He Jianhua and Qian Yue: The Fate and Inspiration of Ethnic Entrepreneurs in Modern and Contemporary Times Rong Shi | Cotton Mill | Industry

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 05:15 AM

In China, which has accumulated poverty and weakness in modern times, many ethnic entrepreneurs have the original intention of saving the country through industry, striving to change the tragic fate of this country. However, the cruelty of reality at that time dealt them a merciless blow, and many ethnic entrepreneurs have great ambitions that are difficult to achieve. Of course, many of them realized earlier that only the CPC could lead this country on the road of national independence and national prosperity, and resolutely linked their own destiny, the destiny of enterprises and the destiny of the country, not only getting rid of the development dilemma, but also walking out of the road of development.

To lead enterprises to overcome current difficulties and move towards a more brilliant future, entrepreneurs need to constantly improve themselves in areas such as patriotism, innovation, integrity, social responsibility, and international perspective, and strive to become the driving force for building a new development pattern, building a modern economic system, and promoting high-quality development in the new era. The CPC and the Chinese people are confident in promoting the great leap of the Chinese nation from standing up, getting rich to becoming strong. The reform and opening up development and socialist modernization drive have been further promoted, writing two new chapters of the miracle of rapid economic development and long-term social stability. China's development has a more solid material foundation and a more perfect system guarantee, opening up a new journey for the construction of Chinese path to modernization, and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process. Observing the fate and development trajectory of modern and contemporary ethnic entrepreneurs from a comprehensive perspective of yesterday, today, and tomorrow provides many beneficial insights for today's private entrepreneurs.

1. background is the fate of entrepreneurs

The Revolution of 1911 overthrew the feudal monarchy of the Qing Dynasty, improved the social and political status of the national bourgeoisie, and stimulated their enthusiasm for revitalizing industry. The government implemented policies conducive to economic development, which provided favorable conditions for the development of China's national industry. During the First World War, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and other countries were busy with war, production was destroyed, and temporarily relaxed their economic aggression against China, and because the warring imperialist countries expanded their military preparations, civilian industries were reduced, and daily necessities were insufficient., So there is an urgent need to import a large amount of flour and other goods, all of which provide favorable external conditions for the development of China's national industry. During this period, industrial capital and financial capital gradually gathered in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, and a group of national entrepreneurs saw the business opportunities and took advantage of the situation.

Taking the Rong brothers Rong Zongjing and Rong Desheng as examples, the Xinhai Revolution and World War I also created a favorable domestic and international environment for Rong's enterprises. The Rong brothers seized this historical opportunity and established Maoxin Second and Third Factories in Wuxi from 1912 to 1921 through the establishment of new factories, leasing, and buying old factories. They also developed other industries such as grain, oil, and rice. Due to their products not only selling well nationwide, but also exported to Western Europe and Southeast Asia, the Rong brothers eventually became known as the "flour king" both domestically and internationally. In the textile industry, the Rong brothers expanded the scale of revitalizing the textile factory, and later established Wuxi Shenxin Third Factory in 1919. By 1922, it had become the fastest developing enterprise in China's cotton textile industry. Wuxi thus became one of the centers of cotton spinning in China, and the Rong brothers were also known as the "King of Cotton Spinning".

After the First Sino Japanese War, four Chinese people made their own choices, representing different directions of the country's efforts: Kang Youwei chose reform, Sun Yat sen chose revolution, Yuan Shikai chose retro, and Zhang Jian chose industry. The pain of the First Sino Japanese War made Zhang Jian realize that "China's great calamity lies not in the chaos of foreign aggression, but in the lack of practical self-improvement." In his view, the path to self-improvement lies in industry and education. He wanted to practice his own philosophy in his hometown of Nantong - "father educates mother industry.". In 1895, Zhang Zhidong, the Governor General of Liangjiang, appointed Premier Zhang Jian to establish a textile factory in the area of commerce in Nantong and Shanghai. Zhang Jian ran between Nantong and Shanghai, raising funds everywhere, and even struggled with round-trip transportation expenses. In 1899, a yarn factory with 20400 spindles was built at Tangjiazha in Nantong. After the completion and operation of Dasheng Textile Factory, he successively established a series of industrial, cultural, and educational undertakings. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, Zhang Jian established more than 20 enterprises, including oil mills, flour companies, soap factories, paper mills, and telephone companies, with Dasheng Textile Mill as the core. This formed a local industrial system that combines light and heavy industries, combines industry and agriculture, and complements functions. At one point, it became the largest ethnic enterprise group in the country.

