How can the Basic Research Special Zone improve its effectiveness? The key is to handle the three pairs of relationship mechanisms well | basic research | key

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 20:28 PM

The foundation is not solid, and the earth is shaking. The level and ability of basic research have become a prerequisite for improving the efficiency of the national innovation system.

Two years ago, Shanghai took the lead in piloting the establishment of "Basic Research Special Zones" nationwide, aiming to create a "small environment" suitable for basic research, support pilot units to freely choose topics, organize and use funds independently, and create more first-class talent teams for "leading research". The Basic Research Special Zone has made multi-dimensional attempts to provide institutional guarantees and policy guidance through special measures. As a local reform exploration of the basic research system, its significance is not only to promote the emergence of cutting-edge and original achievements, but also more reflected in the growth of talents and teams, the improvement of basic research organization level, and the formation of systematic basic research capabilities. Therefore, to make "special" both reasonable and effective, it is necessary to focus on handling the three pairs of relationships. Only in this way can the "Special Zone for Basic Research" be opened up and managed, effectively providing protection for basic research workers.

Firstly, handle the relationship between delegating autonomy and implementing main responsibilities.

The Basic Research Special Zone grants pilot units a series of scientific research autonomy, including free topic selection, self organization of scientific research, and independent use of funds, in order to stimulate the vitality of pilot units and mobilize the enthusiasm of scientific research teams and personnel. However, while delegating autonomy, clear requirements should also be put forward for pilot units to implement their main responsibilities, which are reflected in three aspects: first, to optimize the formation mechanism of key scientific issues, and through high-level forward-looking layout, ensure that the direction of the team and researchers is of great significance; Secondly, we need to accelerate the reform of institutional mechanisms, provide more powerful service support and institutional guarantee for scientific researchers, and focus on improving the quality and efficiency of basic research activities; We need to plan and link resources from various sources such as talent, capital, information, platforms, and scenarios to continuously introduce new energy and vitality into the "Basic Research Special Zone".

Secondly, handle the relationship between free exploration and major technological issues.

Major countries in the world attach great importance to assessing the situation and balancing free exploration with major technological issues when laying out basic research. For example, the Endless Frontier Act of the United States proposes to allocate an additional $100 billion over the next five years to the National Science Foundation to fund basic research in 10 key technology areas, including AI, high-performance computing, biotechnology, and cybersecurity, emphasizing the goal orientation of its project funding. At present, the pilot units of Shanghai's "Basic Research Special Zone" involve universities and research institutes, with different disciplinary structures and basic conditions. Therefore, the research direction layout should be tailored to local conditions. Schools with a deep foundation in basic disciplines are more likely to achieve significant breakthroughs in the "no man's land" at the forefront of basic knowledge. In terms of topic selection, scientists should be given greater autonomy and encouraged to explore freely. Pilot units with superior strength in applied disciplines should combine their disciplinary advantages and carry out basic research with clear strategic and demand orientation.

Thirdly, handle the relationship between the small environment and the large ecology well.

The "Basic Research Special Zone" aims to create a small environment that is more in line with the laws of basic research activities, creating conditions for researchers to focus on conducting research work. The small environment is certainly important, and promoting the formation of a good open innovation ecosystem is even more crucial. On the one hand, basic research emphasizes the intersection of disciplines, fields, regions, and teams. Since the 21st century, there have been 120 cross disciplinary achievements in the special and first prizes of the National Science and Technology Awards, accounting for 44%. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously optimize the interdisciplinary ecosystem, further enrich formal and informal communication scenarios, and provide more opportunities for ideological collision and viewpoint agitation among pilot units, teams, and researchers. On the other hand, the complexity and difficulty of technological innovation are increasing, and basic research requires a higher level of international scientific and technological exchange and cooperation. On a global scale, high-level basic research activities have a relatively high international participation rate. For example, the Li Zhengdao Institute, dedicated to exploring fundamental scientific issues from 0 to 1, has been committed to introducing top scientists from around the world since its establishment, with international scholars currently accounting for nearly 40%. Faced with the challenge of a common destiny for mankind, the "Special Zone for Basic Research" should become a stage for high-level cooperation between Chinese and foreign scientists to promote major breakthroughs in the forefront of basic research.

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