Artificial Intelligence Conference and the Industrial Expo to carry out extensive exchanges and cooperation with countries around the world, and continuously promote international innovative ideas and high-quality resources to serve the innovative development of Shanghai's industrial Internet. Forward-looking research on the difficult obstacles to international cooperation in the industrial Internet, do a good job of risk estimation and overall layout, and support a number of mature industrial Internet enterprises and excellent digital applications to go abroad. Take the lead in applying for the construction of a pilot zone for the internationalization of the industrial Internet, promote the construction of basic common standards such as platforms, networks and security with SCO countries and countries related to the Belt and Road, and create a "China plan" for the industrial Internet with strong versatility and international recognition ".

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