In the book "The Heading of Ships: Shipping, Sovereignty, and Ethnic Construction in Modern China" by Anne Luo, it is written that Yu Qiaqing's Three North Company started from a hometown transportation improvement plan to enhance the transportation between his hometown Longshan Town along the Zhejiang coast, as well as other coastal towns and Ningbo and Shanghai. The name "Sanbei" comes from the geographical location of Longshan, which is located in the northern part of Zhenhai, Cixi, and Yuyao counties. Longshan is adjacent to both the mountain and the sea, making transportation to other places very inconvenient. In 1913, Yu Qiaqing built embankments and docks in Longshan. The following year, he established the Sanbei Port Company, which operated ships from Longshan to other coastal towns and along the Yongjiang River to Ningbo. Ships from the three northern regions connect this coastal area with the Shanghai Ningbo route of Ningshao, Taikoo, and China Merchants Group. He also registered Zhenhai, located at the mouth of the Yongjiang River, as an inland port, so that local cotton and other agricultural product exporters do not have to pay additional taxes when transferring goods to Ningbo. In 1914, after resigning as the General Manager of Ningshao Shipping Company, Yu Qiaqing established the larger Sanbei Group based on the local transportation and trade network.

Lu Zuofu's Minsheng Industrial Company also started as a small enterprise aimed at improving the economic difficulties in his hometown of Hechuan, Sichuan. The company's first ship, "Minsheng", mainly transported passengers and goods between Hechuan on the banks of the Jialing River and the commercial port of Chongqing. Prior to this, conflicts between bandits and warlords disrupted the transportation between Chongqing and Hezuo; The new ship service provides a faster and safer passage to Chongqing. Due to the Jialing River flowing through the defense areas of two warlords, in order to ensure the safety of the route, Lu Zuofu had to negotiate with their leaders. In 1927, he took over the Three Gorges Defense Bureau of the Jialing River and trained a 500 strong youth team to carry out clearance missions in Hechuan, Baxian, Jiangbei, and Bishan in the Jialing River basin. Once the route was safe, the company purchased more ships and established daily shipping services between Hechuan, Chongqing, and Fuling. The services of Minsheng Company have created new connections, connecting undeveloped areas of other companies with the trade center of Chongqing. Beibei, a small town along the river, not only has the Xiafang Bureau, but Lu Zuofu has also established a series of affiliated enterprises to serve the people's livelihood. At the beginning, there was only one machinery factory, one coal mine, and an 8-kilometer railway to transport coal from the mine to the riverbank, providing cheap coal for ships. Later, in order to further promote local economic development, Lu Zuofu expanded the enterprise cluster in Beibei, adding a printing and dyeing factory, a printing factory, a coal ball factory, a commercial orchard, and a bank. In 1930, Lu Zuofu relocated the headquarters of Minsheng Company to Chongqing and began expanding his fleet, expanding his business downstream to the Yangtze River trunk line between Shanghai and Chongqing.

