How to "boldly venture" in Shanghai, the most important mission has arrived | Reform and Opening up | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:42 AM

Reform and opening up is a crucial move in determining the future and destiny of contemporary China, as well as in achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. As a city that has relied on "eating reform meals, following the path of opening up, and playing the card of innovation" to achieve today, Shanghai must always hold high the banner of reform and opening up, shoulder a special mission with high-level reform and opening up, and cultivate a driving force for progress.

In the history of reform and opening up, Shanghai has played a special role at multiple historical nodes. This year marks the 45th anniversary of reform and opening up, the 10th anniversary of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone. At this new moment of profound reshaping of the global economic and trade landscape, China has proposed to join high standard economic and trade agreements such as CPTPP and DEPA, striving to integrate more deeply into global governance and participate in rule construction.

As a pioneer, Shanghai should take the lead in carrying out greater risk stress testing. The task of trial and error once again falls on Shanghai's shoulders. This is the most important mission and responsibility for us to deepen high-level reform and opening up. It requires us to take a higher position and a broader perspective, benchmark against the highest international standards and the best level, boldly try, boldly break through, and make independent changes. For every party member and cadre, always maintaining the courage to innovate, the courage to take the lead, and the vigorous and upward momentum are the prerequisites and guarantees for shouldering the mission of the times.

To deepen high-level reform and opening up, it is necessary to deeply grasp the internal mechanism and underlying logic of promoting high-quality development. Reform and opening up is the "key move", and innovation is the "first driving force". We must always take activating the "first driving force" as the core direction of grasping the "key move". In specific practice, we must adhere to the organic unity of technological logic, market logic, and governance logic——

Grasping the logic of technology means dynamically grasping the development trend of technology and industry, scientifically assessing the maturity of technology, accurately grasping the direction and focus of future development, timely and proactively seizing the layout, better nurturing the "nuclear explosion points" of the industry, and creating new development highlights.

Grasping market logic means closely combining "seeing 10 from 0" with "seeing 0 from 10", anticipating the market application prospects and industrial cultivation prospects of technological breakthroughs, and truly realizing the coupling of innovation chain, industrial chain, and value chain.

Grasping the logic of governance is to better leverage the role of the government, compensate for market failures, leverage the advantages of the new national system in areas of strategic competition, system necessity, and development necessity, focus on system layout, supply and demand docking, force organization, platform construction, and policy supply, and strive to improve the quality and efficiency of the innovation system.

The shift from factor oriented openness to institutional oriented openness is the essence of deepening high-level reform and opening up. This means that we not only need to connect with international rules, be familiar with, master, and apply international prevailing rules, but also pay attention to grasping the characteristics and development trends of international rules from the perspective of historical evolution and underlying logic, especially anticipating and predicting the possible changes of rules under new technological conditions, and actively participating in rule construction based on momentum, exploring new paths for China to actively participate in international economic governance.

To shoulder these missions and implement major measures effectively, it is necessary to vigorously promote the spirit of reform and opening up, bravely carry out self revolution in areas that require breakthroughs and innovations, and strengthen the execution, creativity, and penetration in promoting implementation. Only in this way can we truly achieve the original intention of "daring to try, daring to break through, and making independent changes", and truly play the role of pioneers, demonstration leaders, and breakthroughs.

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