How to understand correctly?, The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed for the first time to "improve the Party's self revolutionary system and normative system" for supervision | politics | revolution

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:16 AM

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has promoted the comprehensive and strict governance of the party with unprecedented political courage and strategic determination, and found the second answer to the historical cycle of self-revolution, which jumps out of the rise and fall of chaos.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward for the first time the new proposition of "improving the Party's self revolutionary system and norms", which has made original contributions to the Marxist theory of governing the Party, provided institutional guarantees for deepening the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, and is a strategic support for further promoting the new great project of Party building in the new era. 1、 Grasping the internal logic of the normative system of the self revolution system, self revolution is the internal requirement of the Marxist theory of party building, the spiritual quality of the Marxist party, and the inevitable requirement to maintain the progressiveness and purity of the party and realize the lofty mission.The normative system of the self revolution system is a summary of the experience in the construction of the century old Party system. From historical experience, adhering to the construction of a self revolutionary system is an important weapon for our party to face problems and correct mistakes, and a valuable experience for the party to maintain vitality and vigor for the past century.The normative system of self revolution system is a practical requirement for solving the unique problems of the big party. By the end of 2022, the total number of members of the CPC was 98.041 million, and the number of grass-roots organizations of the Party was 5.065 million. The self revolution of the Party requires not only a spirit of self revolution that always keeps the blade inward, cures the bone and poison, and breaks the wrist, but also a procedural and long-term system of self revolution institutional norms. Only by organically combining the self revolutionary political requirements of the Party with the long-term mechanism of the Party's institutional construction can we truly maintain a clear and firm understanding of solving the unique problems of the Party, win the support of the people, and consolidate our long-term governance position. 2、 Understanding the Scientific Connotation of the Self Revolutionary Institutional Normative System The Party's Self Revolutionary Institutional Normative System is a series of institutional norms that are based on the Party Constitution, with democratic centralism as the core, adjusting and restraining the Party's self revolutionary subject, regulating and leading the Party's self revolutionary behavior, and supervising and implementing the Party's self revolutionary work. Improve the regulatory system for self revolution. The institutional guarantee for improving the Party's self revolutionary system and normative system is to improve the Party's internal regulatory system. The CPC attaches great importance to governing the Party in accordance with regulations and systems, consistently promotes the construction of intra party laws and regulations, and has formed a system of intra party laws and regulations with scientific content, strict procedures, complete supporting facilities, and effective operation. As of June 2022, there are a total of 3718 effective Party regulations in force throughout the Party, covering various aspects of Party leadership, Party organization, self construction, supervision and protection. A relatively complete system of Party regulations, an efficient implementation system of Party regulations, and a strong guarantee system for the construction of Party laws and regulations have been formed, providing a solid institutional guarantee for the Party's self purification, self reform, self improvement, and self-improvement. Form a self revolutionary institutional mechanism. The central task of improving the Party's self revolutionary system and norms is to form an operational mechanism that adheres to truth, corrects errors, discovers problems, and corrects deviations. After a century of vicissitudes, the Party has become more vibrant, and its mystery lies in always adhering to the truth and correcting mistakes. Focusing on the weak links of the Party's self rev

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