At a certain stage of capital development, there will inevitably be a fusion of financial capital and industrial capital. The development trajectory of modern and contemporary ethnic entrepreneurs is also the same. Rong Zongjing not only invests in the cotton textile and flour industries, but also invests heavily in the financial industry, serving as a director of banks such as Bank of China and Bank of Shanghai; Zhang Jian also serves as a director of Bank of China, Premier of Bank of Communications, director of Bank of Shanghai, and director of Huaihai Industrial Bank; Yu Qiaqing participated in the establishment of Siming Bank and served as an assistant manager. He has been a director of this bank since then and is also a major shareholder of Bank of China. The integration of financial capital and industrial capital has gradually formed ethnic entrepreneurs represented by Jiangsu and Zhejiang consortia. Their later destinies, although different, were all very bumpy. After the takeover and control of the banking industry by the Nanjing Nationalist Government in 1935, ethnic entrepreneurs represented by the Jiangsu Zhejiang Foundation, as independent economic and political forces, no longer existed. As a result, when the second wave of public debt broke out in 1936, they obediently accepted the government's reorganization plan without any resistance and completely became vassals of the Nanjing Nationalist Government. In 1937, Japanese imperialism launched the War of Aggression against China, causing tremendous destruction and disaster to China's national industry and commerce. Shanghai is the city with the most concentrated industry in China. Before the war, there were about 3000 factories and enterprises of various types. After the Battle of Shanghai, more than 2200 were destroyed, and about half of the industrial equipment in the Nanjing Shanghai Hangzhou triangle area was destroyed. The Japanese invasion of China caused an unprecedented catastrophe for Rongshi Enterprises, with factories such as Shenxin Eighth Factory and Maoxin First Factory turning into ruins in the war. During the 8-year War of Resistance Against Japan, about one-third of the yarn spindles, more than half of the fabric machines, and one-fifth of the grinding machines were destroyed and damaged. Most of the surviving machines and equipment were also seized by military control. Rong Zongjing, who stayed in Shanghai, witnessed the destruction of his first-hand business and suffered serious mental trauma. In February 1938, Rong Zongjing fell ill and passed away. In August 1948, the Nationalist government implemented the "Golden Coupon" policy, and all the enterprises operated by Liu Hongsheng, known as the "King of Coal" and "King of Matches" in China, were paralyzed.

The fate dilemma of modern and contemporary ethnic entrepreneurs is inevitable. In modern times, ethnic entrepreneurs were deeply invaded and oppressed by imperialism, especially when the great powers sought agents among warlords and engaged in years of chaos, causing the people to struggle. In order to raise military funds, warlords inevitably issued excessive public bonds and forced ethnic entrepreneurs to pay the bill. Ethnic entrepreneurs suffered unbearable hardships, and the rare peace was also short-lived. The dual oppression of imperialism and warlords is the main obstacle to the development of modern and contemporary ethnic entrepreneurs and the Chinese national economy. Of course, ethnic entrepreneurs themselves also have their own weaknesses, and a few even seek profit. For example, in the April 12 counter revolutionary coup launched by Chiang Kai shek in 1927, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang chaebols can be said to have made great contributions to Chiang Kai shek. They not only raised funds for him, but also used their special position to persuade the concession authorities to open the door for Chiang Kai shek's smooth slaughter of revolutionary martyrs. This is not weakness, but reactionary. Unfortunately, their honeymoon period did not last long, and ethnic entrepreneurs were subjected to extortion, suppression, and plunder by the Nationalist government in Nanjing. It is not surprising that they ultimately declined.

2. patriotism is the glorious tradition of entrepreneurs

Patriotism is the glorious tradition of national entrepreneurs in modern times. After the Qing government signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki with Japan, Zhang Jian wrote in his diary: "the blood of China has been exhausted, regardless of the gain or loss of the national body!" In the face of the reality that backwardness is bound to be beaten, Zhang Jian believes that only by developing national industry can we resist imperialist aggression and foreign capital invasion. Chinese scholar-officials have always been ashamed of doing business, and "the number one scholar running a factory" was even more new at that time. However, Zhang Jian resolutely gave up his official career and returned to his hometown to set up Dasheng Yarn Factory. He expressed his will in this way: "I would like to be a useful thing, not a shameful official with eight lives and nine lives." What patriotic feelings this is! Lu Zuofu has spanned the three major fields of "saving the country by revolution", "saving the country by education" and "saving the country by industry", and has made achievements in several aspects. When he was young, he proposed education to save the country and fought for it. In 1925, he founded Minsheng Company and unified Chuanjiang shipping one after another, forcing foreign shipping forces to withdraw from the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. In the autumn of 1938, Lu Zuofu led the Minsheng Company to organize and command the Yichang retreat. It took 40 days to rush to transport nearly 100000 tons of materials, equipment and 30000 personnel, which saved the entire Chinese national industry during the Anti-Japanese War and preserved the lifeblood of China's national industry. It was rated as "China's Dunkirk Retreat" by historians ".

