Network governance is important and urgent, offering a reward of 10 million yuan to search for dogs? Under the frequent occurrence of farces, self media management | Wuxi three-year-old girl incident | exorbitant search for dogs

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 04:17 AM

The "sky high price dog search incident" that has been causing a stir on the internet in recent days ended in a farce with a blue background and white text report from the police. On July 11th, the Zhengdong New Area Branch of Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau reported that the so-called "sky high price dog search notice" was purely fabricated by Yang, the legal representative of a certain media limited company. "Lost a meritorious dog", "2 million yuan, 10 million yuan bounty", and "The dog has been found with the assistance of the police" are all false information. At present, the relevant responsible personnel have been punished with administrative detention for 15 days and other penalties.

Yang Moubing fabricated a "sky high price dog search notice" with the aim of attracting attention.

In addition to those seeking fame, there are also those seeking profit. Recently, a group of highly popular social media accounts have been indefinitely banned, including "pornographic internet celebrities" with up to three to four million followers. They create an indecent image by continuously publishing a large amount of pornographic and vulgar content, and after gaining a large number of followers, they make improper profits, even inducing users to go to third-party pornographic platforms and carry out online fraud.

If the above two types of online hype belong to "casting a wide net and accumulating more fish", then another public opinion event that caused a sensation on the internet recently has caused serious harm to specific parties. On July 11th, the Wuxi Public Security Bureau announced the investigation results of the widely publicized "3-year-old girl incident", stating that "no girl was found to have been sexually assaulted, and Tang has no criminal suspicion. Therefore, the report will not be filed.". Prior to this, the mother of the girl released unconfirmed information through the internet, causing a large number of netizens and "self media" to launch large-scale online violence against the accused party, Tang, causing serious reputation damage, physical and mental harm, and economic losses to Tang and his family.

The serious consequences caused by false information and online hype, pile by pile, can be said to be shocking. In this situation of frequent chaos, it is particularly important and urgent to manage and standardize the publication, dissemination, and use of network platforms, self media accounts, and network information.

To comprehensively address the rampant spread of false information and online hype, the first step is to improve the media literacy of netizens and self media account operators, help them cultivate a sense of responsibility, respect the "microphone" in their hands, and treat the discourse power granted by the internet with caution. In cyberspace, "everyone has a microphone, everyone has the right to speak," but rights should correspond to responsibilities. The information publisher should be responsible for the objective authenticity of the information, and the speaker should also ensure the rationality and fairness of their speech. The unique laws of online communication and the potential social effects it may cause require people to maintain a reverence for the power of online discourse.

In the media landscape where online information is widely accessible and social media is highly popular, a sentence, a photo, or a video may trigger a nuclear explosion like "chain reaction" in the field of online communication, causing widespread dissemination in a short period of time and resulting in huge consequences like the "butterfly effect". Similarly, a careless repost or a blurted malicious remark can also gather on the internet and become a massive wave of violence, causing catastrophic consequences for the victims of cyberbullying. In this communication pattern, rigor and prudence should become essential basic qualities for netizens and self media.

Strengthening the self-discipline of online information platforms and the self media industry is another important link in governance and rectification of online chaos. In the days of continuous fermentation of the "sky high dog search incident", numerous platforms and "self media" accounts that spread relevant information have not verified the authenticity of the information. In the "3-year-old girl incident" in Wuxi, some "self media" deliberately guided the issue towards gender opposition, adding fuel to the fierce online violence by rubbing against "traffic passwords". In the online hype of "pornographic internet celebrities", it is also vaguely visible that there is a tacit cooperation between "internet celebrities" and related platforms, profiting together in the frenzy of "attracting fans" and attracting traffic. If the self-discipline mechanism is not strictly implemented and the relevant responsibilities of information platforms and self media operators are not further consolidated, it may be difficult to effectively curb such online chaos and public opinion events.

While cultivating a sense of responsibility and strengthening industry self-discipline, heteronomy from regulations and policies is also indispensable. To rectify and promote the source, regulate the qualifications, rights, responsibilities, and operations of information platforms and self media accounts from the source, and carry out comprehensive supervision of the release, dissemination, and use of network information, relevant regulations and policies need to play an important role.

The Central Cyberspace Administration recently issued a notice on strengthening the management of "self media", clarifying multiple specific management measures to strengthen the management of "self media", strengthen the main responsibility of website platform information content management, improve the normalized management system and mechanism, and promote the formation of a good online public opinion ecology. This continuous improvement of regulations and policies provides important guarantees for effectively curbing online chaos and building a healthy and clear cyberspace.

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