Provide a strong spiritual impetus for Chinese path to modernization, and promote the research, interpretation, inheritance and promotion of the great Party building spirit | Party building | interpretation

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:56 AM

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, carry forward the great spirit of Party building, deeply grasp the scientific connotation of Chinese path to modernization, constantly guide and deepen the study of Party history with the innovative theory of the Party, and continue to serve the great practice of the new era with the study of Party history, on July 23, the academic seminar "Great Spirit of Party building and Chinese path to modernization" was held in Fudan University.

Pan Min, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, said in his speech that the purpose of convening the academic seminar of "Great Party building Spirit and Chinese path to modernization" was to look back on history, base on reality and face the future, promote the research, interpretation, inheritance and promotion of the great Party building spirit, and let the light of history and the power of spirit guide and stimulate the great struggle of the new era and new journey. To deeply grasp the theoretical logic of the great spirit of building the Party in the innovative theory of the Party in the new era, to deeply grasp the historical significance of the great spirit of building the Party in the central task of the Party in the new journey, and to deeply grasp the practical requirements of the great spirit of building the Party in the responsibility and mission undertaken by Shanghai. In the future, systematic research should be strengthened in three aspects: first, systematic research on the spiritual pedigree of CPC people, second, systematic research on "the practice and development of the great spirit of party building in Shanghai", and third, systematic research on the publicity and popularization of the great spirit of party building.

At the meeting, Jiao Yang, former Secretary of the Party Committee of Fudan University and Chairman of the Wangdao Research Institute, Feng Xiaomin, Chief Expert of the Party Building Think Tank of the Shanghai Party Building Research Association, Yan Aiyun, Director of the Party History Research Office of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Zeng Jun, Vice President of the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Yang Deshan, Professor of the School of Marxism at Fudan University, gave keynote speeches.

Jiao Yang pointed out that at present, the CPC has led the people to embark on a new journey to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization. Based on and grasping the historical evolution and practical requirements of Chinese path to modernization, it is of great significance to thoroughly explore and carry forward the important role of the great spirit of party building in Chinese path to modernization. She explained from four aspects: to carry forward the great spirit of party building and inject strong spiritual power into Chinese path to modernization, to carry forward the great spirit of party building is to adhere to and strengthen the party's leadership over Chinese path to modernization, to carry forward the great spirit of party building is to strengthen historical self-confidence and grasp the historical initiative in comprehensively promoting Chinese path to modernization, to carry forward the great spirit of party building is to cultivate the spirit of the declaration to be passed on faithfully, and to consolidate the talent foundation of Chinese path to modernization.

Feng Xiaomin believes that the spirit of the great founding of the Communist Party is insightful, rich in connotation, significant in meaning, and profound in artistic conception. It not only has profound theoretical connotations, profound historical heritage, but also profound practical struggles and distinctive characteristics of the times. It is a deep reflection of the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and excellent traditional Chinese culture, and is the crystallization of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit.The great spirit of party building receives spiritual guidance and nourishment from Marxism, encourages the CPC people to practice their original mission, always be good public servants, and forge the infinite loyalty of the people for the purpose of common prosperity.

Yan Aiyun pointed out that the great spirit of party building is the source of the spirit of the CPC, which provides rich nourishment for building, revitalizing and strengthening the party, and also provides a strong guide for the development and progress of Shanghai. For Shanghai, to further promote the great spirit of building the Party, we need to promote it from the following three aspects: first, coordinate and integrate the resources of Shanghai's red venues, and tell the story of the great spirit of building the Party being nurtured and practiced in Shanghai; The second is to build a brand image of "Glorious City" and lead the inheritance and promotion of Shanghai's urban spiritual character with the great spirit of building the Party; The third is to uphold the path of carrying forward the great spirit of Party building in the new era and provide spiritual nourishment for Shanghai to be the pioneer of Chinese path to modernization.

Why did the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China prioritize high-quality development as the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country? On balance, this is not only the universal requirement of the world's modernization process, but also the inevitable requirement of Chinese path to modernization. High quality development is not a specific aspect of the economy, but encompasses various aspects such as population, common prosperity, material and spiritual civilization, harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, and peaceful development contributing to the world. In essence, the five characteristics of Chinese path to modernization have a high degree of internal consistency with the great spirit of party building.

Provide a strong spiritual impetus for Chinese path to modernization, and promote the research, interpretation, inheritance and promotion of the great Party building spirit | Party building | interpretation

Zeng Jun elaborated on the concept, connotation, and promotion path of the great spirit of building the Party, focusing on the internal and external aspects of spiritual concepts, the narrow and broad scope of Party building practice, the surface and internal aspects of Party building spirit, the people and things from an analytical perspective, and the new and old research methods. He pointed out that every sentence of the great spirit of building the Party has profound connotations, which together form a complete system, reflecting not only the spirit of the founding period, but also the overall characteristics of the spirit of the CPC, reflecting the organic unity of knowledge, action, will and emotion.

Yang Deshan believes that further research on the great spirit of building the Party should be deepened. For example, what is the "founding" stage of the CPC, who should be the pioneers of the CPC, how the great spirit of party building is reflected in these pioneers, the relationship between the great spirit of party building and China's modern revolutionary culture, how to show the core of the great spirit of party building - party spirit, and so on.

In the sub venue discussion, 45 experts and scholars from all over the country presented their opinions and discussions around the three themes of "the value implication and carrying forward path of the great party building spirit", "the great party building spirit and Chinese path to modernization research", "the great party building spirit and the creation and development of the CPC".

The seminar was guided by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee and the Party History Research Office of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, co sponsored by the Research Center for the Spirit of the Great Founding of the CPC in Shanghai, Fudan University, the Venue Management Committee of the First, Second and Fourth National Congresses of the Communist Party of China, and undertaken by the School of Marxism of Fudan University, the Wangdao Research Institute of Fudan University, and the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

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