During the Anti Japanese War, the Japanese threatened and lured to cooperate with Shenxin Third Factory, but Rong Zongjing never agreed. In 1943, the Japanese army attempted to forcibly acquire the equity of Shenxin Factory 1 and Factory 8, but Rong Desheng sternly refused. He said, "As a Chinese, I will never sell Chinese industries to foreigners." He also wrote a self encouraging couplet: "With a clear mind, I will speak with sincerity.". On the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Rong Desheng made every effort to prevent factory relocation and capital evasion in Shanghai, finally ensuring that the vast majority of the company's machinery and equipment were well preserved, leaving behind a significant amount of valuable social wealth for the new China. The relocation of Shenxin Textile Factory to Caijiapo, Baoji, Shaanxi laid the foundation for the development of cotton textile industry in northwest China and even in China during the Anti Japanese War. In 1950, due to the "February 6th Bombing" incident caused by the Kuomintang, Shanghai was severely damaged, and Rong Yiren's enterprises faced difficulties in production and funding. The Shanghai Municipal Government not only effectively alleviated the conflict between labor and capital, but also took a series of measures to support Rong Yiren's national cotton textile industry. In this regard, Rong Yiren once sighed: "This way of giving help in times of need is a far cry from the Kuomintang's way of taking advantage of people's difficulties and throwing stones at them. It makes me more determined to work together for the prosperity of the motherland under the guidance of the CPC." In 1954, Rong Yiren first proposed to the Shanghai Municipal Government to implement a public-private partnership for his industry, which played a positive role in leading the transformation of private industry and commerce in Shanghai, hence the name of "red capitalist". Rong's enterprise has also ushered in new vitality.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, "Match King" Liu Hongsheng continuously provided cars and a large amount of supplies for the front line, and even sent his own coal industry system's rescue team to treat the wounded. During the Korean War, he actively raised funds and led the way in donating airplanes and artillery as a representative of the Shanghai business community. In 1954, during the public-private partnership, Liu Hongsheng actively responded. When someone asked him if he was willing, he said, "When the country develops and the nation prospers, I can only feel pride and happiness, and there is nothing I cannot bear to part with."

Patriotism is the glorious tradition of entrepreneurs, and only patriotic entrepreneurs have a future. Since the reform and opening up, a large number of patriotic entrepreneurs have also emerged in China. But it goes without saying that there are also a few entrepreneurs who fail to attribute the success of their enterprises and individuals to the opportunities of the reform and opening up era and the policies of the country. They do not have a basic sense of gratitude towards the times and the country. If their development goes smoothly, they simply believe that they have "ability" and skills. If they encounter difficulties in operation or development is not smooth, they blame the country and the government; A very small number of entrepreneurs even collude with some unscrupulous individuals, using so-called financial innovation, underground banks and other dark channels to divert development achievements and social wealth overseas, attempting to empty the national treasury and people's wallets. Such so-called "entrepreneurs" will also be abandoned by the country and the people.

Corporate marketing knows no borders, entrepreneurs have their homeland. Excellent entrepreneurs must have a noble sense of mission and strong sense of responsibility towards the country and the nation, closely integrating the development of enterprises with the prosperity of the country, the prosperity of the nation, and the happiness of the people. They must take the initiative to take responsibility for the country and share its worries. As the saying goes, "those who benefit the country love it, while those who harm the country hate it.".

