Effectively promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the private economy has been repeatedly emphasized and fully affirmed

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 13:50 PM

On July 19th, the announcement of the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy immediately aroused a warm response from all sectors of society, especially private enterprises. The central government has once again "supported" the development of private economy, and directly hit the difficult, urgent and painful points facing the current private economy. The "problem targeting" is accurate and the measures are very awesome, removing obstacles and supporting the new development of private economy.

Relaxing market access and fully stimulating vitality

The biggest characteristic of the development of China's private economy is its large quantity, high proportion, and significant impact on various aspects of society, economy, politics, and people's livelihood. The total number of private enterprises in China has exceeded 50 million, with 119 million individual businesses. The prosperous development of the private economy is one of the major achievements of reform and opening up, reflecting the wise and correct basic economic system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Party's basic line.

In a series of guiding documents such as the Decision of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, as well as the reports of the 19th and 20th National Congresses, the important position and role of the private economy in China's economic and social development have been fully affirmed, and the two unwavering principles have been repeatedly emphasized and reiterated.In recent years, there has been a new increase in these important proportion data. In December 2019, the central government issued the "28 Measures for the Reform and Development of Private Enterprises", which required "to fully implement policy measures to relax market access for private enterprises, continuously track and regularly evaluate the implementation of relevant market access policies, comprehensively investigate and systematically clean up various explicit and implicit barriers." At the same time, it also required "to open up competitive businesses in key industries and fields such as electricity, telecommunications, railways, oil, and natural gas, further introduce market competition mechanisms," and "to significantly relax market access in infrastructure, social undertakings, financial services, and other fields.".

The "31 Measures" issued by the central government this time clearly stipulate the "Three Prohibitions" list: "Access barriers shall not be set or indirectly set in the form of filing, registration, annual inspection, recognition, certification, designation, or requirement to establish branch offices", "Government service matters shall not be converted into intermediary service matters", "Without legal and regulatory basis, enterprises shall not be required to conduct self testing, inspection, certification, appraisal, notarization, or provide proof before government service."; At the same time, we will strengthen closed-loop management, improve the complaint and response mechanism for market access barriers, and improve the system for collecting and reporting typical cases. We will eliminate various hidden barriers and "backdoor ties", further optimize a stable, fair, transparent, and predictable development environment, and fully stimulate the vitality of the private economy.

Boost market confidence and shape good expectations

Compared to public ownership, especially state-owned economy, the current private economy is a newly emerged non-public economy, which is another characteristic of China's private economy. In recent years, due to the negative impact of the epidemic and the external international environment, the development of the private economy has been damaged, confidence has been undermined, corporate expectations have been bleak, and the willingness of private investment has declined. It is obvious that the best way to boost corporate confidence and stabilize market expectations is to strengthen and improve the rule of law. The rule of law is an inherent requirement of a market economy, which is the fundamental guarantee for maintaining fair competition, protecting the rights and interests of enterprises and entrepreneurs, avoiding abuse of power, reducing social system costs, and promoting healthy economic development. The Central Committee's "31 Articles" document specifically emphasizes the prevention and correction of the use of administrative or criminal means to intervene in economic disputes in the judicial process; In terms of regulation and law enforcement, it is necessary to "enhance the stability and predictability of regulatory systems and policies", "improve regulatory fairness, standardization, and simplicity; eliminate selective law enforcement and allow enterprises to" self prove their innocence "regulatory methods"; In terms of fair competition, we will strengthen the anti monopoly law enforcement to prevent the abuse of administrative power and eliminate restrictions on competition. We will regularly launch a negative list of market intervention behaviors and promptly clean up and abolish policies that hinder unified markets and fair competition, such as local protection, market segmentation, and designated transactions. This fully reflects the strong determination and powerful measures of the central government to eliminate improper administrative intervention, strengthen and improve the rule of law environment, boost the confidence of private enterprises, and reshape good market expectations.

Respect market laws and effectively solve problems

Another characteristic of private enterprises in our country is that they are mainly small and medium-sized enterprises, accounting for over 90%. The vast number of private small and medium-sized enterprises involve thousands of households and are an important driving force for promoting innovation, employment, and improving people's livelihoods. They are also an indispensable link in China's economic industry chain, supply chain, and innovation chain. Currently, one of the most urgent challenges for private small and medium-sized enterprises is the difficulty of receiving payments and the problem of funding chains. On July 5, 2020, the State Council issued the "Regulations on Ensuring Payment of Funds for Small and Medium sized Enterprises", which clearly required government agencies, public institutions, and large enterprises to make timely payments to small and medium-sized enterprises. The "31 Measures" issued by the central government once again emphasize that "government agencies, public institutions, and large enterprises are not allowed to refuse or delay payment to small and medium-sized enterprises on the grounds of changing internal personnel, fulfilling internal payment processes, or waiting for completion acceptance approval, final accounting audit, etc. in the absence of contract agreements." At the same time, a long-term mechanism for preventing and resolving arrears of accounts to small and medium-sized enterprises should be established, and systems such as "regular disclosure of arrears of accounts", "strengthened disclosure of commercial bill information", "complaint handling and credit supervision of arrears of accounts", "clearance and audit, supervision, and inspection of arrears of accounts" should be strengthened and improved. The central government implements a dual approach to clearing accounts receivable of small and medium-sized enterprises, which not only solves existing problems but also strengthens long-term mechanisms.

Create a good atmosphere and dispel any worries in the future

Another characteristic of the development of China's private economy is that it is not only influenced by the market and policy environment, but also frequently influenced by public opinion. For a period of time, there have been many inappropriate comments on the private economy in the public opinion field, such as the "exit theory of private economy" and "the theory of the country advancing and the people retreating". These public opinion atmospheres have deeply damaged the confidence in the development of the private economy. China's reform and opening up is a process of seeking truth from facts, liberating the mind, and overcoming ideological barriers. However, there are always some voices who hold prejudices against the market and private economy, unilaterally amplifying some negative issues in economic development, and forming a very bad guiding effect in the public opinion field.At the special meetings of the Central Political Bureau on economic work on April 28 and July 24 this year, the Party Central Committee repeatedly emphasized the adherence to the basic principles of "two unwavering";

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