How to accurately assess the world development situation and make scientific judgments? These types of institutions are undertaking more important tasks. Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences | think tank | judgment

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:26 AM

Recently, the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences New Think Tank Forum - Contemporary International Think Tank Translation Series Press Conference and International Think Tank Development Seminar were held. At the meeting, the Think Tank Research Center of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences released the latest translated works in the "Contemporary International Think Tank Translation Series". The attending experts discussed the development characteristics and trends of think tanks in the countries and regions involved in the translation series, as well as key research areas and topics.

Introducing the latest perspectives from world-class think tank experts

Tang Tao, Deputy Director of the Think Tank Research Center of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, introduced that the "Contemporary International Think Tank Translation Series" has currently published 7 translated works, including "Neoconservatism and US Foreign Policy", "The Catalytic Role of Think Tanks: The Road to Reform in Transitional Countries", "The Light of the North: An Overview of Canadian Think Tanks", "Can Think Tanks Play a Role?", "US and EU Think Tanks: A Comparison of Policy Research Institutions in Washington and Brussels", "European Think Tank Politics", "Think Tanks and Non Traditional Security: A New Way of Governance in Asia", and 1 book is currently in the process of translation. This series of books aims to introduce the latest writings and perspectives of world-class think tank experts into China, in order to attract the attention and discussion of domestic peers and think tank builders. I hope this series of books can open a window for everyone to understand the development of think tanks in different countries and regions from different dimensions, and use the stones of other mountains to seek better development for the construction of new types of think tanks with Chinese characteristics.

Gan Chunhui, Vice President of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, pointed out that in the current context of globalization, as an important component of the national governance system, the construction of new types of think tanks with Chinese characteristics, especially the construction of national high-end think tanks, cannot be carried out behind closed doors. We must introduce and go out, and open up the door to operate think tanks. We should absorb advanced experience from international think tanks in both theory and practice, but we cannot simply copy them all. We should reflect Chinese characteristics and strive to prioritize ourselves and make foreign things useful to China. Continuing to innovate and promote the research on the "Contemporary International Think Tank Translation Cluster" not only requires learning and introducing advanced experience from foreign think tanks, but also promoting the excellent experience and knowledge of Chinese characteristic new think tanks, especially in the development of national high-end think tanks.

Qian Yunchun, President of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press, stated that the "Contemporary International Think Tank Translation Series" provides a comprehensive introduction to the operational mechanisms and working methods of international cutting-edge think tanks, which has a good reference value for the construction of new types of think tanks with Chinese characteristics and has had a significant impact in China. The construction of new types of think tanks with Chinese characteristics in the new era is in full swing. We need to absorb the experience and strengths of foreign think tank construction, combine with the characteristics and requirements of socialism with Chinese characteristics, gather the thinking and joint efforts of think tanks and think tanks, and better provide reference for scientific decision-making of the Party and government.

Chinese characteristic new think tanks will shoulder more important tasks

The world is undergoing a series of profound changes that affect the future direction of human society, and countries are generally facing unprecedented challenges in their development process. Liu Hong, an associate researcher at Fudan Development Research Institute, believes that issues such as war, epidemic, poverty, energy shortage, climate change, and even intergenerational alternation are all major issues that urgently need to be addressed in front of humanity. The development of the world is based on the premise and foundation of national development. Exploring the driving force of national development and promoting high-quality and sustainable development is not only the core mission of think tanks to serve China's development, but also an important channel to promote think tanks to go global. In the exploration process of reconstructing the driving force of global development, think tank research must maintain an open and integrated attitude, and maintain the breadth of mind of absorbing the essence of global thought and the awareness of knowing oneself and the other. On the basis of paying close attention to major international and domestic issues, accurately study and judge the world development situation, and make scientific, accurate and valuable analysis and judgments accordingly, so as to better play the role of "think tanks" and "think tanks".

What is the connection between think tanks and national modernization? Xie Huayu, Associate Researcher at the Institute of Economics, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, believes that in the process of national modernization, think tanks have played a catalytic role. The economic growth of developing countries relies on government economic governance in the initial stage. Think tanks are an important link in the dual logic of government administrative system reform and economic marketization reform. Their emergence itself demonstrates the scientific and precise formulation of government public policies. The next five years will be a crucial period for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country, and Chinese characteristic new think tanks will shoulder more important tasks in the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.

Associate Professor Hao Sinan from the School of International Relations and Public Affairs at Shanghai Foreign Studies University believes that think tanks should exert more subjective initiative, conduct more forward-looking and strategic problem research, build more unofficial information exchange channels and platforms, and leverage their "dual track diplomacy" function. We need to strengthen the cultivation of think tank talents, explore the integration of academic and think tank talent cultivation, and try to enable students to both learn theory and engage in think tank research during the graduate education stage.

American think tanks occupy an important position in the international think tank landscape. Wang Chengzhi, an assistant researcher at the International Studies Institute of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, pointed out that American think tanks influence and shape the domestic and foreign affairs of the United States in their unique ways. However, the polarization of American politics also affects the ecological environment of its think tanks, leading to the emergence of more and more so-called "policy initiative think tanks". These types of think tanks generally have no intention of settling down to become producers of ideas, but are enthusiastic about acting as marketers of ideas, investing their main energy in promoting specific ideas to those in power and the public. Therefore, their research reports often lack calm and in-depth arguments, and instead seek to attract attention. At the same time, they also attach greater importance to integrating with the media to expand their public opinion influence, and even claim to be spokespersons for specific interests. They no longer accept funding covertly, and the boundary between them and lobbying groups is becoming increasingly blurred. The development trend of US think tanks has weakened their ability to set up scientific barriers for decision-making, and the negative impact on US diplomacy is becoming increasingly prominent.

With the intensification of political polarization in the United States, more think tanks with distinct ideological connotations, especially conservatism, continue to emerge, and the number has significantly exceeded that of liberal think tanks. Zhang Qi, an assistant researcher at the Shanghai Institute of American Studies, pointed out that American think tanks have long appeared as independent parties and pressure groups, claiming to propose objective, neutral, and professional policy solutions. However, in the fiercely competitive think tank market, a more distinct and extreme ideology often means being more eye-catching, gaining more influence and financial support. The "ideological ammunition" and "action strategies" provided by these think tanks further exacerbate political confrontation.

Wang Zikui, an assistant researcher at the International Studies Institute of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, believes that in today's world, the trend of anti globalization is surging. In this trend, think tanks and think tank researchers need to re-examine and reflect on the relationship between think tanks and non-traditional security issues, think about the "should be" and "can be" of think tanks, and actively maintain the field and vitality of dialogue.

This conference is jointly organized by the Think Tank Research Center of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press, and Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Think Tank Construction Foundation.

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