3. the people's livelihood of industry is the social responsibility of entrepreneurs

Although the development of capital to a certain stage, there will inevitably be the integration of financial capital and industrial capital, but entrepreneurs with real social responsibility will serve the country by industry and take the national economy and people's livelihood as their own responsibility. The biggest difference between industrialists and capitalists is that capitalists take the word "profit" as the head, seeking profit and avoiding harm, while industrialists focus on management and have the world in mind.

Liu Hongsheng is a typical representative of national industrialists. In January 1920, Liu Hongsheng partnered with others to establish the Huashang Hongsheng Match Company in Suzhou, with a capital of 120000 yuan, of which he accounted for three-quarters. Afterwards, he established Huashang Shanghai Cement Company, Zhonghua Coal Ball Company, Dahua Insurance Company, Huafeng Enamel Company, Zhanghua Plush Textile Company, Zhonghua Industrial Company, East China Coal Mine Company, China Enterprise Bank, etc. through sole proprietorship or joint venture with others. By the end of 1931, Liu Hongsheng's corporate investment had reached over 7.45 million yuan, earning him the title of China's "coal king" and "match king".

After aspiring to enter the business world, Zhang Jian began his practice of "saving the country through industry". He discovered that the largest commodities imported from China at that time were cotton textiles and steel, and thus realized that the cotton textile industry was related to people's lives, the iron industry was related to the survival of the country, and the development of the cotton and iron industries "could exercise full power in the economic sphere.". So Zhang Jian vigorously advocated and practiced "cotton iron ideology". In 1895, he founded Dasheng Textile Factory in Nantong. The word "Da Sheng" originates from the Book of Changes: "The great virtue of heaven and earth is called life," which embodies Zhang Jian's ideal that the greatest thing in heaven and earth is the national economy and people's livelihood. Since its commencement, Dasheng Textile Factory has continuously expanded in scale and has built four textile factories, making it the largest textile enterprise system in the country at that time. Zhang Jian also established dozens of enterprises including Tonghai Reclamation and Animal Husbandry Company, Dada Shipping Company, Fuxin Flour Company, Shisheng Iron Metallurgy Company, Huaihai Industrial Bank, and invested in enterprises such as Jiangsu Railway Company and Zhenjiang Dazhao Electric Light Factory, contributing his lifelong energy to China's modern industry. Zhang Jian advocates "father education and mother industry", believing that "industry and education complement each other", advocating for the strengthening of national strength through industry, and cultivating talents for the country through education. Zhang Jian's wealth throughout his life was all for the service of society - he first established industry, then invested in education, supported education through commerce, and donated the dividends of his business to education, charity, and local public welfare funds. In public welfare and charity activities, Zhang Jian developed and promoted the construction of facilities such as sports stadiums, parks, kindergartens, and nursing homes. On his 60th birthday, Zhang Jian did not like extravagance, so he decided to use the gifts given by his family and friends to build a nursing home and care for the lonely elderly in society. The nursing home he advocates for is located on the east side of Baiyi An in the south of Nantong City, and can accommodate 120 elderly people at the same time.

After the Rong brothers eventually became famous both domestically and internationally as the "King of Flour" and "King of Cotton Spinning", Rong Desheng once wrote, "... I feel ashamed of myself and cannot live up to this fame. I still strive to expand and benefit the people." The Rong brothers believed that food and clothing were the fundamental needs of life, rooted in the two doors of food and clothing, and established their own flour and textile factories, combining personal business development with the needs of the country and the people. Rong Desheng once said to Mr. Qian Mu, "We cannot bear to see a large number of unemployed middle-aged people begging along the streets.". Therefore, they also have the motivation to help society and solve employment problems when running factories. When Rong Xitai, the father of the Rong brothers, passed away, he instructed them to do their best to contribute to society, from family to clan, township to county, and prefecture. The two brothers often educate future generations to contribute to society if they have strength.

Mr. Luo Yimin, former Vice Chairman of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of the Jiangsu International Cultural Exchange Center, used the concept of "sitting on the ground" in his speech on relevant discussions with Soviet businessmen, which drew our attention and reflection. From Zhang Jian to Rong Yiren, they all based their lives on the local land, took industry as their foundation, loved their careers, ran their enterprises well, practiced industry for the country and industrial power, and truly created wealth. After earning money, they actively returned to society with a mindset of helping the world and the people, and carried out livelihood undertakings such as education, charity, and public services. They used all their money to benefit the local development and feed hundreds of thousands of the general public. For this reason, after experiencing great challenges and challenges, it has become increasingly important to demonstrate the exemplary values of patriotic entrepreneurs and the exemplary nature of national entrepreneurs, which has been respected by future generations.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to "build a modern industrial system" and "adhere to the focus of economic development on the real economy and promote new industrialization".

Capital is an important factor of production in the socialist market economy. Regulating and guiding the development of capital under the conditions of socialist market economy is not only a major economic issue, but also a major political issue. Capital has a profit seeking nature. If entrepreneurs are eager to break free from reality and pursue the windfall of capital, and even satisfy their own selfish desires by plundering the money in the hands of the country and the people, it will inevitably lead to the hollowing out of the country and social division, which will be the greatest misfortune of society. From the perspective of national governance, we must strengthen anti-monopoly, prevent disorderly expansion of capital, effectively prevent risks, and maintain fair market competition. In particular, we must focus on preventing and resolving financial risks, overcome the tendency of the economy to become unrealistic, and focus on solving non-performing asset risks and foam risks. It must be recognized that capital has a profit seeking nature, and if not regulated and constrained, it will bring incalculable harm to economic and social development. To standardize and guide the development of capital, establish "traffic lights". From the perspective of the social responsibility of entrepreneurs, we must learn from the excellent qualities of modern and contemporary ethnic entrepreneurs who save the country through industry and pay attention to the national economy and people's livelihood. We must fully recognize that the value creation and savage growth of capital stem from their profit seeking nature. Only by consciously accepting supervision and preventing the savage growth of capital can we avoid being backfired and develop healthily. On the other hand, enterprises have both economic and legal responsibilities, as well as social and moral responsibilities. Any enterprise that exists in society is a social enterprise. Society is the stage for entrepreneurs to showcase their talents. Only entrepreneurs who sincerely repay society and fulfill their social responsibilities can truly be recognized by society and meet the requirements of the times.

4. honesty and abiding by the law is the foundation of entrepreneurs

Although modern national entrepreneurs are in troubled times, they can adhere to the principle of honesty, law-abiding management and philosophy of life. In the process of coal promotion, Liu Hongsheng always insists on pricing according to quality, credit and quality and quantity. For example, Liu Hongsheng uses the newly established coal laboratory to provide users with reference for the data obtained. The boiler technology room is responsible for checking the boiler equipment for users, providing improvement plans and methods to save coal. "Everyone eats when you have food" is a principle that Liu Hongsheng often says in business. "If you want to make a fortune, you must let your peers, your runners and distributors make a small fortune." "The stupidest person is thinking of making a fortune and calling others unlucky." Under the guidance of this principle, Liu Hongsheng in coal sales, "his first consideration is to give the street and dealers with generous benefits, so that they are willing to sell. In the operation of the terminal, establish a complete set of management system and safety and health facilities, so that the goods storage in good condition, such as the discovery of deterioration, deterioration phenomenon, timely notification to the owner to deal".

Modern and contemporary ethnic entrepreneurs can also handle official business relationships correctly and cherish their social image. Zhang Jian resolutely gave up his career and returned to his hometown to establish the Dasheng Textile Factory. He was once known as the richest man in Nantong, but he called himself "stingy" - meaning "stingy". He always maintains a frugal lifestyle and demands that his family be diligent and frugal in their household management. He went to Changle in go home, or to the company, mostly on foot or by unicycle. He said in his letter to his family, "Ordinary people's household expenses, if they come and go equally, are not enough to prepare for extreme urgency. If they go too far, it is even more unsuitable for the way of managing the household." This tells his family the principle of diligence and frugality at home.

After completing his apprenticeship at the bank, Rong Desheng had the greatest desire to become an official. However, Rong Xitai repeatedly warned Rong Desheng, "Small officials cannot do it, big officials do not have this talent. If you can focus on business, you can also develop." Rong Desheng admired and imitated Mr. Zhang Jian everywhere, using industry as the foundation, developing Wuxi, building bridges and roads, and promoting education and talent cultivation. He has a simple and humble personal life, but is extremely generous towards public welfare. Among the outstanding students of the Rong brothers at the Public Welfare Business School founded in Wuxi are scientist Qian Weichang and economist Sun Yefang. Among the full-time professors hired by Jiangnan University, founded solely by Rongjia, are Qian Mu, Mou Zongsan, and Tang Junyi, all of whom have made pioneering contributions to modern Neo Confucianism. The Kuomintang regime has been heavily embroiled in the Rong family enterprise, and Rong Desheng Rong Zongjing has a clear conscience and still insists on operating the enterprise. Rong Desheng firmly refused to leave his homeland, believing that he had never done anything wrong in his life and would never escape to a foreign country. Never do anything wrong is not only the bottom line of being a person, but also the bottom line and conscience of entrepreneurs!

The business environment faced by today's entrepreneurs is incomparable to that of modern and contemporary ethnic entrepreneurs, but integrity and law-abiding are still the foundation of entrepreneurship. "Sincerity is the way of heaven; thinking of sincerity is the way of man." Without faith, people stand firm, and this is especially true for enterprises and entrepreneurs. The socialist market economy is a credit economy and a rule of law economy. Entrepreneurs need to deal with all aspects and mobilize various resources such as people, finance, and materials. Without integrity, it is difficult to move forward. Due to various reasons, some enterprises still have a lot of dishonesty and even violations in their business activities. What is particularly alarming at present is that a small number of entrepreneurs are willing to become weavers of unfair social relationships, enthusiastic about power and money transactions, commercial bribery, and even proclaim that "we are hunters, leaders are prey" and "in our eyes, he is a tool for us to obtain benefits". Through "hunting" leadership and power, illegal exchange of interests is achieved, which not only damages the relationship between pro Qing government and business and the legal and fair business environment, but also seriously pollutes the political ecology and damages social atmosphere.

At present, the private economy and entrepreneurs in China are facing some difficulties that are realistic and even quite severe. Some are the result of changes in the international economic environment, some are the result of China's economy shifting from a high-speed growth stage to a high-quality development stage, some are the result of inadequate policy implementation, but there are also reasons for the entrepreneurs themselves. During the period of rapid economic growth, some private enterprises and entrepreneurs operate more extensively and are enthusiastic about expanding their scale. They have high debts and face non-standard, unstable, and even non compliant and legal issues in areas such as environmental protection, social security, quality, safety, and credit. Under the background of strengthening supervision and law enforcement, they will inevitably face great pressure. To overcome these difficulties, we cannot rely on crooked ways to "hunt" leaders and power to obtain resources, we cannot rely on leveraging to obtain bank funds, and we cannot rely on disorderly capital expansion to plunder people's wealth. Today's entrepreneurs should cherish their social image, practice socialist core values, promote entrepreneurial spirit, and be a model of patriotism, law-abiding operation, entrepreneurship and innovation, and returning to society. The consciousness of rule of law, the spirit of contract, and the concept of compliance are important norms of modern economic activities, as well as important requirements for credit economy and rule of law economy. Entrepreneurs should set an example of integrity and law-abiding, and drive the improvement of the moral quality and civilization level of the whole society. Entrepreneurs should uphold integrity and follow the right path, concentrate on running their businesses, abide by laws and regulations, and improve their competitiveness through legal compliance. Law-abiding operation is a principle that every entrepreneur must abide by and also the path to long-term development.

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